
【SAT·JUN·26th】#thefutureof [Spirituality] - 米氏论坛 M TALKS

MGlam魅蓝 2022-04-13

Saturday, June 26th, 4-6pm
周六, 6月26日, 魅蓝GLAM, 下午4-6点
The Future of [Spirituality]

M Glam invites you to join in a smart, fun, and thought-provoking conversation about #thefutureof [Spirituality], the human quest for meaning. Over the past several decades the West has witnessed a profound growth in the search for meaning outside traditional faiths. All over the world people are turning to Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong and mindfulness practices to improve their health and lifestyles, and also to find purpose for their lives outside the pressures of work and family. 

Talk &Themed Cocktails & Canapés
280rmb per person
Limited early bird @ 250rmb per person

Talk & Themed Cocktails & Canapés
& dinner with the speakers & organizers
550rmb per person

M Glam 魅蓝
7F, No.5 The Bund, Shanghai

* Tickets are not refundable, but are transferable

Today, the situation in China in many ways is no different. Many wealthy Chinese people are turning to Tibetan Buddhism, Yoga, Fengshui and other practices to meet the demands for meaning and purpose that consumerism cannot satisfy. Through the discovery (or rediscovery) of these traditional practices, Chinese people are reconnecting with their cultural roots and also diversifying their spiritual interests in a broader marketplace. 

Where has this resurgence of interest in spirituality come from, and what is its future? How has the engagement between Asia and the West been enabled by a century-long encounter between its spiritual traditions? How is the traffic in cultures and values connected to the traffic in goods and services? How will #thefutureof spirituality contribute to the continued engagement between China and the West?

Join Professors James Miller and Ben Van Overmeire for a fascinating un-lecture about #thefutureof spirituality in the relaxing and beautiful surroundings of M Glam. Over stimulating cocktails and delicious canapés you will join with friends old and new in dialogue and conversation. Everyone is welcome. 

James Miller is Professor of Humanities, Co-Director of the Humanities Research Center and Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Strategy at Duke Kunshan University. He is known worldwide as a scholar of Taoism, and has published seven books and numerous essays related to Chinese philosophy, religion and culture. James is also a founding member of #thefutureof team. 

Ben Van Overmeire is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Duke Kunshan University. Fluent in Japanese and Chinese, he is an expert in contemporary Zen Buddhism and is currently completing a book manuscript on modern autobiographical narratives of Zen life. He is a steering member of the Buddhist Pedagogy seminar at the American Academy of Religion, and blogs on benvanovermeire.com and tweets @Zenmirrors.

#thefutureof is a project founded by Shanghai community leaders in partnership with Duke Kunshan University. Our aim is to deepen our collective insight into trends that are defining our future ways of life. Engaging technology, industry, arts and culture the project collaborators are curating a series of monthly conversations in Shanghai facilitated by topical experts and inspirational leaders.

The future truly lies in our hands. We invite you to join us in the comfortable surroundings of our lovely Glam to join in our discussions, exchange ideas, and build the future that we seek together.

Michelle Garnaut AO - Founder of M on the Bund & M Glam, Shanghai International Literary Festival (SILF), Mentor Walks (Beijing & Shanghai), M Talks China, M Literary Residency, Crystal Chamber Music.

James Miller - Co-director of the Humanities Research Center, Associate Dean of Interdisciplinary Strategy, and Professor at Duke Kunshan University (DKU).

O Koo - Investor and Entrepreneur. O has invested, co-founded and sold multiple tech startups, published a white paper for the UNFCCC CDM for emission reduction on lighting technologies, and more recently launched a Chinese wine brand, Harmene Wines, in China. O started his career with Merrill Lynch, and held management roles in GE and Dow Chemical.

Kimberly Wong - Entrepreneur and community builder. She believes in creating positive systemic change through building both businesses and communities. She has also started her own fashion line and serves as the Chairperson of Democrats Abroad China and co-founder of Asian Americans Together.

Pei Yen - Entrepreneur, Start-Up Mentor, President of Shanghai Duke Alumni Association. Pei believes education is the extraordinary work of human development and the soul of all other industries. He is passionate about mentorship and supporting others through angel investment.

Coming Up... 

The Future of [Storytelling]
Saturday, July 31st



晚餐及小食  17:00 - 23:00
酒吧  17:00 - 深夜

KITCHEN  5pm - 11pm
BAR  5pm - Late

