

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-08





Lesson 1


playground n.操场 sport n.运动 love v.爱(loves)grandfather n.爷爷

grandmother n.奶奶,外婆 next 下一个 week n.星期 classroom n.教室

center n.中心 ping-pong n.乒乓球 tennis n.网球

play football 踢足球 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 play tennis 打网球

have a match比赛 ride a bike骑自行车 fly a kite 放风筝

sports centre 运动中心 ride a horse骑马


What is he/she doing?  He/She is V-ing( 动词 ing 形式).

What are they doing?  They are V-ing.

Where is XXX?  He/She is + 地点.

They are going to have a match with their friends next week.

Lesson 2


may 可以 park n.公园 grass n. 草 thing n.东西,事情 seat n.座位

next time 下一次 I see 我知道了


Why are you late?  Because the bus was late.

Go to your seat and sit down, please.

Don’t be late next time. Keep quiet!  No spitting!

That ’s  all right.  Watch your step!  Don’t waste food!

Sit down. (Don ’t sit down.)  No littering!

Lesson 3


TV n.电视机 every 每一个 tall adj.高的 ear n.耳朵 eye n.眼睛

mouth n.嘴巴 hand n.手 write v.写 email n.邮件 keyboard n.键盘

mouse n.鼠标,老鼠 every day 每天

play with sb. 和⋯一起玩 have a guess猜一猜 write letters 写信


A computer has a keyboard.

Does a TV have a mouse?  No, it doesn ’t.

Does a TV have a screen?  Yes, it does.

Does he/she  ⋯⋯ ..?  Yes, he/she does.  No, he/she doesn ’t.

Is he/she  ⋯⋯ ..?  Yes, he/she is.  No, he/she isn ’t.

Lesson 4


card n.卡片 sometimes 有时 often 经常 well adj.健康的,好

skate v. 滑冰

play basketball 打篮球 go fishing去钓鱼 on Sundays在周日

in summer 在夏天 play cards打纸牌


Does Jim likes swimming?  Yes, he does.  No, he doesn ’t.

Do you like xxxx?  Yes, I does.  No, I don ’t.

What’s your favourite sport?

Lesson 5


listen v.听 listen to ⋯ 听⋯ music n.音乐 film n.电影 always总是

only 仅仅,只 everyone每一个 enjoy v.喜欢,享受 cartoons 卡通

listen to music 听音乐 see films看电影 watch TV看电视

take photos 拍照 read books读书 see TV plays看电视剧


What do you like?  I like XXXX.

What does he/she like?  He/She likes XXXX.

What do you like to do in your free time?  I like XXX.

Lesson 6


take v.拿 take a look 看一看 let’s=let us 让我们

Let’s go and take a look.

Lesson 7


shop n.商店 buy v.买 drink v.喝 n.饮料 tea n.茶 juice n.果汁

feel v.感觉 much 多,非常 something 某事物 would 将要 share 分享

bottle n.瓶子 carrot n.胡萝卜 would like 想要 a bottle of 一瓶

a cup of tea一杯茶 a bottle of coke 一瓶可乐 a glass of water一杯水


What would you like?  I ’d like some tea.

Can I help you? = What can I do for you?

Would you like  ⋯⋯⋯ ? Yes, please.  No, thanks.

Here you are.

How are you feeling?  I ’m not feeling well.

Lesson 8


vegetable n.蔬菜 potato n.土豆 train n.火车 arm n.手臂 cry v.哭喊

wrong adj.错误的 worry v.担忧 could 可以 money n.钱 ticket n.票

take a train坐火车 a ticket to ⋯ 去⋯的票


We want some vegetables.

Would you like some potatoes?  Yes, please.

Could I have some tomatoes, too?  Sure.

How much are they?

There is some bread in the fridge.

No hot dogs for you.

He wants to take a train to Anshan.

What’s wrong?  Don’t worry.

Lesson 9


chicken n.鸡,鸡肉 half 一半 twenty 二十 fruit n.水果 know v.知道

clever adj.聪明的 anything 任何事物 else其他的 kilo 千克

show n.展示 how much 多少钱


How many cakes do you want? ( 对可数名词提问 )  Four.

How much chicken do you want? (对不可数名词提问 )  I want half a


Here you are.  Here it is.

Here is the money.

Lesson 10


child n.儿童(复数 children)small adj.小的 food n.食物 back向后,

背 its 它的 forest n.森林 village n.村庄,乡村 other 别的,其他的

in front of 在⋯前面 say goodbye to向⋯道别 go back to回到


What ’s in front of the house ?

What are behind the house?

There is + a/an + 名词单数 + 地点。

There is a tree in front of the house.

There are + 名词复数 + 地点。

There are some goats behind the house.

Lesson 11


tell v.告诉 story n.故事 hear v.听见 fridge n.冰箱 either 也不

hometown n.家乡,故乡 island n.岛 sea n.海 piano n.钢琴

sound n.声音 everywhere 到处 go shopping购物 lots of 许多,大量

tell stories about 讲⋯的故事


There isn ’t any bread in the fridge.

Is there any beef in the fridge?  Yes, there is.  No, there isn ’t.

Are there any eggs?  Yes, there are.  No, there

aren ’t.

Lesson 12


ice cream n.冰激凌 milk n.牛奶 police n.警察 stay v.停留 thief n.贼

knock v. 敲 knock at the door 敲门 by the way 顺便问一下


What is he/she doing?  He/She is V-ing( 动词 ing 形式).

What are they doing?  They are V-ing.

Where is XXX?  He/She is + 地点.

Why are you late?  Because the bus was late.

What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sports is  ⋯⋯

What do you like?  I like XXXX.

What does he/she like?  He/She likes XXXX.

What do you like to do in your free time?  I like XXX.

What would you like?  I ’d like some tea.

How are you feeling?  I ’m not feeling well.

How much are they?  Twenty yuan.

What’s wrong?

How many cakes do you want? ( 对可数名词提问 )  Four.

How much chicken do you want? (对不可数名词提问 )  I want half a


What ’s in front of the house ?There is a tree in front of the house.

What are behind the house?  There are some goats behind the



Does a TV have a mouse?  No, it doesn ’t.

Does a TV have a screen?  Yes, it does.

Does he/she  ⋯⋯ ..?  Yes, he/she does.  No, he/she doesn ’t.

Is he/she  ⋯⋯ ..?  Yes, he/she is.  No, he/she isn ’t.

Does Jim likes swimming?  Yes, he does.  No, he doesn ’t.

Do you like xxxx?  Yes, I does.  No, I don ’t.

Would you like  ⋯⋯⋯ ? Yes, please.  No, thanks.

Could I have some tomatoes, too?  Sure.

Is there any beef in the fridge?  Yes, there is.  No, there isn ’t.

Are there any eggs?  Yes, there are.  No, there

aren ’t.


Go to your seat and sit down, please.

Don’t be late next time.  Keep quiet!  No spitting!

Watch your step!  Don’t waste food!

Sit down. (Don ’t sit down.)  No littering!








