

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-10






1. go skiing 去滑雪 2. go camping 去露营
3. play outside 在户外玩 4. fly a kite 放风筝
5. make a snowman 堆雪人 6. see/watch a film 看电影
7. go shopping 去购物 8. watch a football match 看足球比赛
9. visit the museum 参观博物馆 10. go mountain climbing 去爬山
11. have a good time 玩得开心 12. turn left/right 左转/右转
13. go straight ahead 直走 14. too … to 太。。。以至于
15. would you like 你愿意。… ? 。。吗?16. I ’ d like to 我想要。… 。。
17. get hurt 受伤害 18. watch out 注意
【 M1】
1. 问最喜欢的季节:
- What ’ s your favourite season?
- My favourite season is … .
2. 问一年有多少季节:
- How many seasons are there in a year?
- There are four.
3. 问在相应的季节做什么事:
- What can you do in +季节?
- I can do sth. in +season. ( e.g: I can make a snowman in winter.)
4. 选择疑问句:
- Do you like summer or winter?
- I like summer/winter.
- I don ’ t like summer, and I don ’ t like winter, either.
【 M2】
1. 问计划或将要做什么:
- What are you going to do tomorrow/this weekend …?
- I am going to do sth. (+动词原形 .)
2. 问日期:(重点复习序数词和月份的表达 )
- What ’ s the date today?
- It ’月份 s +序数词 . ( e.g: It ’ sts June 1 .)
3. 问星期几:
- What day is it today?
- It ’ 星期几 s + . ( e.g: It ’ s Monday.)
【 M3】
1. 邀请:
- Would you like to do sth.? (e.g: Would you like to go shopping?)
- Yes, I ’ d like to. / That sounds great.
2. 问约定时间:
- What time should we meet?
- At +时间.
【 M4】
1. 问交通工具:
- How do you do sth. ? / How will you get there?
- By +交通工具 . ( e.g: I go to school by bike.)
【 M5】
祈使句的用法:(动词原形, don’t表示否定 )
1. - Do crossthe street at the traffic lights or safety crossing.
- Ok. / All right.
2. Don’ t cross the road when the traffic light is red.
【 M6】
1. 问路:
- Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to …?
- Yes. Go straight ahead. Turn left/right at the second crossing.
1. 一般现在时(经常做、习惯)
a. 标志词:often, always, never, usually, seldom, sometimes, every
b. 形式 / 结构:
肯定句:第一、二人称、复数 +动词原形;第三人称单数 +动词 s/es
否定句:第一、二人称、复数 + don’ t + 动词原形;
第三人称单数 + doesn’ t + 动词原形
一般疑问句:Do + 第一、二人称、复数 + 动词原形 + 其他?
Does + 第三人称单数 + 动词原形 + 其他?
2. 一般将来时
a. 标志词:tomorrow, next week/month/ 将来时间 … ,
b. 肯定句形式 / 结构:
① 主语 + will + 动词原形 (e.g: I will go to school tomorrow.)
② 主语 + be going to +动词原形 ( be 动词:am, are, is)
e.g: She is going to go to the library this weekend.
3. 一般过去时
a. 标志词:yesterday, last, ago,过去时间
b. 形式:主语 + 动词过去式(一般 +ed) + 其他.









