
Chinese Internet Humor in Face of the Coronavirus

JasmineJM SilkMandarin 2020-08-23

Wednesday saw 1,737 new confirmed cases infected by Coronavirus, including the first confirmed case in Tibet autonomous region, 4,148 new suspected cases, and 38 deaths - 37 in Hubei province and one in Sichuan province.

Also on Wednesday, 131 patients were seriously ill, and 21 people were discharged from hospital after recovery.

The whole country is on high alert to fight against the virus. However, the Chinese population has tried to keep themselves entertained despite the seriousness of the Coronavirus outbreak. There are many videos and pictures floating around the internet to try to make light of the current situation.   

I chose some classic ones here to share with you. Let's check out the optimism with a Chinese style!

Chinese New Year is all about getting out of the house to pay a visit to family and friends. However, with a sudden alarm of the virus, everyone needs to cancel their plans and stay at home. 

Nobody has prepared well for such a long boring time of the holiday. For example, some started to count raisins at home:

This picture ignited Weibo netizens to join the topic to show themselves bored at home. 

The video below has many examples. The residents in Wuhan are under more serious quarantine. They have started communicating from their confines by shouting/chatting from their balconiesSome families have invented living room games such as ring toss to entertain themselves. For family gathering this year, people have to pay a visit via a digital way

See the video below:

Most young people say, with a sudden prolonged holiday at home, the most terrible moment every day is the mealtime as they just stay home, relax, and barely consume much energy👇👇

What else can you do to kill the time every day and night? You probably won't believe this but, over 47 million people are watching the live streaming video of two mobile hospitals being built in Wuhan which is for treating the patients infected by the Coronavirus and supposed to finish in 2 weeks.

The countryside parts of China also contributes lots of fun during this special time. The biggest challenge for the village admin is to ask older villagers to stay indoors as the elders can't keep up to date with the situation on the internet. It is difficult because they are the last group of people that you can convince to break the tradition of not visiting relatives during the Spring Festival.

A solution, the village admin tried to fly drones or yell by broadcasting to convince villagers to stay home👇


For the past week, the whole Chinese Internet has been praising the village admin's hard work to keep persuading people to stay home. Normally the countryside of China is behind the sanitation understanding of big cities, so it is important for village admin help bringing this up to a higher standard.

All the above have been some of the humorous highlights on the Chinese Internet during the last few days. People are making jokes of themselves when they get bored indoors, which is actually the best thing that every ordinary person can do while in self-quarantine to support the country!

Pray for Wuhan and China  

