公共管理定量方法学习 微信公众号
本期原文:SandraGroenevelda, Lars Tummersb, Babette Bronkhorstb, Tanachia Ashikalia &Sandra van Thielc. Quantitative Methods in Public Administration: Their Use andDevelopment Through Time. International Public Management Journal, 18(1), pages61–86. 获取原文请戳推送左下角“阅读原文”
小编推荐:作者回顾了10年(2001-2010)来发表在四大期刊(JPART,PAR,Governance and PA)上的1605篇文章,对使用定量方法进行公共行政研究的情况进行了梳理。现就该研究的思路及要点做简单整理,以帮助读者更快地了解定量研究的使用情况及发展脉络。
1. qualitative methods are still predominant compared toquantitative method与定量方法相比,定性方法仍然占主导地位;
2. increasingly quantitative公共行政研究正在变得越来越定量化;
3. surveys are most dominant, very few studies use a mixed methodsdesign调查方法用的最多,很少有研究使用混合方法设计;
4. some subfields use quantitative methods more often, some journalspublish articles on quantitative research more than others一些子领域使用定量方法比其他领域多,一些刊物发表的定量文章比其他刊物多;
- 两点共识:
1. public administrationis characterized by plurality, both of theories and topics as well asphilosophical positions and research methods公共行政在理论、话题、哲学立场和研究方法上的多元化特征;
2. methodologicallyunderdeveloped, the use of advanced quantitative methods was lagging behind公共行政研究方法上的不成熟与落后;
- 研究对象:
core publicadministration journals, consistently ranked among the top 10 journals duringthis time, and with a generic scope for research topics in publicadministration核心期刊,十年间一直排在前十名,具有公共行政研究课题的通用范围;
- 研究问题:
1. how much quantitative research is being conducted in the field ofpublic administration, and how this has developed over time定量研究有多少,随着时间的推移如何发展;
RQ1: To what extent have public administration scholars usedquantitative research methods relative to qualitative research methods, and howhas this developed over time?
2. the dominance of certain methods in quantitative public administrationresearch在量化公共行政研究中占统治地位的方法;
RQ2: Which patterns, if any, exist regarding preferences or dominantmethods when public administration scholars use quantitative methods?
3. which (sub)fields in public administration and which journals arefrequent users of quantitative methods哪些领域或刊物常使用定量方法;
RQ3: Which subfields in public administration research are frequentusers of quantitative methods and which subfields are not?
- 行文脉络
1. background, review studies, compare those with our own findings介绍研究背景,进行综述性研究,与本研究的比较;
2. method for our analysis本文的研究方法;
3. results, methodological implications结果及结论,侧重讨论方法论意义;
- 研究背景
1. not provide: full discussion of the philosophical andmethodological issues focus on: arguments for choosing either qualitative orquantitative methods本文不会全面地讨论选择定量或定性方法时的哲学和方法论问题,而是关注公共行政学者使用定性或定量方法时的论据;
2. the term methods—referring to tools and techniques for research,such as surveys, interviews, and participation—and not the termmethodology—referring to the ontological and epistemological positions thatunderpin a research question谈“方法”(研究的工具和技术,如调查,访谈和参与)而不是“方法论”(研究问题的本体论和认识论立场)
3. factors: different methodological choices导致研究者选择不同方法的因素:
3.1 unit of analysis分析单位,例:人的态度和行为(公务员的工作动机);
3.2 existence and use of alternative theories替代理论的存在和使用,例:公共服务动机(推断和测试假设,改进测量);
- 研究综述
1. 已有研究,即表1的内容与结论:研究者、研究主题、样本来源、发表的时间跨度、样本总数、定量技术的使用情况、定量研究占比;
2. 已有研究的优点与局限:merits- methodological quality,comparisons研究方法的质量及与其他领域的比较;limitations- trends in time时间跨度短,趋势难以把握;
3. 本研究的优势:10年的时间段,1605篇文章;
- 研究样本
2001: since Gill and Meier pleaded for an increased use ofquantitative research methods in public administration;
1605: 282 (17.6%) were published in JPART, 231 (14.4%) inGovernance, 639 (39.8%) in PAR and 453 (28.2%) in PA;
- 测量方法
1. coding protocol编码协议的可靠性:Cohen’s kappa系数介于0.53到0.75之间;
2. coding protocol编码协议的内容:具体见该文附录
2.1 journal, year of publication, number of issues per year, numberof articles per year;
2.2 research content: 22 subfields, 3 main categories(policy andpolitics, networks and governance, and public management政策与政治,网络和治理,公共管理);
2.3 type of data: quantitative, qualitative, both, or none
2.3.1 1st option: self-administered survey
2.3.2 2nd option: primary data
2.3.3 3rd option: statistical analysis of secondary data
2.3.4 4th option: multiple quantitative methods
2.3.5 5th option: unclear
3. 表2:文章分布
- 回答问题1
1. 表3:按使用的数据类型统计的期刊文章数量(百分比);
2. 图1:随时间变化的使用定量和定性数据研究的差异(百分比);
3. statistically significant association between the use ofquantitative methods and time (Kendall’s tau-c=0.117, p<0.05) 定量研究份额与10年时间间隔的统计依赖性表明,确实有更多的定量研究的趋势;
4. 表4:按使用的数据类型与发表的期刊统计的文章数量(百分比);
5. 图2:按发表的期刊统计的使用定量与定性数据的差异(百分比)
5.1 Governance is the most“qualitativeoriented”journal;
5.2 statistically significant association between quantitativeresearch in Governance and time (Kendall’s tau-c=0.076, N=155, p=0.241);
5.3 correlation between quantitative research and the 10-year timespanfor articles published in JPART (Kendall’s tau-c=0.148, N=240, p<0.05);
5.4 articles published in PA also seem to become more quantitativelyoriented (Kendall’s tau-c=0.175, N=296, p<0.05);
5.5 PAR do not appear to show any distinct preference as to type ofresearch data(small increase, Kendall’s tau-c=0.108,N=386, p=0.063);
- 回答问题2
1. 表5:按使用定量方法具体类型统计的文章百分比;
2. 图3:随着时间的推移,公共管理学者使用的具体定量方法的发展;
2.1 surveys and statistical analysis of secondary survey data areboth dominant methods;
2.2 the choice of research method is associated with the year ofpublication检验研究方法的选择与出版年份是否相关,λ系数显著差异;
- 回答问题3
1. 表6:按使用的数据类型及所属领域统计的文章数量(百分比);
2. 图4:随着时间的推移,不同领域使用定量与定性数据的差异;
3. relationship between the use of quantitative data and time
3.1 statistically significant:
networks and governance (Kendall’s tau-c=0.320, N=155, p<0.01) ;
public management areas (Kendall’s tau-c=0.106, N=487, p=0.040);
3.2 no such relationship:
Policy and politics (Kendall’s tau-c=0.057, N=337, p=0.331);
Other(Kendall’s tau-c=0.096, N=98, p=0.416);
4. 表7:各领域主要使用的数据类型和发表的期刊;定量方法主要应用于公共管理课题的研究,如绩效管理、财务管理、电子政务、战略管理以及与人力资源管理;
- 结论
offered valuable insights into the use of research methods in publicadministration;
- 研究不足
1. the choice of journals刊物的选取;
2. the small time frame of “only” 10 years prevented us十年的时间跨度限制了对发展趋势的把握;
- 研究方法发展的展望
- 公共行政领域引入定量研究的风险
1. newly developed techniques and software enter publicadministration research primarily through other disciplines, the adoption oftechniques from other disciplines may induce a substantive change in focus whentopics and/or theoretical approaches are imported as well. 新开发的技术和软件主要通过其他学科进行公共管理研究,采用其他学科的技术可能会导致主题或理论方法上重点的实质性变化;
2. in a world in which quantitative data can be collected moreeasily, we run the risk of losing sight of the quality of quantitative data在一个可以更容易地收集定量数据的世界中,我们冒着忽视定量数据质量(抽样和测量)的风险;
3. the statistical knowledge of their users may lag behind, mostadvanced statistical software is relatively easy to use, but the underlyingstatistics are hard to understand, which may affect the adequacy and quality ofstatistical analyses统计软件用户的统计知识可能落后,先进的统计软件相对易于使用,但基础统计数据难以理解,这可能会影响统计分析的充分性和质量;
- 研究问题与范式方法。这里抛出的问题是,什么叫“公共管理的”研究方法?有没有这个东西。例如一位研究者,用物理学的范式,从能量守恒的角度思考群体性事件的演进过程,这算不算公共管理的研究?显然,从“研究问题主宰,而非范式或方法为王”(Abbas Tashakkori,Charles Teddlie,2010)的观点来看,这样的研究解决了一类公共管理问题,揭示了一类危机管理规律,理应作为公共管理的研究。
- 研究对象与定量工具。公共管理的主体多元、关系复杂,我们很难像自然科学那样轻松地运用定量工具,或者如何找到合适的定量工具?举个例子,大家都学习过线性回归吧?线性回归有6条假设(零均值、同方差、cov(Ui,Uj)=0、cov(Ui,Xi)=0、Ui~N(0,1)、多元回归中解释变量之间无多重共线性),有多少公共管理问题符合这些假设呢?当我们遇到线性回归的3大问题(异方差性、序列相关性、多重共线性)且不好对付时,我们是否避而不谈呢?我们常常抱怨回归模型的拟合优度(R方)太低?涉事主体太多,出现遗漏变量怎么解释结果?有的时候,在可替代的前提下,数学建模(不包括统计分析)是不是更好的选择?
- 数学基础与定量学习。运用定量方法的风险,其中最担心的是在“不知其所以然”的情况下用错,或者过分依赖电脑软件,使研究变成“看着说明书操作”的过程。我想我们是需要一点数学基础的,举个例子,当我们使用因子分析方法时候,起码该知道为啥要进行因子旋转吧(传送门:旋转后的因子载荷矩阵如何计算)
- 混合方法与研究设计。怎样真正理解“混合方法”?它真的像听起来那么简单吗?显然,混合方法论在研究设计、抽样和测量方案、资料收集技术、资料分析策略以及成果表达等各个方面都比想象中复杂,我们该怎样正确运用混合方法?