
PEP版五年级下册英语Unit 1试卷含听力及答案+知识点

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Unit 1 My day



1.动词: take 学习;上(课)

2.名词: dancing跳舞;舞蹈 exercise活动;运动

3.短语: do morning exercises做早操 eat breakfast吃早饭 play sports进行体育运动 eat dinner吃晚饭 go for a walk散步 go shopping去买东西;购物 clean my room 打扫我的房间 take a dancing class 上舞蹈课 have … class 上……课


1.动词: start开始 shop去买东西;购物 work工作 need需要 live居住 win获胜 sound听起来好像

2.名词: Spain西班牙 play戏剧;剧本 letter信 island岛 cave山洞;洞穴

3.介词: after在(时间)后

4.其他: when什么时候;何时 late晚;迟 a.m.午前;上午 p.m.午后;下午 why为什么 last上一个的;刚过去的 also还;也 busy忙的


(1)定义: always, usually, sometimes等词叫作频率副词,用来表示动作发生的频率,但程度上有区别。按频率大小可做如下排列: always > usually > sometimes


I always get up at 6:30. 我总是六点半起床。

I usually watch TV on the weekend. 我周末通常看电视。(usually也可用于句首)

I sometimes visit my grandparents. 有时我看望我的祖父母。(sometimes也可以放在句首)


watch TV看电视 eat lunch吃午饭 go to bed上床睡觉 go swimming去游泳  go home回家 go to school去上学


1.— When do you do morning exercises? 你什么时候做早操?

— At 7 o’clock. 七点。

解读: When do you + 动词(短语)?用来询问做某事的时间,当回答中出现两个时间,如12:00和noon时,把小时间放在前面,大时间放在后面。如: at 12:00 noon。



on Sunday在星期日 on Monday在星期一 on the weekend在周末


at 7:00在七点 at 10:25在十点二十五分

举一反三: — When do you have breakfast? 你什么时候吃早饭?

— At 8 o’clock. 八点。

2.— What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么?

— I often go shopping. 我经常去购物。

解读: What do you do + 时间?用来询问某个时间某人做什么。

举一反三: What do you do in the morning?你上午做什么?

What do you do after school?你放学后做什么?


1.Classes start at 3 o’clock. 三点开始上课。


2.That sounds like a lot of fun. 听起来非常有趣。

 sound like意思是“听起来像……”。类似的词语还有: feel like 摸起来像…… smell like 闻起来像……

3.Friday is good at sports. 星期五擅长体育运动。

解读: be good at 表示擅长做某事,与do well in 意思一样。

Unit 1My day

满分:100分 时间:60分钟 得分              

Unit 1



1.A: Hi,John.When do you eat breakfast? 

B: I usually eat breakfast at 6:50.

2.A:Good morning! Sarah,when do you 

have English class? 

B: I usually have English class at 10:00.

3.A:Hi,Zhang Lei, when do you play sports? 

B: I usually play sports at 3:00 p.m.

4.A: Hi, Chen Hong. When do you eat dinner? 

B: I usually eat dinner at 5:30 p.m.

5.A: Hello, Mike.When do you do morning exercises? 

B: I usually do morning exercises at 7:30.

答案:1—E 2—B 3—D 4—C 5—A


1.Woman: Hello,Mike.It’s a sunny day.When do you get up? 

Mike: I get up at 6:50 a.m.

2.Mother: Tomorrow is Amy’s birthday.

Tom: Really? What day is it today? 

Mother: It’s Friday.

3.Mother: Who is your English teacher? 

Jenny: Miss White. She is a good teacher. She goes to work at 7:20 a.m., and goes home at 5:40 p.m.

4.Zoom: Hi, Zip.What do you do on the weekend? 

Zip: I often do my homework. How about you? 

Zoom: I often play football.

5.Mary: Hi, Sarah.What do you do on the weekend? 

Sarah: I often play computer games on the weekend. But this weekend I am going to visit my grandparents.

答案:1.B  2.C 3.B  4.A  5.A


I usually get up at six thirty from Monday to Friday.I eat breakfast at home.Then I do morning exercises at school.On the weekend, I often climb mountains.Sometimes I visit my grandparents and eat dinner with them.

答案:1.F  2.T  3.F  4.T 5.T


四、1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B

五、1.B 2.E 3.C 4.A 5.D 

六、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B

7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C

七、1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.E 

八、1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T

九、例文:This is my day

Today is Saturday. I get up at 8 o’clock. Then I eat breakfast at home. I often do my homework first. Then I wash my clothes and clean the room. In the afternoon I go shopping with my father. In the evening I watch TV with my family. It is a busy but happy day.










