

2017-09-19 郑连虎 编译 公共管理定量方法学习


公共管理定量方法学习  微信公众号


本期原文:[1] Xun Wu, Yan-ling He, Milan Tung-Wen Sun. Public Administration Research in Mainland China and Taiwan: An Assessment of Journal Publications,1998–2008. Public Administration, Vol. 91, No. 2, 2013, pages 261–280.

[2] Wei Zhang, Xiaolin Xu, Richard Evans & Feng Yang. Towards Internationalization: A Critical Assessment of China’s Public Administration Research in a Global Context 2000–2014. International Public ManagementJournal, online 14 June, 2017, pages 1–31. 获取原文请戳“阅读原文”

小编推荐:这一期介绍两篇文章:第一篇是2013年发表在Public Administration上的《中国大陆和台湾地区的公共管理研究:1998-2008年期刊出版物评估》;第二篇是2017年发表在International Public ManagementJournal上的《走向国际化:全球视野下2000-2014年中国公共管理研究的发展评估》;




1. several critical shortcomings of PA research in China in researchreporting, approaches, and methodologies, pointing to a long journey aheadbefore the full potential of such research can be unleashed缺点、漫长过程

2. scholars in Taiwan have made great strides in improving qualityof research台湾的学者在短时间内提高了研究质量


- 研究背景

1. at least 1500 PA scholars, more than two dozen journals大发展

2. major shortcomings缺点

2.1 PA research in China has run into a so-called ‘identity crisis’,arguing that PA scholars in China collectively have failed to address realproblems facing the country while focusing much of their attention on importingtheories and practices from the West “身份危机”,中国学者未能解决实际问题同时把注意力集中在从西方进口理论和做法上

2.2 lack of analytical rigour due to inadequate attention toresearch methodology对研究方法的关注不足,分析缺乏严谨性

3. improving the rigour of their research through strengthening thestandards of how research is conducted, in particular through the use ofempirical analysis, but emphasis on empirical analysis has been dismissed bysome as arising from an unduly Western perspective

4. Taiwan’s experience in dealing with critical questions in a contextof continuity might台湾在连续性背景下处理关键问题的经验可能为评估目前中国大陆的理论与实践的争论提供了重要的有利条件

5. scholars internationally, handicapped by language barriers, stillknow very little about the enormous amount of research generated by PA scholarsin mainland China and Taiwan由于语言障碍,国际学者对中国大陆和台湾学者的研究依然知之甚少

- 研究目的

1. we have sought to provide some information on the basiccharacteristics of PA research conducted by Chinese and Taiwanese scholars, tofacilitate more meaningful dialogue between scholars both within and outsideChina试图提供一些有关中国和台湾学者研究的基本特征的信息,以促进国内外学者之间更有意义的对话

2. by systematically comparing PA research in mainland China andTaiwan, we have attempted to draw insights about future directions for thefield in both places通过系统地比较中国大陆和台湾的研究,试图对两地的未来发展方向展开洞察

3. by broadening the geographic focus beyond Western publications,we have aimed to shed some light on current critical debates that are of globalsignificance

Data and Research Methodology

- 研究创新

1. comparative analysis of PA research between mainland China andTaiwan两岸比较,数据来源见表1

2. development of several measurements that had not been used inprevious studies以前研究中没有使用的几种测量方法

3. how our analysis of relationships between some key variables wasconducted如何对一些关键变量之间的关系进行分析

- 研究问题

1. Who are the main contributors to the PA literature in mainlandChina and Taiwan 1两岸学者谁是文献的主要贡献者

2. What are the main themes examined by PA scholars in mainlandChina and Taiwan两岸学者考察了哪些主题

3. What types of research have been conducted by PA scholars inmainland China and Taiwan in terms of purpose of research (conceptual,relational, or evaluative) as well as intended contribution (ranging fromtheoretical to practical) 两岸学者在研究目的(概念,关系或评估)以及目标贡献(从理论到实践)方面进行了哪些类型的研究

4. What are the leading research methods used in PA research inmainland China and Taiwan两岸学者使用的主要研究方法是什么

5. What impacts does a particular instance of PA research have onthe literature, as measured by references通过对引文量的测量,研究的一个特定实例对文献产生了什么影响

Findings and Discussion

1. Authorship of journal articles作者身份,表2

2. Sub areas of PA research研究主题(子领域),表3

3. Basic structure of journal articles文章基本结构,表4;文章长度,表5

4. Types of research研究类型,表6

5. Research methods不同的第一作者和期刊使用的研究方法,表7;数据来源,表8;研究和数据来源的类型,表9

6. Use of references引文量,表10


1. the majority of articles published in leading PA journals did notcontain one or more of the key structural components-statement of researchquestions, literature review, description of research methods, analysis, andconclusion-that we identified as customary in international journalpublications. Two-thirds of articles published in PA journals in mainland Chinacontained none of these components.发表在主要期刊上的大多数文章没有包含一个或多个关键结构组件——研究问题陈述、文献综述、研究方法的描述、分析和结论——这些在国际期刊出版物中被认为是行文惯例的内容。在中国大陆的公共管理刊物上发表的三分之二的文章没有包含这些内容

2. PA literature in mainland China is dominated by research focusingon identifying or conceptualizing a researchable issue (about 85 percent); asmall percentage of articles focus on evaluating policy or programmes (12.4percent), and relatively few are concerned with examining relationships amongvariables (3.0 percent)中国大陆的公共管理文献主要集中于可研究问题的确定或概念(约85%);一小部分文章侧重评估政策或计划(12.4%),而相对较少的则关注检变量之间的关系(3.0%):结构性失衡

3. lack of any research methods——empirical or nonempirical——reportedin articles published in leading PA journals: nine of ten articles published intop PA journals in mainland China did not report any formal research methods atall在主要的公共管理期刊上发表的文章,缺乏任何研究方法——无论是经验性的或非经验性的——在中国大陆最佳的公共管理期刊上发表的十篇文章,有九篇没有报告任何正式的研究方法



- 研究背景与研究目的

1. 虽然中国的管理思想源远流长,但是把公共管理作为一门独立学科的时间并不长(Holzerand Zhang 2009)。中央和地方政府的改革已经变得越来越重要,吸引了越来越多的人在国际视野上关注中国的公共管理。

2. 然而之前很多的研究都是有关国家发展的,很少有研究中国公共管理在全球范围内的影响的文章。因此,本文只关注中国内地的公共管理,并采用一种科学的研究方法——文献计量法来进行分析,帮助公共管理学者在全球视野下了解中国公共管理的发展。 

- 研究方法与数据来源


- 结论






- 讨论

1. 国际化会让内地学者出现迎合全球化出版的口味的现象吗?

2. 中国大陆学者的国际出版偏好会迫使国内私人期刊进行改革吗?

3. 公共管理只是社会科学中的一种,它可能会受到不利的国际化压力的影响。

