
湘少版五年级上册英语全册教案及教学反思 | 可下载

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《Unit 1 What does she look like? 》

1 教学目标


1. 词汇: 能听懂、会说、认读新单词 tall,short, long,round,young,

old 。

2. 句型: 能运用句型询问他人的外貌特征“ What does he / she lo

ok like? ”并能运用“ He /She has big eyes. ”介绍他人外貌。



2、能初步运用 B部分词汇介绍他人外貌。。

2 重点难点

1、重点: 能听懂、会说、认读新单词 tall,short, long,round,youn

g,old 。能询问他人的外貌特征 “ What does he / she look like? ”

并能初步运用“ He /She is tall ”“He /She has big eyes. ”介绍


2、难点 : 单词 round 的发音和 round face 的运用是词汇中的难点。

词组难点是 look like 的理解和 has big eyes 。前者是因为大多数

学生只知道 like 的一个意思是 “喜欢”, 而不知道另一个意思 “像”,

因此在理解和运用上有难度 , 而后者是因为动词 have 的第三人称单

数形式 has 容易和 be 动词 is 的用法混淆。

3 教学过程

3.1.1 教学活动

活动 1【讲授】教学过程

Step 1 热身/ 复习(Warm-up/ Revision)


Nice to see you again.

Ss : Nice to see you .


Game:Look and say

教师利用课件呈现 4 幅学生熟悉的公众人物图片 , 要求他们观察并根

据教师对人物的英文描述 , 回答:Who is he / she?

T:She is beautiful. She has big eyes. Who is she?

Ss : She is Zhao Wei.

T:He is a popular singer. He has small eyes. Who is he?

Ss : He is Zhou Jielun.

T:He is a famous basketball player. He is very tall. Who is


Ss : He is Yao Ming.

T:He is a great leader of China. He is short but great. Who

is he?

Ss : He is Deng Xiaoping.

Step 2 新课呈现 (Presentation)

1.New words

( 1)Listen to the tape of Part B and repeat.

(2) 运用“直观教学法”教授新单词 , 让学生学习体验生活中的英语。

教授:tall and short, 根据学生身高状况新授“⋯ is tal

l ”, “⋯is short ”

板书: tall,short ;  学生书空。

教授:long and short, 根据实物或图片描述铅笔长短。

2.The dialogue

(1) 根据对话回答问题

T: Peter and Lingling are talking about their new teacher.

Do you want to know what she looks like? OK,let ’s listen t

o the tape.( 关上书听对话 ,训练学生的听力。)

Question: Is the new English teacher beautiful?( 带着简单的

问题听录音 , 能提高学生的注意力 , 培养学生有目的地听的好习惯。)

Ss : Yes,she is beautiful.

T:What did ⋯guess?

What did  ⋯think?

What did  ⋯say?

T:Pay attention to  “I guess/ I think ”. That is “我猜想 / 我

认为” .

就对话中的三个人物“怎样猜”“怎样想”“怎样说”提问 ,

让学生在语境中理解 guess/ think 的意思 , 在回答问题中初步熟悉

课文. 教师要引导和帮助学生回答 :

She has long hair. She has a round face and big eyes.

She is short. She has short hair and small eyes.

She is not tall. She has short hair .

(2) Role  –play

分角色朗读对话 , 让学生熟悉对话 , 习得语感。

Step 3 角色表演 (Act and play)

仿照 A部分的内容 ,让学生分组操练对话 , 每组 4 人, 可以安排两名学

生介绍新老师 ,另外两名学生分别发表自己关于老师相貌的猜想。操

练时间应不少于 3 分钟。

学生上台进行对话表演 ,教师给予评价。评选“优胜组” , 加两颗星 ;

还可以评选“勇气可嘉组”“语言流利组” , 分别加一颗星。教师应

根据学生不同的现场表现 , 给予不同的、 有针对性的、 有创意的评价 ,


Step 4 Homework

跟读磁带 A、B部分, 家长签字。


抄写 B部分单词四遍 , 并默写一遍。

《Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger. 》

1 教学目标

语言目标 :

词汇: 能听懂、会说、认读新单词 hamburger,sandwich,fish,chicke


句型:What  would you like? I ’d like a Coke.

应用目标 :

能初步运用句型“ What would you like? I ’d like a Coke. ”询


能初步运用 B部分词汇表达个人食物的喜好。

2 学情分析

五年级学生已经学习英语两年了 ,基本的生活用语已经学会。本课时

学习的是询问他人 ,及回答个人的需求。因为是农村学校 , 学生基本上

是留守儿童 , 家里人辅导不够 , 所以需要在课堂上多读 , 多练。

3 重点难点

重点: 能听懂、会说、认读新单词 hamburger,sandwich,fish,chicke

n,beef,Coke. 能询问他人“ What would you like? ”并能运用“ I ’

d like a ⋯/some⋯”表达个人的需求。

难点:I ’d like a ⋯/some⋯”的理解和运用。

4 教学过程

4.1.1 教学活动

活动 1【导入】 Step  1  Warm -up  / Revision


T: Good morning, boys and girls.( 挥右手打招呼 )

Ss:Good morning, Miss Yang.

T: What ’s your name?( 老师走向学生座位旁 )

S1:My name is ⋯⋯

T: Good. Sit down, please.( 老师双手竖起大拇指夸奖 , 并示意其

学生坐下 ) T: Nice to meet you.( 老师走向学生座位旁 )

S2: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Good, sit down, please.(  老师双手竖起大拇指夸奖 ,并示意其

学生坐下。说完这句话 ,老师快速回讲台。)

T:OK, now. Let ’s have a team competition. Team A and Team

B.( 老师举手示意分组 , 并板书 A,B 两组在黑板上。)

2、Game:Brain storm( 大脑风暴 )

T:What food do you know?What drinks do you know?

Who can answer my questions?

Ss:cake,apple,bread ⋯⋯

(激活学生对已有食物、 饮料类单词的回忆 , 让他们在大脑风暴的袭击

之下, 快速进入本单元学习的主题。)

活动 2【讲授】 Step  2  Presentation( 新授)

T: Ok. Today, we are going to learn Unit 2  I ’d like a ha

mburger.( 老师边说边板书课题 )

T: Oh, no. I ’m hungry.( 老师出现难受的表情 , 并用手摸肚子 , 表示


T: There are some food.( 老师手里拿出一张汉堡包图片 ,并示意要


S1:Hamburger.( 老师叫举手示意同学回答 )

T: Good, sit down, please. ( 老师示意学生坐下 , 并板书单词且加

组分, 带读单词。)

T: 同上的方法出示并教学 beef, chicken, fish, sandwich, Coke

等 5 个单词。

活动 3【活动】 Game ——看口形,猜单词

T: Let ’s play a game ——看口形 , 猜单词。

游戏规则 : 教师夸张而缓慢的做口形 , 全班同学猜。

活动 4【练习】 Step  3  学习重点句型及操练

T: OK,game is over. Look. What would you like?

Ss : I ’d like a/some ⋯⋯( 出示单词卡片 )

T:I ’d like =I  would  like=I  want 我想要⋯⋯

T: Let ’s play a game ——Me too!

游戏规则 : 如果老师或别人喜欢的食物和你是一样的 , 就请你马上站

起来并大声说 :Me too!

活动 5【作业】 Step  4  Homework

T: OK, game is over. Today the winner is  ⋯

Let ’s do some work.( 老师根据黑板上的小组分指出今天的胜利队 ,


1、抄写 B部分单词 , 每个单词抄两行。


3、预习 A部分。

《Unit 3 Do you want some rice? 》

1 教学目标


1、复习巩固本单元第一课时所学新单词 :breakfast, lunch, dinne

r, soup, vegetables, tomato, potato;

2、能灵活运用句型 : “Do you want some rice? ”询问他人的需求 ,

并能用“Yes, please. ”“No, thank you. ”礼貌地回答来表示自己

的感谢或拒绝 ;

3、理解 :dinner,pepper, 含 give 的句型。

4、能在图片提示下 , 读懂 Part D 的短文 , 完成练习。


1、创设情境 , 有效复习旧知。以旧带新 , 加强对新单词及句型的理解。

2、采用了预测法 , 根据图片大胆地预测内容 , 可以让学生初步感知短


3、快速阅读 , 并通过判断正误、回答问题检验学生对短文的理解程度。

4、细化阅读 , 通过细读短文 , 对重点信息的涂点勾划 , 培养学生获取信




2、让学生明白 : 无论是接受或拒绝他人的询问 , 都应该要以礼相待 ,


2 学情分析

1、小学五年级的学生已有两年多英语学习的经历 , 学习兴趣比较浓厚 ,

并有一定的语言基础。大部分的学生能根据教师简单指令做动作、 做

游戏、做事情。能做简单的角色表演。能唱简单的英文歌曲 , 说简单


单的个人信息 ,表达简单的感觉和情感。能模仿范例书写词句。在学

习的过程中 , 大部分的学生还乐于模仿 , 乐于表达 , 渴望认同 , 得到赞



一些名词 :noodles, biscuit, jam, milk, dumplings, rice, brea

d, hamburger, sandwich, Coke, fish, chicken, beef 等;学生在

本册第三单元第一课时已学习了句型 : “Do you want some rice? ”

询问他人的需求 , 并能用“ Yes, please. ”“No, thank you. ”礼貌

地回答来表示自己的感谢或拒绝 .

3 重点难点

(一) 、教学重点

1、复习巩固本单元第一课时所学新单词 :breakfast, lunch, dinne

r, soup, vegetables, tomato, potato; 句型“Do you want some

rice? ” “Yes, please. ”“No, thank you. ”。

2、理解 :dinner,pepper, 含 give 的句型。

3、能在图片提示下 , 读懂 Part D 的短文 , 完成练习。




4 教学过程

活动 1【导入】教学设计


Step 1

Warm up


T: Good morning, everyone!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Zeng!

T: How are you?

Ss: I ’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I ’m fine, too. Thank you!


2. Free talk

Unit 3 Do you want some rice?

Period 2

Step 2

Presentation and drill

(1) Pre-reading


T: OK! There are some foods and drinks. Tell me: What is th

is?(What are these? )

S1: biscuits

S2: jam

S3: milk

S4: dumplings

S5: rice

②Sentences pattern:

T: Look! There are some food and drinks on the big table. H

ow delicious! Let ’s have dinner, OK?

Ss: OK.

T: Who can tell me:  “dinner, dinner  ” What’s the meaning

of dinner?

Ss: It means  “supper”.

T: Great! At dinner, a family can sit together to have a me

al. Read after me: dinner, dinner, have dinner, Let ’s have


Ss: Dinner, dinner, have dinner, Let ’s have dinner.

T: Do you want some biscuits?

S1: No, thanks.

S2: Yes, please.

T: Do you want some jam?

【设计意图】 通过真实语境的创设 , 在情景中复习。与学生互动 , 让他

们熟悉单词、句型。以旧带新 , 加强对新单词及句型的理解。降低了

文本难度 , 为学生的自主阅读做好铺垫。

T: Look! What are these?

Ss: noodles

T: A bowl of noodles. Read after me: noodles,noodles,  是面


面条, 面条, noodles 。

Ss: noodles,noodles,  是面条。

面条, 面条, noodles 。

T: Do you want some noodles?

S1: Yes, please.

S2: No, thanks.

T: OK. I give you some noodles.( 将实物面条递给 S2) Guess: Gi

ve means

Ss: 给

T:( 边做动作边读 ) Read after me: I give you some noodles.

Ss: I give you some noodles.

T: I give some noodles to you.

Ss: I give noodles to you.

T: What ’s this?

Ss: pepper

T: High and low voice. Pepper( 大声)

Ss: Pepper.( 小声)

T: Do you want some pepper?

S1: No, thanks.

S2: Yes, please.

T: OK. I give you some pepper.( 将实物胡椒递给 S2)

T:( 边做动作边读 ) Read after me: I give you some pepper.

Ss: I give you some pepper.

T: I give some pepper to you.

Ss: I give some pepper to you.

T: OK. I have a little friend. Who is she?

Ss: (She is) Lingling.

T: She has dinner with her father and mother. Do you want t

o know more?

Ss: Yes.


① 看图片, 猜短文。

T: Look at the pictures. What do you think about?

S1: ⋯

S2: ⋯

【设计意图】看图片 , 让学生大胆的预测 , 初步感知短文内容。

②学生带着问题读短文 ,快速阅读 , 并根据短文内容判断正误。

T: Turn to Pages 11. Look at your book. Read this text quic

kly , and then discuss in groups. Use  “True” or “False”

to answer the questions.

True or False:

1. Lingling ’s dog sits under the chair. ( F )

2. Lingling gives some noodles to the dog. ( T )

3. “Do you want some pepper? ” Her mother asks. ( F )

【设计意图】通过快速阅读这种形式 , 帮助学生初步理解短文内容 ,


Check your answer.

T: Number 1: Lingling ’s dog sits under the chair. True or

False? Who wants to have a


S1: True.

S2: False.

T: May be. Look at the right answer: False. Her dog sits un

der the table. Not chair.

T: Number 2: Lingling gives some noodles to her dog. True o

r False?

S: ⋯

T: May be. Look at the right answer: True. According to thi

s sentence: She gives some noodles to her dog.

T: Number 3:  “Do you want some pepper? ” Her mother asks.

True or False?

S: ⋯

T: It ’s false. According to this sentence from text:  “Do

you want some pepper? ” Her father asks.

评价: May be good wonderful Good job. Well down.

③自由读 (默读), 在短文中找答案。

T: OK. Read the text slowly. Find the answer and underline.

Answer the questions.

1. Where is Lingling ’s dog?

2. Does her dog like the noodles?

3. Does her dog like the pepper?

【设计意图】通过细读短文的主要内容和细节信息 , 培养学生获取信

息处理信息的能力。在阅读过程中指导学生详细阅读 , 对重点信息的

涂点勾划 , 注重学生的合作意思。








