
湘鲁版五年级英语上册全册课课练 | 含答案 | 可下载

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Unit1 Section A 


2.找出各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.there B.is C.are

3.找出各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.red B.blue C.flower

4.找出各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.school B.new C.nice

5.找出各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.big B.map C.small

6.找出各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.in B.behind C.many


7.everyone( )

A.每个人 B.一些人 C.许多人

8.class( )

A.年级 B.班级 C.房间

9.nice( )

A.漂亮的 B.和蔼的 C.聪明的

第2页(共 4页)

10. many( )

A.一些 B.很少 C.许多

11. behind( )

A.在⋯上面 B.在⋯里面 C.在⋯后面


12. Welcome  our school.( )

A.in B.to C.about

13. Li Wei  his new school.( )

A.like B.liking C.likes

14. I am in  new school.( )

A.a B.an C.the

15. There  a big music room .( )

A.is B.are C.many

16. I'm  Class l.( )

A.at B.on C.in

17. I want  some new friends.( )

A.meet B.meets C.to meet

18. The flowers  beautiful .( )

A.do B.is C.are

19. This is a map  our new school.( )

A.about B.of C.for

20. There  many flowers in the garden .( )

A.are B.is C.am

21. He is talking  his new friends.( )

A.about B.to C.are

Unit1 Section B


1.m  p(地图)( )

A.a B.e C.o

2.g  den(花园)( )

A.er B.ar C.ir

3.playg  und(操场)( )

A.ra B.re C.ro

4.bamb  (竹子)( )

A.aa B.oo C.ao

5.sunfl  er (向日葵)( )

A.aw B.ew C.ow


6.找出下列单词中划线部分发音与众不同的一项( )

A.this B.there C.three

7.找出下列单词中划线部分发音与众不同的一项( )

A.has B.map C.name

8.找出下列单词中划线部分发音与众不同的一项( )

A.everyone B.me C.red

9.找出下列单词中划线部分发音与众不同的一项( )

A.music B.bus C.us

10.找出下列单词中划线部分发音与众不同的一项( )

A.nice B.behind C.big


11. this?( )

A.What B.What's C.How

12. There is  art room.( )

A.a B.an C.the

13. The flowers  red and blue.( )

A.have B.is C.are

14. There are trees  flowers in the garden .( )

A.and B.or C.with

15. There are many  in our school.( )

A.classrooms B.window C.classroom


16. Is the playground big ?

17. How many kids are there ?

18. This is my new school .

19. What's in the park ?

20. Is there a lake in the park?

五、根据短文内容判断句子正( T)误( F).

21. LiMing is in a new school.The school has many new classrooms in it.There is a big playground.There is a nice garden behind the playground .

Here are many t rees and flowers in the small garden .The flowers are red and blue .They look very beautiful .

1. LiMing is in an old school .

2. There are many new classrooms in the school

3. The playground is small .

4. The garden is big.

5. There are many flowers in the garden . .

Unit2 Section A 


5.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.left B.right C.turn

6.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.second B.one C.first

7.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.bank B.supermarket


8.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.in B.is C.on

9.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.can B.where C.what


10. Li Wei and Zhou Lin  going to the classroom.( )

A.am B.is C.are

11.Excuse me. is the toilet ?

﹣﹣ Go straight and you will see it .( )

A.Which B.Where C.What

12. The library is  the second floor .( )

A.on B.in C.at

13. it far away ?( )

A.Am B.Is C.Are

14. Can you show  the way?( )

A.me B.I C.my

15.﹣﹣ Thank you.

﹣﹣.( )

A.Thank you B.Me too

C.You are welcome

16. Is the clothes shop on  floor?( )

A.first B.one C.the first

17. Amy is telling a visitor  the shopping centre.( )

A.to B.about C.with


18. Where is the garden?

19. Can you show me the way to the library ?

20. Walk straight and then turn right .

21. It's close by.

22. Li Wei and Andy meet a new teacher.

Unit2 Section B


1.of  n(经常,常常) ( )

A.te B.ta C.To

2.visit  (参观者,来客) ( )

A.er B.ar C.or

3.b  k (银行)( )

A.on B.an C.e

4.t  let(厕所,盥洗室) ( )

A.io B.oi C.ai

5.restaur  t(餐馆,饭店) ( )

A.an B.On C.Au


6.你想向你的同学介绍你的新学校,应这样说( )

A.I like my new school .

B.This is my new school

C.My new school is big .

7.当你想向别人问去动物园的路怎么走,应问( )

A.Is this the zoo?

B.Walk straight on Hong Qi Road and turn right to Huang He Road .

C.Excuse me.Where is the zoo?

8.当你想表达你非常喜欢你的新教室时,应说( )

A.This is my new classroom .

B.My new classroom is big .

C.I like my new classroom very much


9.I often play games on the playground .

10. The teachers'room is on the second floor.

11. I walk to school every morning .

12. Look at this new building .

13. The school is not far away .


14. A:Excuse me.(1)

B:Go straight along this road .Then turn left and you will see the zoo .

A:(2) ?

B:No,it isn't .It's close by .

A:Thank you.

B:(3) .

A:Good bye!

B:(4) .

五、根据短文内容判断句子正( T)误( F).

15. I live in ZhengZhou in Henan ,China.I like Zheng Zhou .There are

many new buildi ngs .I like to go to the shopping centre .There are so many things to look at and buy. There are also many interesting places.I can play here.I have a good time here

1. I live in Hunan .

2. There are many new parks in Henan.

3. I like to go to the shopping centre .

4. I can play in the shopping centre .

5. I don't have a good time here. .

Unit3 Section A


1.long hair ( )

A.短发 B.长发 C.直发

2.kind face( )

A.和蔼的面孔 B.淘气的面孔 C.粉红的脸

3.pink face( )

A.黑色的面 B.黄色的脸 C.粉红的脸

4.straight hair ( )

A.直发 B.卷发 C.长发

5.pretty girl ( )

A.漂亮的女孩 B.可爱的女孩 C.活泼的女孩


6.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.pink B.brown C.colour

7.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.team B.volleyball C.football

8.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.short B.hair C.long

9.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.girl B.boy C.kid

10.选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项( )

A.player B.everyone C.singer

Unit3 Section B


1.p  tty 漂亮的)( )

A.re B.ra C.ro

2.st  ight (直的)( )

A.ro B.ra C.re

3.Aus  alia(澳大利亚) ( )

A.to B.ar C.tr

4.sh  t  (短的,矮的) ( )

A.ar B.ir C.or

5.bro  (棕色的,褐色的) ( )

A.wn B.wa C.wo


6.你想告诉朋友说你有长发,你应说( )

A.I have long hair . B.I has long hair.

C.I have a long hair

7.你想知道那个女孩是谁,应该这样向你的同学打听( )

A.Who is she?B.Is this the girl ?

C.She is who?

8.你们班来了一位新同学,你应说( )


B.Thank you.

C.Welcome to our class.

9.你想说你的朋友 Amy 有一张笑脸,应该这样说( )

A.Amy has a kind face .

B.Amy has a smiling face .

C.Amy has a pink face .


10. is,very,she,pretty

11. a,face,put,on,happy.

12. is,from ,she,Beijing .

13. is,favourite ,this, singer, my.

14. you,is,he, do,cute,think?


15. who  beautiful  too  long  friend

A:Hi John,Nice to meet you .

B:Hello Carly ,Nice to meet you , .

A:John, is she?

B:Oh,she is Jane,my .

A:Jane,your hair is very and it looks very .

C:Thanks Carly!


16. John has many new friends.There is Tingting .She has long straight

hair.She is 160 cm.She is from Australia .Xiao Lin has short ,black hair.She is from China.She can jump high.Jane has short, brown hair.She can run fast.She is from England .They are the same school,but they are the different class.

1. How many friends does John have?

A.one  B.two  C.three.

2. Tingting has hair.

A.short straight  B. long straight  C.short black.

3. Where is Jane from?

A.China  B.Australia  C.England.

4. Who is from China ?

A.Xiao Lin  B.John  C.Tingting .

5. Are they the same school?

A.Yes, they are  B.No, they aren't  C. No,they are.

Unit4 Section A 


1.dirty ( )

A.干净 B.脏的 C.乱的

2.plane( )

A.飞机 B.船 C.汽车

3.find ( )

A.丢失 B.收拾 C.找到

4.those( )

A.这些 B.那些 C.这个

5.ball( )

A.气球 B.铅球 C.球

Unit4 Section B


1. A:Excuse me.(1)              

B:Go straight along this road .Then turn left and you will see the zoo .

A:(2)               ?

B:No,it isn't .It's close by .

A:Thank you.

B:(3)               .

A:Good bye!

B:(4)               .


2.选出下一单词中与众不同的一项( )

A.yellow B.red C.pen

3.选出下一单词中与众不同的一项( )

A.eraser B.cap C.book

4.选出下一单词中与众不同的一项( )

A.here B.many C.there

5.选出下一单词中与众不同的一项( )

A.lost B.lose C.find

6.选出下一单词中与众不同的一项( )

A.mine B.she C.his


7.当你想问这是谁的外套,应这样问( )

A.Is this whose coat?B.Whose coat is this?

C.This is whose coat?

8.当你想邀请别人打篮球时,应说( )

A.I like playing basketball .

B.Do you like basketball ?

C.Let's play basketball .

9.当你想让朋友帮你找帽子时,应说( )

A.Please help me find my cap.

B.Let's me help you.

C.Please help me find my sweater.

10.如果你想动员同学们整理一下你们的班级,应说( )

A.Let me tidy up our classroom .

B.Let us tidy up our classroom .

C.Let us tidy in our classroom .


11. take, I,all,them,will .


12. lost,a,red,I,pencil.


13. toy,Whose, this,panda,is?


14. shoes,little ,a,my,dirty ,are.


Unit5 Section A


1.exercise( )

A.锻炼 B.活动 C.游戏

2.always( )

A.通常 B.有时 C.总是

3.house work( )

A.家庭作业 B.家务劳动 C.集体劳动

4.learn( )

A.学习 B.看 C.洗

5.sometimes( )

A.有时 B.总是 C.通常


6.找出下列单词中不同类的一项( )

A.morning B.night C.time

7.找出下列单词中不同类的一项( )

A.wash B.face C.hair

8.找出下列单词中不同类的一项( )

A.often B.make C.always

9.找出下列单词中不同类的一项( )

A.do B.homework C.housework

10.找出下列单词中不同类的一项( )

A.in B.at C.the

Unit5 Section B 

1.Mary usually studies Maths in the morning .(对划线部分提问)


2.I usually make my bed in the morning .(变一般疑问句)


3.Do you want to go to the zoo ?(作否定回答)


4.1like evening .(变否定句)





.In my classroom ,I have three good friends.They are Amy .Anna and Xiao Wen. Amy is a pretty girl . She likes swimming .She usually swims in The afternoon. Anna has long straight hair . She can run fast.She is a good player.Xiao We n hasa smiling face .She always does her homework in the evening. She is a good student.

根据短文内容判断正(√)误(×) .

1. I have four good friends in my class                  .

2. Amy can run fast                  

3. Xiao Wen always does her housework in the evening                   .

4. Xiao Wen is a good student                  

5. An Na usually swims in the afternoon                    .

Unit6 Section A


1.few( )

A.大多数 B.很少的 C.许多的

2.begin( )

A.开始 B.结束 C.再一次

3.tick ( )

A.选择 B.要求 C.标记号

4.question( )

A.回答 B.问题 C.提问

5.line( )

A.蓝 B.线 C.直行


6.( )

A.book B.bus C.car

7.( )

A.foot B.face C.them

8.( )

A.most B.few C.them

9.( )

A.often B.usually C.by

10.( )

A.zoo B.bike C.park


1. I usually go to school by bike .                     

2. I often go to park on foot .                     

3. She sometimes goes to the zoo by bus.                     








