
征文 | 2018东亚社会政策研究网络年会

2017-11-07 爱知学者





会议地点:University of Bristol, UK


Call forPapaers


The 15th East Asian Social Policy(EASP) Research Network Annual Conference


'Social Policy in Post-Growth East Asia'


5-6 July2018 at the University of Bristol, UK


Two decadeshave passed since the Asian Financial Crisis, many East Asian societiesnow share similar post-growth characteristics such as low economic growth,precarious labour markets, ageing of the population, and decliningmarriage and fertility rates. One of the outcomes is widening socialstratification. Within such post-growth social context, the 2018 conferencewill examine the impact of social, economic and demographic changes on socialpolicy and consider challenges facing the region. We encourage paperswhich engage with theoretical, empirical and practical aspects.Comparative analysis within and across East Asia and beyond isparticularly welcome. We also welcome papers by postgraduatestudents, early-career researchers, as well as established scholarsworking in the field of social policy on East Asia.


The conferenceconsists of the following streams as well as other aspects of socialpolicy (open stream) within post-growth social context:

Stream 1: Welfare states and welfare regimes

Stream 2: Governance, democracy and participation

Stream 3: Migration, citizenship and diversity

Stream 4: Family and care

Stream 5: Health and well-being

Stream 6: Poverty and social exclusion

Stream 7: Education

Stream 8: Ageing and the life-course

Stream 9: Work, labour market and security

Stream 10: Housing and urbanisation

Stream 11: Social protection

Stream 12: Economic and environmental sustainability

Stream 13: Open stream


Those whowish to present a paper at the conference shouldsubmit a 250 word abstract to the Network (EASP2018@hotmail.com) byMonday 12 March 2018. In your abstract, pleaseinclude information such as 1) title of paper; 2) author name/s(highlighting a corresponding author for joint paper); 3) name of affiliatedinstitution; 4) email address; and also clearly indicate the name of the streamin which you want to present your paper.

We also welcomepanel proposals which address vital and relevant issues in relation to themain theme. Those wishing to organise a panel should submit a proposalwhich includes the title and objective of the panel (250 words), the details ofpanel organiser(s) and all participating members, along with abstracts of threeor four papers.



· ・ Submissionof paper abstract: 12 March 2018

· ・ Notificationof applicants: 31 March 2018

· ・ Earlybooking and registration starts from 1 April 2018


If you have any queries, pleasecontact EASP at EASP2018@hotmail.com


EASP is a regional association forfacilitating research exchange among social policy analysts and providing aforum and network of communication for the development of social policy in EastAsia and beyond. For further detail, please visit http://welfareasia.org



Dr Misa Izuhara

Reader in Comparative PolicyResearch

Centre for Urban and Public PolicyResearch

School for Policy Studies

University of Bristol

8 Priory Road

Bristol UK BS8 1TZ

T: +44(0)117 9545576

E: M.Izuhara@bristol.ac.uk        Follow: @MisaIzuhara


Co-Editor,the Journal of Social Policy

Co-Editor Edward Elgar New Horizons in Social Policy Book Series

Chair, the East Asian Social Policy(EASP) Research Network


