

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-10





Unit 1(11个单词)



/əˈmerɪkən/ / adj.&n.美国的;美国人

These things are all American stuff.(这些都是美国的东西。)


/ˈsʌbdʒɪkt,-dʒe-/ / n.科目

These are my new subjects.(这些是我的新科目。)


/ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ / adj.困难的

It''s difficult to find on the calendar.(很难在日历上找到。)


/ˈsaɪəns/ / n.科学

Science has greatly improved human life.(科学已经极大的改善了人类的生活。)


/ˈaɪ ˈti:/ / n.信息技术课

It was sitting in a tree.(它正站在一棵树上。)

·a lot

/ 许多的,大量的

I have lost a lot of weight.(我体重减了不少。)


/ˈtaɪmˌteɪbl/ / n.课程表

The timetable was hopelessly optimistic.(时间表制定得过于乐观。)

·Computer Studies

/ 计算机课

I like Computer Studies.(我喜欢计算机课。)

·Social studies

/ 社会科学课

Do you have social studies?(你们上社会学的课吗?)


/frentʃ/ / n.法语课;法语

The picture shows many French symbols.(这张图里有很多代表法国的标志。)

·Home science

/ 家政课

He has developed an interest in Home science.(他对家政课发生了兴趣。)

Unit 2(10个单词)



/əˈraʊnd/ / prep.围绕,到处

You can fly around the world.(你可以绕着世界飞一圈。)


/læb/ / n.实验室

This is a lab for chemistry.(这是一间化学实验室。)

·sports field

/ 体育场

Let''s take the shortcut across the sports field.(咱们从操场穿过去吧。)


/dʒɪm/ / n.体育馆

We played basketball in the gym.(我们在体育馆里打篮球。)


/i:tʃ/ / pron.每,每个

Each cell of our bodies contains 46 chromosomes.(我们人体的每个细胞都包含46个染色体。)


/wɜ:d/ / n.词

The words stood out clearly on the page.(那些字赫然写在纸上。)


/maɪm/ / v.演哑剧

She performed a brief mime.(她表演了一小段哑剧。)


/ˈækʃn/ / n.动作

Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions.(我们每个人都必须对自己的行为负责。)


/ˈlɪsn/ / v.听

Listen,somebody is beating at the door.(听,有人在敲门。)


/dɑ:ns;dæns/ / v.跳舞

He asked her to dance.(他邀请她跳舞。)

Unit 3(14个单词)

·get a telephone call

/ 接电话

He gave her a telephone call a second time.(他又给她打了一个电话。)

·get up

/ 起床

When do you get up every day?(你每天什么时候起床?)


/ˈriəˌlɪ, ˈri:li/ / adv.实在,很

He''s not really good at shooting arrows.(事实上他并不擅长射箭。)

·put on

/ 穿上,戴上

Put on your T-shirt.(穿上你的 T 恤衫。)


/brʌʃ/ / v.刷

Pass up the paint pot and brush.(把油漆罐和刷子递上来。)


/ti:θ/ / n.(tooth的复数形式)牙齿

But it''s bad for your teeth.(但它对你的牙齿不好。)


/ˈbrekfəst/ / n.早餐

What''s for breakfast?(早餐吃什么?)


/hɑ:f;hæf/ / n.半,一半

I love melons.I can just cut them in half and eat them.(我喜欢香瓜,我可以把它们切成两半然后吃掉。)


/pɑ:st;pæst/ / prep.晚于,过

Now it is different from the past.(现在和过去不同了。)

·have to

/ 必须,不得不

I''d have to be extra careful.(我不得不格外小心。)


/raɪd/ / v.骑,乘

Teach me how to ride a bicycle.(请你教我怎样骑自行车。)


/frɑ:ns;fræns/ / n.法国

He travelled France from end to end.(他游遍了法国。)


/ˈnevə(r)/ / adv.从不

Elephants,cows,and pigs will never fly.(大象,奶牛和猪永远不会飞。)

·on time

/ 准时

We can certainly have the job finished on time.(我们肯定能按时完成任务。)

Unit 4(12个单词)



/kʌm/ / v.来

Will he come to your home with Christmas gifts?(他会带着圣诞礼物来你家吗?)

·boarding school

/ 寄宿学校

Of course, now she is away at boarding school.(当然,她现在住在寄宿学校那边。)


/ˈɑ:ftə(r);ˈæf-/ / prep.在……之后

This is me before and after exercising.(这是锻炼前和锻炼后的我。)

·free time

/ 空闲时间

He spends all his free time at home vegetating in front of the TV.(他一有空闲时间就窝在家里看电视。)

·bed time

/ 就寝时间

It''s past my bed time.(已过了我的就寝时间。)


/ˈtaɪəd/ / adj.疲倦的

He is tired, he sleeps like a log.(他累了,睡觉很沉。)


/ɔ:l/ / adj.所有的;全部的

All hers answers were correct,so she got a 100.(她所有的答案都对了,所以她得了100分。)


/mʌst/ / aux.必须

I have to go, I really must, at once.(我得走了,我真的必须马上就走。)


/kænˈti:n/ / n.餐厅,食堂

This is the canteen.(这是餐厅。)


/ˈəʊvə(r)/ / adv.结束

He jumped over the barrier easily.(他轻松地跳过了障碍物。)


/ 从……到……

Where are you from?(你是什么地方人?)


/ 在……到……之间

The film explores the relationship between artist and instrument.(这部电影探究了艺术家和乐器之间的关系。)

Unit 5(19个单词)



/ru:l/ / n.规则

There is no cast-iron rule.(没有一成不变的规则。)


/leɪt/ / adj.迟的,晚的

We went to bed very late.(我们很晚才睡。)


/bɪˈfɔ:(r)/ / prep.在……之前

There''s only one person before me in line.(在队伍里我前面就只有一个人。)


/ˈjestədɪ,-deɪ/ / n.昨天

We went to the factory yesterday.(我们昨天去工厂了。)


/ˈɜ:lɪ/ / adj.早的

It is far too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)


/ˈselfəʊn/ / n.手机

I talked to her on my cellphone.(我用手机跟她通了话。)


/ˈtræfɪk/ / n.交通

Road traffic has reached saturation point.(公路交通已达到饱和点。)


/raɪt/ / adj.右侧的;正确的

You can use green marks under right answers.(你可以在正确答案下面用绿色标记。)


/saɪd/ / n.侧,边

Park on the side of the road.(靠路边停车。)


/weɪt/ / v.排队等候

The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.(蜘蛛必须等待猎物被它的蛛网困住。)


/ʃaʊt/ / v.喊叫

Don''t shout at me.(不要对我大喊大叫。)


/pʊʃ/ / v.推,挤

You push and I''ll pull.(你推我拉。)


/ˈenɪwʌn/ / pron.任何人

I couldn''t face seeing anyone.(我无法见任何人。)


/klɪə(r)/ / v.清除,变干净

The muddy water slowly cleared.(浑浊的水慢慢变得清澈起来。)


/θrəʊ/ / v.投,掷,丢

He threw three sixes in a row.(他一连掷出三个六点。)


/ˈrʌbɪʃ/ / n.垃圾

They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.(他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。)


/bɪn/ / n.垃圾箱

He threw the empty bottles in the bin.(他把空瓶子扔进垃圾桶。)


/wɔ:l/ / n.墙

This wall is made up of oddly shaped bricks.(这道墙由形状不规则的砖砌成。)


/ˈsʌmwʌn,-wən/ / pron.某人

I need someone to help me.(我需要有人帮忙。)

Unit 6(9个单词)



/ˈpi:pl/ / n.人,人们

There are many different people in the world.(世界上有许多不同的人。)


/ˈtaʊə(r)/ / n.塔

One can see the reflection of the tower in the water.(塔的影子倒映在水中。)


/ˈsɪnəmə/ / n.电影院

The cinema is always filled to capacity.(电影院经常客满。)

·go past

/ 经过

I go past the post-office every day.(我每天都从邮局经过。)

·over there

/ 那里

Look, there is a map over there.(看,那儿有一幅地图。)


/ˈɜ:θkweɪk/ / n.地震

The earthquake continued for about two minutes.(地震持续了大约两分钟。)


/stri:t/ / n.街道

There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)


/ˈterəbl/ / adj.可怕的,极坏的

His pronunciation is simply terrible.(他的发音简直坏透了。)


/pleɪs/ / n.地方

I really must start tidying the place up.(我真得开始收拾收拾这个地方了。)

Unit 7(12个单词)



/ˌwi:kˈend/ / n.周末

I went home at the weekend.(我周末回家了。)


/kʊk/ / n.厨师;烹饪

I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)


/ˈkli:nə(r)/ / n.清洁工人

He was a window cleaner.(他是个洗窗工。)

·bus stop

/ 公共汽车站

They waited at a bus stop.(他们在一个公共汽车站等车。)

·police station

/ 派出所,警察局

He is detained at a police station.(他被扣在警察局里。)


/sel/ / v.卖

I''ll sell at a discount in return for a speedy sale.(为了尽快售出,我会打折销售。)


/ˈfrendlɪ/ / adj.友好的,亲切的

The cat is friendly with the dog.(猫猫对狗狗很友好。)

·be good at

/ 擅长于

Are you good at it?(你擅长吗?)


/ˈkeəfl/ / adj.小心的,谨慎的

Be careful not to slip.(小心,别滑倒了。)


/fi:d/ / v.喂养;饲养

I bought a bag of bird feed.(我买了一袋鸟食。)


/send/ / v.送;寄

I am going to send this letter out.(我要把这封信寄出去。)


/''mɪsɪz/ / n.夫人,太太

Mrs Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.(卡文迪什夫人是我的一位亲密朋友。)

Unit 8(19个单词)



/speɪs/ / n.宇宙,太空

A Chinese space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.(一个中国太空舱目前正在绕地球轨道飞行。)


/ˈæstrənɔ:t/ / n.宇航员

I have wanted to be an astronaut.(我想过成为一个宇航员。)


/ˈspeɪsmæn/ / n.宇航员

He is a spaceman.(他是一名宇航员。)


/flaɪ/ / v.飞,飞行

The wild geese fly from north to south.(大雁由北向南飞。)


/ˈrɒkɪt/ / n.火箭

The rocket penetrated the enemy''s tank.(火箭击穿了敌人的坦克。)

·outer space

/ 外太空

You went to outer space?(你们去了外太空?)


/mu:n/ / n.月亮,月球

The moon was low in the sky.(月亮低悬在天空。)


/stɑ:(r)/ / n.星

There are innumerable stars in the sky.(天空中有无数颗星。)

·one day

/ 某一天;有一天

One day he just upped and left.(有一天他突然就离开了。)


/mɑ:z/ / n.火星

Does life exist on Mars?(火星上有生命吗?)


/dɑ:k/ / adj.黑暗的

He likes to wear a black jacket.(他喜欢穿黑色夹克。)


/ˈʌðə(r)/ / adj.其他的

Peony casts the other flowers into the shade.(牡丹使其他的花逊色。)


/braɪt/ / adj.明亮的

Our classroom is clean and bright now.(现在我们的教室既干净又明亮。)


/ˈsaɪəntɪst/ / n.科学家

He is a scientist of high prestige.(他是一位有声望的科学家。)

·space station

/ 太空站

I''ve just made this model of the space station.(我刚才做了个太空站模型。)


/bɪld/ / v.建立,建造

A monument will be erected in this town.(该城市将建造一座纪念碑。)


/ˈəʊnlɪ/ / adv.仅仅,只有

He is the only one on the road.(他是路上唯一的行人。)

·a few

/ 一些

I made a few phone calls.(我打了几个电话。)


/ˈklevə(r)/ / adj.聪明的

The clever dog brings the newspaper every morning.(这条聪明的狗每天早上都会拿报纸来。)

Unit 9(18个单词)


·Children''s Day

/ 儿童节

It''s Children''s Day. (今天是儿童节。)

·theme park

/ 主题公园

Disney already operates one theme park in Hong Kong.(迪士尼已在香港开设了一个主题公园。)

·a kind of

/ 一种

Modesty is a kind of virtue.(谦虚是一种美德。)

·roller coaster

/ 过山车

I want to ride on the roller coaster.(我想坐过山车。)

·big wheel

/ 大转轮

What a big wheel!(好大的车轮呀!)


/əˈfreɪd/ / adj.害怕的

The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder.(这小女孩非常害怕打雷。)


/ 旋转木马

I want to try the merry-go-round.(我要坐旋转木马。)


/sləʊ/ / adj.慢的

The traffic is heavy and slow.(交通拥挤,车流缓慢。)

·bumper car

/ 碰碰车

We played the bumper car twice today.(我们今天玩了两次碰碰车。)


/ˈti:kʌp/ / n.旋转茶杯

You have a teacup with a cover on it.(你有那种有盖子的茶杯。)


/ˈhɪstərɪ/ / n.历史

History is an interpretive process.(历史是一个阐释的过程。)


/ˈspeʃl/ / adj.特别的

The Dragon Boat Festival is a special Chinese festival.(端午节是中国的一个特殊节日。)


/kɑ:ˈtu:n/ / n.动画,漫画

A cartoon combines art and humor.(漫画结合了艺术和幽默。)

·for example

/ 例如

For example, books have authors and publishers.(例如,书籍都有作者和出版商。)


/ˈkʌntrɪ/ / n.国家

You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)


/ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ / n.文化

It demonstrated the brilliance of China''s ancient culture.(它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。)


/gru:p/ / n.组,团体

Who is the head of your group?(谁是你们组的头?)


/pɑ:t/ / n.部分,局部

He was just right for the part.(他是那个角色的不二人选。)

Unit 10(10个单词)



/ˈfeɪməs/ / adj.著名的,有名的

She is a famous singer and has many fans.(她是著名歌手,有很多粉丝。)


/ˈmaʊntɪn/ / n.山,山脉

There is much snow on the mountain.(山上有很多雪。)


/ˈtempl/ / n.寺庙

The four of them found a temple by the road.(唐僧师徒四人在路边找到了一座寺庙。)


/ˈtrævl/ / v.旅行

I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)

·City Square

/ 城市广场

His statue stands in the city square.(他的雕像矗立在城市广场上。)


/traɪ/ / v.尝试

Try these shoes for size ─they should fit you.(试试这双鞋的大小,你穿应该合脚。)


/fraɪd/ / adj.油炸的

Fried food is very indigestible.(油炸食品非常难消化。)


/dɪʃ/ / n.菜肴

This dish tastes good.(这盘菜的滋味不错。)

·the Great Wall

/ 长城

They visit the Great Wall.(他们参观长城。)


/dɪˈlɪʃəs/ / adj.美味的

They enjoy delicious food very much.(她们很爱享受美食。)









