
【招生】第十届国际联合暑期班(IJSS 2018)

爱知学者 2019-05-10

第十届国际联合暑期班(IJSS 2018)







2018年7月16-20日,第十届全英文国际联合暑期班(The 10th International Joint Summer School 2018)将在中国传媒大学举行。


本届暑期班的主题为“回到未来:中国传播研究四十年”(Back to the Future: China Communication Studies at 40),将邀请来自四所主办高校和其他知名院校的传播研究各个相关领域的代表性学者,就中国传播研究的历史、当下与未来进行总结和反思,目的是展现一个动态、开放而具有国际视野的中国传播学术图景。









Call for Participants 

The 10th International Joint Summer School (2018)

Back to the Future: China Communication Studies at 40


July 16-20, 2018

Beijing, China



The National Centre for Communication Innovation Studies, Communication University of China

School of Communication, Simon Fraser University

The Communication and Media Research Institute, University of Westminster

School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


The National Centre for Communication Innovation Studies

Communication University of China


Special Support

University Think-Tank Union (UTTU)


Media Support



On its 10thanniversary, the International Joint Summer School in 2018 will concentrate on the commemoration and reflection of the 40 years’ history of communication studies in reform-era China. As an integral part of the historical process of rebuilding China’s social sciences, communication studies emerged as an autonomous discipline with support by the marketization of media and ICTs industries, the articulation between reform-oriented Party Journalism scholarship and imported/translated mass communication theories mainly from the US, and the recognition of its professional importance by the State. If what Wilbur Schramm brought to Chinese journalism scholars in early 1980s was a scientific, de-politicized and developmentalist disciplinary notion of what communication studies ought to be in an increasingly media saturated society, Chinese journalism and communication scholars have devoted themselves, on the one hand, to incorporate selected western theories into the interpretation of media reform in China, and on the other, to seek for indigenous theoretical elements to respond to the blind spot and counterbalance the bias embedded in the western frameworks. Furthermore, against the backdrop of enlarged and enhanced global academic exchange, a new trend has emerged that an increasing number of universities, research institutions, associations, and individuals from China is looking for international expression, publication and partnership. This is particularly important for Chinese universities to build their global reputation as required by the new state policy named Building World Class Universities and Disciplines(Shuangyiliu) announced by Chinese government in 2015.


Concerning the dynamics of communication studies in China as both an enclosing discipline and an open and trans-disciplinary space in nature, the 10th edition of IJSS will integrate historical reflections, future prospects and scrutiny of different sub-fields in pursuit of a broader understanding of how communication studies could be in China and its corresponding contribution to the international academia. Topics for discussion will include but not limited to:


  • Remapping the history of communication studies

  • Rethinking the foundation and structure of communication studies as a discipline

  • Karl Marx and his relevance to communication studies

  • The relations between journalism and communication studies

  • The role of Chinese communication scholars in international academic community

  • Multiplying research methods beyond a quantitative-qualitative dichotomy in China

  • Communication studies and media/ICTs industries

  • Communication studies and the Party-State

  • Communication studies and transitional Chinese society

  • The Belt and Road Initiative and its relevance to communication studies

  • Technological revolution and media development

  • Certainties and uncertainties in media regulation 

  • China’s media go global and global media come to China


Since 2009, the previous nine editions of IJSS were held successively in the following institutions and places, Communication University of China in Beijing (2009-2012), Simon Fraser University in Vancouver (2013), National Institute of Development Administration in Bangkok (2014), School of Media and Communication at Inner Mongolia Normal University in Hohhot (2015), Heyang Institute for Rural Studies in Lishui (2016), and Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College in Zhuhai (2017). In the summer of 2018, the 10th International Joint Summer School will return to Beijing, its birthplace.


Speakers for the IJSS 2018 will come from the four sponsors, namely Communication University of China, Simon Fraser University, University of Westminster, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as other leading universities in China and beyond. Each speaker will contribute to the reflection of 40 years’ communication studies in China from their distinctive academic background, including philosophy of technology, history, sociology of knowledge, political economy, cultural studies, gender studies, journalism, international and intercultural communication, computational social sciences, etc. The draft program including confirmed speakers will be announced around the middle of June.




The enrollment will be limited to 30 participants to ensure that we have an intimate and interactive environment.


Prospective participants are required to fill out an application form (see below) accompanied by a statement of research interests, both of which should be sent to ijss2018@qq.com before June 15. The provision of other supporting documents will be appreciated, such as an up-to-date CV or relevant academic publications. Early submission is recommended. Evaluation and notification of the acceptance will be made on a rolling basis no later than June 20.


The IJSS is free of charge, however, participants will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by emailing jideqiang@cuc.edu.cn (Dr. Deqiang Ji, CUC)

2018 International Joint Summer School 

Application Form





Institutional Affiliation







Educational Background

Name of Institution


Degree Granted

/Expected Date

Research Interests




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