

2018-03-19 爱知学者





会议地点:巴西 弗洛里亚诺波利斯




The International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations (ICEHO) invites proposals for the 3rd World Congress of Environmental History, to be held in 22-26 July 2019 in Florianópolis, Brasil.






Convergences: The Global South and the Global North in the Era of Great Acceleration

Host: The Federal University of Santa Catarina (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC)




主办方:圣卡特琳娜联邦大学(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC)


The 3rd World Congress of Environmental History invites scholars from different disciplines to situate environmental history in a planetary perspective. The categories “Global South” and “Global North” are historically-charged, created in the 20th century. They point to the diversity and the inequality of past and present human societies, and how they have transformed their landscapes, exploited natural resources, and connected with each other. The challenges posed by these connections and the dynamics of human and non-human communities have gained urgency in what has been called the Era of Great Acceleration. From their historical studies of rivers, cities, mountains, forests and plantations, to world transmigration narratives for plants, animals, diseases, people and commodities, historians and other environmental humanities scholars add to the debate on how to address the environmental challenges of the 21st century. The program committee seeks to further discussions that cross disciplinary or conceptual divides in new ways. We especially invite proposals that span gender, generational, and geographic differences among presenters as well as topics.






The program committee invites panel, roundtable, individual paper, and poster proposals for the congress. We prefer to receive complete session proposals but will endeavor to construct sessions from proposals for individual presentations. Sessions will be scheduled for 1.5 hours. No single presentation should exceed 15 minutes, and each roundtable presentation should be significantly shorter than that, as roundtables are designed to maximize discussion among the speakers and with the audience. Commentators are allowed but not required.




The program committee encourages non-conventional sessions that experiment with creative formats, such as hands-on workshops, tool demonstrations, and open discussion forums. To submit a proposal for an experimental session, please provide a 300-word abstract describing the activity.




To maximize participation, we encourage session proposals with more participants giving shorter presentations (e.g., four presenters at 12 minutes each). Please note that individuals can be a primary presenter in only one panel, roundtable, or other session proposal, but can also serve as chair or commentator in a second session proposal.




A limited number of travel bursaries will be available for students and junior scholars.






To submit a proposal, see:



Deadline for submissions: 10 September 2018



All presenters and other participants are expected to register for the annual meeting. Membership in ICEHO is not required. If you have any questions, please contact: wceh2019@gmail.com


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