

爱知学者 2022-09-13



The Esherick-Ye Family Foundation was only established in  2016.  Our history is accordingly very brief.  The Foundation was formed by Joseph W. Esherick and Ye Wa so that they could use their modest savings to support the sort of scholarship to which they have devoted their lives. To Esherick and Ye , there is no higher praise for scholarly work than “solid.”  Careful, empirically based, clearly reasoned scholarship is far more valuable than work with the superficial appeal that comes with novelty or clever speculation. This is the sort of work that Esherick encouraged from the students he mentored at UCSD, and that Ye Wa has promoted in archaeology. The Foundation hopes, in the years to come, to continue to promote this sort of research in the China field through small grants to young scholars. There will be annual competitions for small grants, with deadlines for applications in January, and grantees and their projects announced each spring.

What We Do

EYFF grants of up to $6000 are generally intended to support travel to China for archival research and/or fieldwork on topics focused on modern Chinese economic, social and political history or the archaeology of China. Grants may be used to supplement other research funding, especially when the alternative funding restricts research in more than one location. In light of the pandemic, in the 2022 competition the Board is also open to proposals that involve travel to archives, resources or research locations outside of China but necessary for work on the above topics.  The Board will pay particular attention to the feasibility of the project in the context of the global pandemic and related regulations that may limit research access.  Keeping in mind the unpredictability of the research environment in China, applicants are encouraged to include contingency plans if the primary research plan proves impossible.

Application Procedures

Fellowship Application and Review Process

Note on 2022 competition:

Applications  for the 2022 competition are now available.  Applications and supporting materials are due on March 1, 2022 and the Board intends to announce results in May 2022.

Eligibility: To be eligible, an applicant must be a graduate student or untenured faculty member conducting research on modern Chinese history or the archaeology of China at a university or college.

Solicitation of Applications: The Foundation board will solicit applications by contacting universities with programs in Chinese studies and by posting information on relevant online sites and bulletin boards, such as those operated by the Association for Asian Studies and H-Asia. Solicitations will be made annually in the fall and will specify the objectives and requirements that apply. Application forms and instructions will be available online at the Foundation website as part of the funding opportunity announcement.

Application: Applicants will be required to submit:

  • A completed application form

  • A description (1000-2000 words) of proposed activities

  • A proposed budget for use of the fellowship award funds

  • A brief description of other funding received or applied for in relation to the project and an explanation of how the Foundation funding will complement that support

  • A professional curriculum vitae

  • Transcript of graduate courses taken and grades earned (graduate students only)

  • Two academic letters of recommendation

  • Affirmation that the information submitted is true and correct.

Applications will be submitted through upload at the Foundation website.

Application Review and Approval Process: All applications will be submitted to the Foundation Board of Directors as a whole for evaluation and selection.  Should any Board member find that an application gives rise to a conflict interest, such member shall notify the Board and recuse him or herself from discussion of, and voting on, the merits of that application.

The criteria upon which selections will be made consist of:
  • The importance, feasibility, and promise of the proposed research project as determined by the expertise of the Board, the quality and detail of the proposal, the precision and reasonableness of the budget request, and the academic strength of the applicant.

  • The contribution that the proposed research will make to our knowledge of modern Chinese economic, social, and political history or the archaeology of ancient China.

  • Applicant’s demonstrated capacity to successfully complete the proposed project based on his or her academic record, recommendations, and the quality of application.

  • COVID note: In the 2022 competition, the Board will be open to proposals that do not involve travel to China, and will pay particular attention to the feasibility of the project in the context of the global pandemic and related regulations that may limit research access.  Keeping in mind the unpredictability of the research environment in China, applicants are encouraged to include contingency plans if the primary research plan proves impossible.

The Board will review all complete applications but will be under no obligation to approve any applicants if no applicant meets the selection criteria. The Board shall ensure that proposed budget expenses of awardees include only those expenses reasonably related to the proposed research project and shall have the authority to contact the applicant to adjust budget items as appropriate. Each Board member will rank the applicants independently and deliberate to make a final selection.

Notification: The Foundation will notify recipients of approval by post and/or electronic mail. Notification will be accompanied by a fellowship agreement letter to be executed through countersignature by the applicant. The Foundation will be under no legal obligation to distribute funds until it has received an executed fellowship agreement.

Contact Us

Inquiries may be sent to: info@esherick-yefoundation.org


论文结集出版:会议主办方会以图书的形式出版论文集 | 期刊支持:会议与学术期刊合作或开设专栏收稿 | 推荐发表:会议主办方会将部分优秀论文推荐给期刊发表 | 跨学科:面向多个学科征稿 | 其他关键词还有面向本科生、面向研究生、面向博士生以及各学科专业名词

【C扩】CSSCI 扩展版目录(2021-2022)
【TSSCI】TSSCI 台湾社会科学引文索引期刊


