

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-08





五(上) Unit 1  There is a big music room.

一、 单词:

playground 操场 class 班级 nice garden 漂亮的花

map 地图 big 大 small 小 school map 学校地图

music room 音乐室 nice 漂亮的,好的 everyone 每个人

many 许多 behind 在⋯后面

二、 重点句子

There is a big music room! 有一间大的音乐室。

There is a small garden. 有一个小花园。

There are many trees and flowers. 有许多树和花。

--Is the playgroud big? 这个操场大吗?

--Yes, it is. 是的。/No, it isn’t. 不是。

三、 对话

A:Hi!My name is Zhou Lin. Welcome to our school! I’m in class 5.

B:  Hi. I’m Li Wei!Nice to meet you. I like my new school. There is a

big music room!

A: I like it, too. There is a nice playground and a small garden.

五(上) Unit 2  Where is the library?


building 建筑物 toilet 厕所 second floor 二楼

go straight 直走 left 左 right 右 turn left 向左转

turn right 向右转 will 将 then 然后 far away 遥远

close by 在旁边 way 路 This way. 这边走。visitor 参观

者 restaurant 餐馆 bank 银行 hotel 酒店 office 办公室

so 因此 walk 走路 often 经常


Where is the park? 公园在哪里?

Go straight and then turn left. 直走然后左转。

Can you show me the way ? 你能给我指路吗?

Yes,suer. 当然


A: Excuse me. Where is the library ?

B: Go straight. You will see trees and flowers. That ’s the garden.

Then turn left and you will see a building. The library is on the

second floor.

A: Is it far away ?

B:No, it isn’t. It’s close by.

A: Can you show me the way?

B: Yes, sure.

A: Thank you. Oh, where is the toilet?

B: This way.

五(上) Unit 3  She has long hair.


girl 女孩 boy 男孩 hair 头 发 short 短 long 长

kind 友好的 face 脸 think 认为 England 英格兰,英国

Australia 澳大利亚 pink 粉红 brown 棕色的 blonde 金发的

smile 微笑 pretty 漂亮的 volleyball 排球 team 队,组

player 选手 singer 歌手 strong 强壮的 thin 瘦的

tall (身材)高的 high 高


What does she look like ? 她长什么样子?

She has long hair and a kind face. 她有一头长发和一张亲切的脸。

Do you think he is cute ? 你觉得他可爱吗?


A : There is a new girl in our school. Her name is Yang Na.

B: What does she look like ?

A: She has long hair. I think she is cute.

B: There is a new boy in our school, too. His name is John. He is

from England. He has short hair.

A : Do you think he is cute?

B: Haha. Yes. He has a kind face.

五(上) Unit 4  Whose toy is this ?

一、 单词

plane 飞机 ship 船 shoes 鞋子 ball 球 car 小汽车

dirty 脏的 tidy up 整理,收拾 their 他们的 whose 谁的

hers 她的(所有物) his 他的(所有物) mine 我的(所有物)

yours 你的(所有物) those 那些 these 这些 a little 一点,一些

lost 丢失 find 找到

二、 重点句子

Whose toy is this ? 这个玩具是谁的?

It’s yours 你的/ his 他的/ hers她的/ mine.我的

They’re Andy’s. They’re his. 它们是 Andy 的。它们是他的。

三、 对话

A :Let’s tidy up our classroom. Look, there are so many boxes here.

B:What’s in this box ? Look, it’s a toy.

A:  Whose toy is this ?

B:  It’s Amy’s. It’s hers!

A:  Whose shoes are those? They are a little dirty. Are those yours?

B:  No, these are Andy’s. They’re his.

A:  Whose football is this ?

B:  It’s mine! It’s my ball.

五(上)Unit 5  What do you usually do ?

一、 单词

morning 早上,上午 afternoom 下午 evening 傍晚 night 夜晚

wash 洗 bed 床 make the bed 整理床铺

usually 通常,常常 always 总是 exersise 锻炼 homework 家庭

作业 sometimes 有时 housework 家务 learn 学习 go fishing 钓

鱼 with 和,跟 tomorrow 明天

二、 重点句子

What do you usually do in the morning? 早上你通常做什么?

I usually make the bed. 我通常整理床铺

I always wash my clothes. 我总是洗我的衣服。

I sometimes do exercise. 我有时候做做运动。

三、 对话

A:What do you do in the morning ?

B: I always make the bed. Then I do exercise.

A: What do you usually do in the afternoon ?

B: I usually study in the afternoon.

A: What do you do in the evening?

B: I usually do my homework. I sometimes wash my clothes. What about you, Amy?

A: I sometimes do some housework. I usually study.

五(上) Unit 6  I often walk to school.


by bus 乘公共汽车 by car 坐小汽车 by train 坐火车

by taxi 乘出租车 by bike 骑自行车 walk 走路 on foot 步行

take 带(去) student 学生 them 他们 ask 问


How do you usually go to school ? 你通常是怎么去上学的?

I usually go to school by bus. 我通常坐公汽去上学。

I often walk to school. / I often go to school on foot. 我通常走路去上学。


A: How do you usually go to school, Andy ?

B: I usually go to school by bus. What about you ?

A: I often go to school by car. Sometimes I walk to school.

五(上) Unit 7  I want to be a doctor.


fireman 消防员 doctor 医生 nurse 护士 policeman 警察

farmer 农民 driver 司机 drive 驾驶,开动 save 救

best 最好 cannot 不能 very 非常,很 interesting 有趣的

grow 种植 worker 工人 ill 有病的 primary school 小学

office worker 办公室职员 factory worker 工厂工人


What do you want to be ? 你想成为什么?

I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。

When I’m 20, I want to be a nurse. 当我 20 岁,我想成为一名护士。


A:Look at the picture. He is driving a bus. I want to be a driver, too.

B: I want to be a policeman.

A: What do you want to be, Wang Li?

C: I want to be a doctor.

五(上) Unit 8  What does your father do?

一 单词

father 父亲 mother 母亲 parents 父母亲 work 工作

hospital 医院 company 公司

much 很,非常 hard 努力的 hour 小时 minute 分钟

telephone 电话 fight fires 救火


What does your father do ? 你父亲是做什么的?

He is a worker. He works in a company. 他是个工人。他在公司上班。

What does your mother do ? 你母亲是做什么的?

She is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 她是个护士,她在医院上班。

He usually goes to work by bus. 他经常坐公交车去上班。


My parents work very hard. My mother works in a supermarket.

She goes to work at 6:00 am and comes home at 6:00 pm. She usually

goes to work by bus.

My father works in a computer company. He works far away from

home. He usually goes to work by train. It takes him 1hour and 30

mimutes to go there. I love my parents.

五(上) Unit 9  Merry Christmas!

一 单词

holiday 节日 dinner 晚餐 party 派对,聚会 visit 参观

family 家庭 Christams 圣诞节 Merry Christmas.圣诞节快乐

lovely 可爱的 something 某物 Santa Clause 圣诞老人

under 在⋯下面 every 每一 funny 有趣的 dear 亲爱的

white 白色 chopstick 筷子 fold 折叠 paste 粘贴

classmate 同班同学

二 重点句子

--Merry Christmas.圣诞节快乐。

--The same to you. 你也一样。

I’m writing a Christmas card for mum.我正在给我妈妈写圣诞贺卡。

Can you tell me something about Christmas? 你能告诉我有关圣诞节的事吗?

Christmas is a big holiday. 圣诞节是一个盛大的节日。

三 、对话

Christmas is coming next week. Amy is writing a Christmas card.

A: Hi, Amy. That’s a lovely card.

B: Yes. I’m writing a Christmas card for mum.

A: Can you tell me something about Christmas?

B: Christmas is a big holiday. In the evening, I always have dinner with

my family. We sometimes have party or visit friends. On Christmas

morning, we open our gifts. Santa Claus puts gifts under ther Chritmas


A: Who is Santa Claus?

B; Santa is a kind man and he loves children. At Chirstmas, he gives gifts to every

boy and girl. In my home, Santa is my dad.

B; Haha. That’s funny.

五(上) Unit10  The Spring Festival is coming!

一 单词

make 制作 cook 烹饪,煮 cut 剪、切 clean 打扫

Spring Festival 春节 year 年 tonight 今晚 eve 前夜,前夕

reporter 记者 paper-cuts 剪纸 wonderful 极好的 find out 发

现,找到 get ready 准备好 busy 忙的 kitchen 厨房 song 歌曲

二 重点句子

What are you doing? 你正在做什么?

I’m making Chinese paper-cuts. 我正在剪纸。

What is she doing ? 她正在做什么?

She is making jiaozi. 她正在包饺子。

What do you usually do for the Spring Festival ?春节你通常做什么?

三 短文

Hello, everyone. I’m Lily, your TV reporter. Let’s find out how

people are getting ready for the Spring Festival.

We visit a family. Everyone is so busy. Look, Wang Li’s mum is

making jiaozi in the kitchen. Her grandma is cutting red paper. She is

making flowers and rabbits in Chinese paper-cuts. Wang Li’s dad is

cleaning the windows. What is Wang Li doing ? She is cooking fish!

How nice it smells.








