征文 | 第六届国际社会科学研究生会议
会议主题:“文化、移民和身份——面向21世纪”(Culture, Migration, and Identity)
2018年4月20日,第六届国际社会科学研究生会议将会在香港浸会大学举行,本届国际社会科学研究生会议的主题是“文化、移民和身份——面向21世纪”(Culture, Migration, and Identity)。
Prof. LAN Pei-Chia(蓝佩嘉), Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University
Prof. Elaine HO Lynn-Ee, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
6th Graduate Student Conference on
Culture, Migration, and Identity: Entering the 21st Century
At the turn of the 21st century, migration emerged as a large-scale phenomenon throughout the world. The volume and dynamics of international migration, whether permanent or semi-permanent changes of residency, result in economic, social, political and cultural changes. These, in turn, affect the spaces in which migrants gain membership and identity through a process of legitimate peripheral participation. Given the size and scale of migration flows and the possibility for cultural misunderstandings, structural inequalities, and conflict inherent in the emergence of diverse, multi-ethnic societies around the world, there may be a need to build an awareness of the complex interrelationships between culture, migration, and identity. Similarly, identifying the relative empirical support that will be needed for each theoretical scheme and integrating the schemes in light of this evaluation will be critical. Through this conference, we hope to develop knowledge and establish a blueprint for explicating the dynamic realities of culture, migration, and identity, and clarifying their underlying assumptions and key propositions within the context of migration flows in the 21st century. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Globalization of migration
The impact of culture, power, and migration on changing identities
Geography, culture, and migration
Rethinking migration and international relations
History migration across time and space
Migration and Sociology
Future trends of implications of migration in Asia
Travel Grants
The Conference Organising Committee has set up a limited number of Travel Awards to support young scholars and graduate students travelling from Mainland China, other Asian and overseas countries to attend and present paper in the conference.
To be eligible for the award, applicant must:
- Complete the online registration and submit the abstract in accordance with the required format through the online registration system no later than 10 January 2018;
- Submit the completed “Travel Award Application Form” and send to the
conference organising committee by email soscrpgconf@project.hkbu.edu.hk
no later than 10 January 2018;
- Attend and present a paper in the conference on 20 April 2018.
Number of Awards and Award Amount
The travel award amount is dependent upon the travel destination, ranging from HK$500 to a maximum of HK$5,000
For more details: http://sosc.hkbu.edu.hk/en/6thconf