

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-09





外研(三起)五年级下册 英语

Module 1达标测试卷





(  ) 1. A. There are many televisions now.

B. There were many telephones.

(  ) 2. A. Four years ago, there was a small house.

B. Four years ago, we lived in a small house.

(  ) 3. A. She cooks on a fire.

B. She cooked on a fire.

(  ) 4. A. We watched TV last night.

B. We watch TV every night.

(  ) 5. A. I miss my grandma.

B. He misses his grandpa.


(  ) It's a programme about China.

(  ) We've got lots of food.

(  ) Thank you for talking to us.

(  ) She couldn't read or write.

(  ) He didn't have any legs then.


(  ) 1. A. I was in the park.     B. Yes,I was.      C. I'm at home.

(  ) 2. A. I can jump high.      B. We lived in a small house.

C. There are buses and cars.

(  ) 3. A. I buy a book.      B. Yes,I did.      C. I played football there.

(  ) 4. A. No,there weren't.      B. Yes,there are.      C. Yes,there weren't.



(  ) 1. A. car            B. bus           C. house

(  ) 2. A. egg      B. apple      C. fire

(  ) 3. A. write      B. read      C. night

(  ) 4. A. big      B. small      C. live

(  ) 5. A. worked      B. get      C. washed


1. I\'m __________(come,coming), Mum.

2. Life ________(was,is) very different in China many years ago.

3. They didn\'t ________(have,had) enough food ten years ago.

4. My grandma __________(talk,talked) about her life twenty years ago.

5. He ________(have,has) got strong legs.


1. My grandparents worked ________ the fields many years ago.

2. There are lots________ cars and buses now.

3. The old lady cooked ________ a fire then.

4. I watched a television programme ________ animals last night.

5. Amy is in China ________ her parents.


(  ) 1. Thank you ________ talking to us.

A. for             B. of           C. to

(  ) 2. There________ lots of buses and cars now.

A. is      B. are      C. was

(  ) 3. There weren\'t________ televisions.

A. much      B. some      C. any

(  ) 4. We have ________ lots of food.

A. get      B. got      C. take

(  ) 5. The old lady couldn\'t read________ write.

A. and      B. with      C. or

(  ) 6. —What________ you do yesterday?

—I________ shopping with my parents.

A. did;went      B. do;go      C. did;go

(  ) 7. —________ were you last night?

—I was in the library.

A. What      B. When      C. Where

(  ) 8. There ________ many trees in the park many years ago.

A. are      B. were      C. is

(  ) 9. Daming can ________ really far.

A. jump      B. jumping      C. jumped

(  ) 10. They ________ have any buses then.

A. don't      B. doesn't      C. didn't



1. lived,small,we,in,house,a (. )


2. have,didn't,food,we,enough (. )


3. talking,for,you,thank,us,to (. )


4. or,she,read,couldn't,write (. )


5. weren't,any,there,televisions (. )




Five years ago,we lived in a small house. There was a small tree beside the house. There was a small dog in my house.

Now,we live in a big house. There is a big tree beside the house. There are three dogs in my house.

(  ) 1. There is a small tree beside the house now.

(  ) 2. There was a small dog in my house five years ago.

(  ) 3. We live in a big house now.

(  ) 4. There are two dogs in my house now.

(  ) 5. Everything is changing.


以“Life is changing”为题描述一下你和家人过去和现在生活上的变化。



Life is changing


外研(三起)五年级下册 英语 


Part 1 Listening 听 (30%)


(  ) 1. A. grandma  B. grandpa  C. grandparents

(  ) 2. A. people  B. child  C. pupil

(  ) 3. A. hard  B. hand  C. head

(  ) 4. A. driver  B. dancer  C. doctor

(  ) 5. A. learnt  B. learning  C. learn


(  ) 1. A.       B.      C.

(  ) 2. A.       B.        C.

(  ) 3. A.         B.        C.

(  ) 4. A.         B.       C.

(  ) 5. A.           B.          C. 


(  ) 1. A. My mother wrote a book last year.

B. My mother wrote a letter last Sunday.

(  ) 2. A. Mr Zhang is working now.

B. Mr Zhang doesn't work now.

(  ) 3. A. He taught Science at school.

B. He taught Chinese at school.

(  ) 4. A. Her brother was thirteen then.

B. Her brother is thirty now.

(  ) 5. A. I like working at school.

B. He likes working in the hospital.


(  ) 1. Daming played football yesterday.

(  ) 2. Li Wei was only six then.

(  ) 3. They're Lingling's grandparents.

(  ) 4. Tom's grandma is learning English.

(  ) 5. Mike's mother was an art teacher then.

Part2 Reading and Writing



(  ) 1. saw A. dance  B. new  C. draw

(  ) 2. art  A. hard  B. warm  C. dance

(  ) 3. much A. pupil  B. study  C. language

(  ) 4. pass  A. class  B. learn  C. taught

(  ) 5. make  A. ago  B. cake  C. any


(  ) 1. Mr Li ________ a teacher ten years ago.

A. was     B. is      C. were

(  ) 2. ________, he went to Hainan.

A. Tomorrow  B. Next week  C. Two years ago

(  ) 3. He goes to school ________ now.

A. on bus  B. by bus  C. in a bus

(  ) 4. My brother ________ playing football.

A. likes  B. liking  C. like

(  ) 5. Mr Li is a ________. He drives a bus every day.

A. doctor  B. teacher  C. driver

(  ) 6. —Did the old lady dance twenty years ago?


A. Yes,she was.  B. Yes,she did.  C. No,she can't.


1. She was a ________ ten years ago. Now she is a ________.


         (ten years ago)              (now)

2. Last year he ________ to school. Now he goes to school ________ ________.


(last year)                  (now)

3. Yesterday he ________ ________. Now he is ________ ________ ________.


(yesterday)                 (now)

八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(15分)               (建议用时:4分钟)

Many years ago,my mother was a teacher. She worked in a small school. She taught English. She was a good teacher. All the children liked her. Now she doesn't work. She is learning to draw. She likes drawing. She is very happy every day. I love her very much.

(  ) 1. My mother was a dancer.

(  ) 2. My mother worked in a big school.

(  ) 3. My mother taught English.

(  ) 4. Now my mother doesn't work.

(  ) 5. My mother is learning to swim.


以“My Grandparents”为题介绍一下你的爷爷奶奶过去是干什么工作的。

提示:many years ago my grandpa/grandma dancer teacher


外研(三起)五年级下册 英语 Module 3过关检测卷

时间:40分钟 满分:100分

Part 1 Listening 听 (30%)


1.汉堡   A.   fish         B.  hamburger           

 2. A.  lunch         B. supper


3.   面包  A. bread       B.       rice   

4. A.   soup             B. sandwich 


5. A.  Apple           B. sauages 


(  ) 1. A. 埃米喜欢中餐吗?       

B. 埃米喜欢英式食物吗?

(  ) 2. A. 爸爸昨天买了一些苹果。

B. 妈妈昨天买了一些苹果。

(  ) 3. A. 你午饭吃的什么?         

B. 你晚饭吃的什么?

(  ) 4. A. 昨天她吃了鸡蛋和香肠。

B. 昨天她吃了一顿英式早餐。

(  ) 5. A. 她非常喜欢汉堡包。       

B. 她不喜欢汉堡包。



    (  )   (  )       (  )      (  )      (  )


(  ) 1. I had ________ and milk at school.

A. eggs         B. bread         C. rice

(  ) 2. Jack gave his ________ to Tom.

A. apples         B. pears         C. bananas

(  ) 3. What did your brother have for ________?

A. lunch         B. breakfast      C. dinner

(  ) 4. Does Feifei like ________?

A. Chinese food  B. noodles      C. English food

(  ) 5. What is Ms Smart going to cook ________?

A. tomorrow      B. tonight      C. tomorrow morning

Part 2 Reading and Writing




1. breakfast:She had bread last night.     

2. rain: I've got an email from Mike.

3. lunch:He likes milk very much.  

4. bear: This is a pear.

5. their: Where are you going?


(  ) 1. I ate two hamburgers at school today.

(  ) 2. Lingling gave her sandwich to me.

(  ) 3. My brother likes fish.

(  ) 4. Amy wrote a letter to Daming.

(  ) 5. She had bread and milk for dinner.


        A         B        C          D          E 


(  ) 1. What ________ you ________ last night?

       A. do; haveB. did; haveC. did; had

(  ) 2. Please give this book ________ Tom.

A. forB. withC. to

(  ) 3. My father likes rice, ________ I don't like it.

A. butB. soC. and

(  ) 4. This is an email ________ my friend.

A. fromB. withC. at

(  ) 5. She's going to cook noodles ________.

A. yesterdayB. tonightC. last night


1. He ________ (eat) four hamburgers yesterday.

2. I like noodles and ________ (meat).

3. What did she ________ (have) for lunch?

4. My mother ____________ (not like) bread.

5. Mr Li is going to ________ (buy) some eggs tomorrow.

十、阅读短文,将句子补充完整。(10分) (建议用时:5分钟)

Hi, I'm Mary. I'm a pupil. I usually get up at six on weekdays. I have tea and bread for breakfast. I have two friends. One is Lucy and the other is Lily. Lucy often gets up at six thirty. She likes bread and milk. But Lily likes hamburgers and tea. She doesn't like milk at all.

1. Mary gets up at ____________ on weekdays.

2. Mary has ________________ for breakfast.

3. Lucy likes ________________.

4. Lily likes eating ________________.

5. Lily doesn't like ____________.



提示词:breakfast, eggs, noodles









