
报名 | 2018年亚际文化研究暑期学校

2018-01-13 爱知学者





会议地点:印度 加尔各答


2018年亚际文化研究暑期学校将在印度思想、政治、文学、电影等方面最具代表性的城市加尔各答(Calcutta)举行,由贾达普大学电影研究系(Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University)主办。为期两周的多学科课程以“加尔各答:城市/同时代”(Calcutta: City/Contemporaneity)为切入点,使用其旧称(2001年后改为Kolkata)也有意表明这座港口城市作为英属印度首都的历史,以及贯穿整个20世纪印度围绕殖民主义、民族主义、隔离制度等方面的激烈辩论和文学艺术表达。


Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Summer School 2018 @ Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Dates: 18- 29 JUNE 2018.


Think modernism, political strife, street fighting, literature, theatre, and cinema – and think one Indian city. This Summer School is set in, and is about, one of the most emblematic of them all: Calcutta. Returning to the original name before it was changed in 2001, we refer to the colonial port city that was once capital of British India, and the city where, through the twentieth century, some of the most intense debates in history were played out: around colonialism, nationalism, partition, suffering, refugeehood, along side its intense articulation through literature, theatre and cinema.


Calcutta: City/Contemporaneity is a two-week multidisciplinary Summer School hosted by the Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University, which celebrates its 25th Anniversary in 2018. The School uses several converging spaces that make up the moving image across South Asia both physically and metaphorically meaningful. From College Street, the local book publishing area, to famous ‘Tollywood’ movie studios, and from the Kalighat temple, site of one of India’s best known ‘bazaar’ painting traditions, we engage with spaces where modern public life emerged, and morphed into new spaces for making and distributing diverse cultural contents. On the way we will encounter architecture, film, contemporary literary modes, public art, musical forms, television, video and other media, from print through to digital.


The course features several contemporary debates that have informed the city’s intellectual traditions as much as they have defined the spaces of their action: its streets and public spaces, its coffee houses, bazaars, and its universities. Lectures on scholarship on the city, its political history, culture, and contemporary media practices, will take place alongside walks in actual spaces showing how Calcutta’s twentieth century unfolded, and where its key present-day struggles lie. While the city’s past and present will be the main focus, our sessions will address the intense Inter-Asia links and will include discussions of comparable Asian locations such as Dhaka, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Seoul, Manila, Taipei and other ports and cities.


Speakers include Partha Chatterjee, M. Madhava Prasad, Tejaswini Niranjana, Stephen Chan, Melani Budianta, Soyoung Kim, Moinak Biswas, Abhijit Roy, Firdous Azim, Kuan-Hsing Chen, Ashish Rajadhyaksha, Nishant Shah, Madhuja Mukherjee, Audrey Yue, Naifei Ding, Tapati Guha-Thakurta, and many others.


Coordinator: Madhuja Mukherjee, Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University (email: madhuja_m@yahoo.co.in)

Summer School Team: Subhajit Chatterjee and Arijeet Mandal.


Departmental faculty: Moinak Biswas, Abhijit Roy, Anindya Sengupta, Manas Ghosh, Subhajit Chatterjee, Shradhanjali Tamang, Arijeet Mandal, Madhuja Mukherjee.




Course fees:

USD 200 for international participants.

This would include ‘double-sharing’ accommodation at Jadavpur University Guest House (June 17th check-in, June 30th check-out), welcome dinner, lunches (during classes/ week days), tea/ coffee, and transportation for most off-campus tours.


USD 100 for local participants. (Local participants will not be offered accommodation).


Fee Waiver: Very limited ‘Fee Waiver’ is available for those in need.

(In such cases the participants will not be offered accommodation. However, we can help you find cheap/ reasonable accommodation).


Note, IACS Society will not be able to support your travel.


Important Dates:

  • Application deadline – 2nd February 2018

  • Acceptance announcement – 24th February 2018

  • Deadline of offer confirmation by students – 24th March 2018


Application Procedure:

Please provide the following information in your application form and send it to the IACSS Society Office by email to iacss@ln.edu.hk before 2nd February 2018

  1. Name, age, sex

  2. Affiliated Institution and current programme of study / teaching position

  3. Areas of academic / research interests

  4. Have you participated in previous IACSS Summer Schools? If yes, where and when?

  5. Reasons for joining this particular Summer School

  6. Expectations from this Summer School

  7. Reference letter from your supervisor /an appropriate senior colleague (Please attach pdf )

  8. If you need fee waiver please write to us about your needs.

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