

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-10





人教新起点五年级 Unit1  知识汇总


too much 太多 candy 糖果 go to bed 去睡;就寝

early 早 exercise 锻炼 tired 困倦的;疲倦的

drink 喝;饮 before 在...... 之前 dirty 肮脏的

always 总是 stomachache 胃疼 headache 头疼

a lot of 大量;许多 sleepy  困的;欲睡的 subject 学科

mark 分数 advice 建议 more 更多的


1. Please do your homework. 请做家庭作业。

2. You should exercise every day and go to bed early. 你应该每天


3. We shouldn ’t eat too much candy. 我们不应该吃太多糖果。

4. We should eat a lot of fruit. 我们应该吃许多水果。

5. -- What ’s wrong? 怎么了?

-- I ’ve got a stomachache. 我胃疼。

6. -- What should I do? 我该怎么办?

-- You should drink some water. 你应该喝一些水。

7. Here you are. 给你。

8. You shouldn ’t eat too much candy. 你不应该吃太多糖果。

9. -- Do you wash your hands before eating? 你吃东西前洗手吗?

-- Not always. 不总洗。

10. You shouldn ’t eat with dirty hands. 你不应该用脏手吃饭。

11. I have some advice for you. 我给你一些建议。


1. -- What ’s wrong?

-- I ’ve got a/ an +  疾病名称 .

eg: -- What ’s wrong? 怎么了?

-- I ’ve got a fever. 我发烧了。

2. 主语 + should/ shouldn ’t +  动词原形( +其他) .

eg: You should keep quiet in hospital. 你应该在医院保持安静。

You shouldn ’t eat too much meat. 你不应该吃太多肉。

人教新起点五年级下册 Unit2 知识汇总


New Year’s Day 新年 Tree Planting Day 植树节

Mother ’s Day 母亲节 Children ’s Day 儿童节

Father ’s Day 父亲节 Teacher ’s Day 教师节

National Day 国庆节 Christmas Day 圣诞节

birthday 生日 fifth (5th) 第五

tenth (10th) 第十 twelfth (12th) 第十二

twenty-fifth (25th)  第二十五 plant 种植

make a poster  制作海报

celebrate  庆祝 have a picnic  野餐 office  办公室

together 在一起;共同 special 特殊的;特别的


1. -- When is Tree Planting Day? 植树节在什么时候?

-- It ’s on March 12th. 它在三月十二日。

2. -- What do you do on that day? 你们在那天做什么?

-- We often plant trees. 我们经常植树。

3. -- What day is it? 它是什么日子?

-- It ’s Mother ’s Day. 它是母亲节。

4. -- What do you do on that day? 你们在那天做什么?

-- I often buy flowers for mu mum. 我经常为我妈妈买花。

5. -- What are you doing? 你在做什么?

-- I am going to make a poster for Tree Planting Day. 我打算制


6. -- How are you going to celebrate it? 你们打算怎么庆祝它?

-- We are going to read some books about trees. 我们打算读一些


7. Christmas Day is a special day in Western countries for all the

family. 在西方国家,圣诞节对于所有家庭来说都是一个特别的日子。


1. -- When is +  节日 ?

-- It ’s on +  具体日期 .

eg: -- When is Teacher ’s Day? 教师节在什么时候?

-- It ’s on September 1st. 它在九月一日。

2. -- What do you do on that day?

-- I/ We +  频率副词 + 动词(短语)原形( +其他) .

eg: -- What do you do on that day? 你在那天做什么?

-- I often make a card for my teacher. 我经常给我的老师制作一


3. -- How are you going to celebrate +  节日 ?

-- I ’m/ We’re going to +  动词(短语)原形( +其他) .

eg: -- How are you going to celebrate New Year? 你们打算怎么庆


-- We ’re going to make dumplings. 我们打算包饺子。

人教新起点五年级下册 Unit3 知识汇总


send an email 发送电子邮件 write a letter 写信

make a phone call 打电话 send a short message 发送短消息

mail a present 邮寄礼物 make a video call 打视频电话

say 说;讲 make a card 制作卡片 everywhere 各处;到处

flower show 花展


1. -- What do you want to do on New Year ’s Day? 你想在新年做什么?

-- I want to write a letter to my father. 我想给我爸爸写信。

2. -- What do you want to do on Mother ’s Day? 你想在母亲节做什么?

-- I want to send a short message to my mother.  我想给我妈妈发送短消


3. -- What would you like to do? 你想要做什么?

-- I would like to say  “ I love you ” to my mother. 我想要对


4. Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?

5. That ’s a great idea. 那是一个好主意。

6. I would like to go to Xin Yuan Park with my parents. 我想和我的父



1.  --  What do you want  to  do on + 节日?

-- I want to +  动词(短语)原形( +其他) .

eg:  --  What do you want  to  do on Children ’s Day? 你想在儿


-- I want to play with my friends. 我想和朋友玩。

2.  --  What would  you like  to  do(+其他) ?

-- I/ We would like to +  动词原形( +其他).

eg: -- What would you like to do? 你想要做什么?

-- I want to go to flower show. 我想去花展。

人教新起点五年级 Unit4 知识汇总


cleaned the window (过去式)擦窗子

watched TV (过去式)看电视 climbed a hill (过去式)爬山

visited grandparents ( 过去式 )看望祖父母

danced(dance 过去式)跳舞 jumped rope (过去式)跳绳

listened to music (过去式)听音乐

rowed a boat (过去式)划船

played computer games (过去式)玩电子游戏

stayed at home (过去式)呆在家里

played the piano (过去式)弹钢琴

played chess (过去式)下棋

washed clothes (过去式)洗衣服

boring 单调的;乏味的 badminton 羽毛球

won(win 的过去式)赢;获胜


1. -- What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

-- I visited my grandparents. 我看望我祖父母了。

2. -- What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

-- I climbed a hill. 我爬山了。

3. What about you? 你呢?

4. I washed clothes. 我洗衣服了。

5. It was boring. 它很单调。

6. -- How was your weekend? 你的周末怎么样?

-- It was wonderful. 好极了。

7. -- What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

-- I watched a football  match with my friends,  and then we played

football together. 我和我的朋友们观看了一场足球比赛,然后我们一


8. That was cool. 那很酷。

9. What a pity! 太遗憾了!

10. I ’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。


1. -- How was your weekend?

-- It was +  形容词 .

eg: -- How was your weekend? 你的周末怎么样?

-- It was boring. 很无聊。

2. -- What did you do last weekend?

-- I/ We +  动词过去式( +其他) .

eg: -- What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

-- I played piano. 我洗衣服了。

人教新起点五年级下册 Unit5 知识汇总


went to the beach (过去式)去海边

drank cold drinks (过去式)喝冷饮 swam(swim 的过去式)游泳

ate ice cream (过去式)吃冰激凌 the Stone Forest  石林

bought some gifts (过去式)买礼物

took photos (过去式)拍照片 saw flowers (过去式)赏花

slept (sleep 的过去式)睡觉 delicious  美味的;可口的

felt happy (过去式)觉得高兴 sad 悲哀的;难过的

left (leave 的过去式) 离开 French fries 法式炸薯条

were(are 的过去式)是


1. -- How was your vacation? 你的假期怎么样?

-- It was great. I went to the beach. 很棒。我去了海边。

2. I went to Kunming with my uncle ’s family.  I felt  very happy. 我


3. -- Where did you go? 你去哪儿了?

-- I went to Beijing with my parents. 我和我父母去北京了。

4. -- What did you do there? 你们在那儿做什么了?

-- We went to Beijing  zoo and saw many lovely  animals there. 我


5. We also ate Beijing duck. It was delicious! 我们还吃了北京烤


6. I felt very happy. 我觉得非常高兴。

7. That sounds like a great trip. 那听起来像是一次很棒的旅行。


1. -- Where did you go?

-- I/ We went (to) +  地点 .

eg: -- Where did you go? 你去哪儿了?

-- I went to Chongqing with my brother. 我和我哥哥去重庆了。

人教新起点五年级下册 Unit6 知识汇总


was born (过去式)出生 started to speak (过去式)开始说话

learned to walk (过去式)学走路

learned to ride a bike (过去式)学骑自行车

went to kindergarten (过去式)上幼儿园

went to school (过去式)上学 learned to swim (过去式)学游泳

fifteenth (15th) 第十五

started to buy things (过去式)开始学买东西

started to study English (过去式)开始学习英语

started to use a computer (过去式)开始使用电脑

all over  到处;各处 out of 离开(某处)

into  进入;到 ...... 里

chopsticks 筷子 wet 湿的,潮湿的


1. I was born on May 15th, 2004. 我出生在 2004 年 5 月 15 日。

2. I started to speak when I was ten months old.  当我十个月大的


3. -- When did you start to use a computer? 你什么时候开始使用电


-- When I was four. 当我四岁的时候。

4. What about you? 你呢?

5. -- When did you start to buy things? 你什么时候开始买东西的?

-- When I was five. 当我五岁的时候。

6. -- When did you go to kindergarten? 你什么时候上幼儿园的?


1. -- When did you +  动词原形( +其他) ?

-- When I was +  年龄 .

eg: -- When did you go to England? 你什么时候去英国的?

-- When I was eighteen years old. 当我十八岁的时候。








