

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-10





五年级下册( Module1)

班级: 姓名:

————————听力部分( 40 分)————————

一, 听录音,选出句子中所含的信息 ,(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

( )1, A does his homework B takes exercise C go to bed

( )2, A usually B always C often

( )3, A 10:45 B 11:45 C 11:15

( )4, A play football B play computer games C watch TV

( )5, A younger B smaller C older

( )6, A two hours B half and hour C an hour

( )7, A get up B hand in your homework C go to bed

( )8, A worried about B don ’t worry C hurry up

( )9, A headache B stomachache C toothache

( )10, A plenty of vegetables B plenty of fruits C plenty of water

二, 听录音,填写句子所缺的单词。 (每空 1 分,共 11分)

1, Janet ______________ goes to school later than her brother.

2, My bsister sometimes __________ her friend.

3, Amy ____________ at our school.

4, My brother is one year _______________ than me.

5, Jiamin always goes to school __________ than Yongxian.

6, Her mother is __________ about her study.

7, I’m sure you can catch up with the _______________

8, We have ten _____________ this month.

9, The girl often _____________ the _________ on Monday.

10, I have a toothache, I have to see the _____________.

三, 听问句,选择最佳的答句,把字母编号写在括号内。 (共 10 分)

( ) 1 , A He’s forty. B He ’s a fireman. C He’s my uncle

( ) 2 , A Sure. B Yes, I can. C Thank you very much

( ) 3 , A It ’s a clock. B It ’s blue C It ’s a horse.

( ) 4 , A That’s all right B Yes, of course. C No, thanks.

( ) 5 , A Yes, we are. B No, I can ’t. C Yes, you are.

四, 听录音, 选出与句子意思一致的图, 把大写字母编号写在括号内。 (共 9 分)

————————笔试部分( 60 分)———————

一,翻译下面的词组。 (每小题 1 分,共 12分)

1, 发烧 _________________ 2, 吃药 ________________ 3, 醒来 _________________

4,去散步 ________________ 5,笔友 ____________ 6,练习钢琴 ______________

7, 两双袜子 ____________ 8, 四瓶牛奶 _________ 9, 三箱苹果 _______________

10, 9 月 12 号_____________ 11,很久 ______________ 12, 赶上 __________________

二,单项选择。 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分)

1, Take the medicine two _______ a day.

A times B time C a time

2, Mrs Blon seldom ________ to work by taxi.

A goes B go C going

3, --A: What ’s the ________?

--B: She _______ feel good.

A matters B wrong C matter

4, His parents is ________ about him .

A worrying B worries C worried

5,We ________ feed the animals in the zoo.

A should B shouldn’t C are

6, --A: Li Ting looks __________ than before.

--B: Yes, she often ________ after class.

A thin, take exercises B thinner, takes exercises C thinner, take exercise

7, _________ they play football after class every day?

A Does B Do C Are

8, My brother goes to bed __________ than me.

A late B early C earlier

9, What’s the matter ______ Jaff? --- He’s ill.

A of B with C for

10, He’d better _________ the doctor now!

A see B sees C seeing

11, Sandy reads ______ every day.

A plenty of B for a long time C too much

12, There are two ______________ in the fridge.

A box of egg B boxes of eggs C box of eggs

13, It ’s time ______________ school.

A to B to go for C to go to

14, Please give _________ some food.

A their B him C she

15, Jane always ___________ at eight o’clock.

A watch TV B watching TV C watches TV

三,补充对话;每空一词。 (每空 1 分,共 10 分)

A: Hello ! ______ I speak to Sally?

B: ________ is Sally __________. Who's that pleas?

A: It ’s Ben. __________ you like to go to the zoo with my family tomorrow? We ’re _________ to

see the Koalas(树熊) !

B: That would be great! I ’d be glad to. ___________ can we get there?

A: We will ________ a No. 541 bus to get there. Let ’s meet at the bus stop.

B: OK. And what ________ shall we meet?

A: Let ’s meet _______ 9:30. Don ’t forget and _______ be late.

B: I see. Bye!

A: Bye!

四,阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文一致;一致写“ T”,否则写“ F” (共 8 分)

Jane and Joan are sisters. They live in a big house with their parents in Guangzhou. Jane is

seven years old and Joan is three years older than her. They study at the same school. Every

morning they take a bus to go to school. They ’re often late for school because they always go to

bed very late and they can ’t get up early in the morning. Jane likes watching TV for a long time

before she goes to bed. Joan often plays computer games or emails her friends. Both of them are

not good at their study and their teachers are all worried about them. Their father is a manager in a

big bank. He has a lot of work to do every day and he always goes home at about 12 o ’clock in the

evening. He has no time to talk with his daughters. Jane and Joan ’s mother is a very beautiful lady.

She has no work but she seldom stays at home. She usually goes to her friend ’s to play cards on

weekdays and then goes shopping at the weekend.

( ) 1, Jane and Joan are sisters and classmates.

( ) 2, Jane is seven years old and Joan is ten.

( ) 3, Jane and Joan always go to school by car.

( ) 4, Both of their parents are very hard-working.

( ) 5, Joan plays computer games very often.

( ) 6, Jane likes watching TV and emailing her friends.

( ) 7, Their mother is worried about their study.

( ) 8, Jane and Joan often go to school late but they can do well in their study.

五,根据提示,给 Lucy 一些建议;至少写 5 句。 (共 15 分)

Lucy often plays computer games and watches TV. She doesn ’t like sports and seldom takes

exercise. She goes to bed very late and gets up late. So she often gets ill. She has a cold and a

fever today. And she has a headache too. Her parents are worried about her.




1, My brother does his homework for an hour after dinner.

2, They always do some reading after dinner.

3, Miss White always goes to bed at a quarter to eleven.

4, Jiamin shouldn ’t play computer games too much.

5, Aally is one year older than me.

6, Mr. Chen’s daughter practices the piano for half an hour every day.

7, You should hand in your homework on time.

8, The teacher is worried about Jiamin ’s study.

9, Xiao Ling has a toothache. She feels tired.

10, We should eat plenty of vegetables every day.


1, Janet never goes to school later than her brother.

2, My sister sometimes e-mail her friend.

3, Amy studies at our school.

4, My brother is one year older than me.

5, Jiamin always goes to school earlier than Yongxian.

6, Her mother is worried about her study.

7, I’m sure you can catch up with the others.

8, We have ten lessons this term.

9, The girl often practices the piano on Monday.

10, I have a toothaches, I have to see the dentist.


1, How old is the man?

2, What color is the clock?

3, Can you help me?

4, Would you like some tea?学习好资料 欢迎下载

5, Are you going to the park tomorrow?


A The boy has a fever, he should take some medicine and stay in bed.

B He has a headache, he should take a rest.

C He is doing his homework.

D The man has a toothache, he should go to see the dentist.

E She feels very cold.

F He feels very hot.

G He has a pain on his ear.

H The tall man has a stomachache.

I He has a cold, he’d better see the doctor.

五年级(下)英语第二单元测试卷 (含答案 )

日期 姓名 分数

一、 听句子,选出句子所含的信息,把答案的字母编号写在相应的括号内( 10 分,每小题 1 分)

( )1. A. middle School B. international school C. primary school

( )2. A. much better B. much brighter C. much bigger

( )3. A. two thousand and eighty B. two thousand and forty C. two thousand fifty

( )4. A. Japanese and English B. English and Chinese C. English and French

( )5. A. clean bright and tidy B. tidy, bright and old C. clean, light and tidy

( )6. A. quarter to nine B. quarter to seven C. quarter to eight

( )7. A. the biggest B. the longest C. strongest

( )8. A. five tons of food B. four tons of fish C. four tons of food

( )9. A. hard working B. work hard C. hard work

( )10. A. seven countries B. one country C. eleven countries

二、听短文,比较 TOM 的新学校和旧学校,仿照例子完成下表 (5 分,每格 0.5 分)

The new school cleaner taller bigger larger brighter nearer

Buildings √

Swimming pool






三、听文句,选择相应的答句,把大写字母编号写在相应答句的括号内( 8 分,每小题 1 分)

1. Elephants. ( )

2. I’m going to Hong Kong tomorrow. ( )

3. I’d like to travel by plane. ( )

4. No, we do not. ( )

5. There are forty-five. ( )

6. I like English better. ( )

7. At about five in the afternoon. ( )

8. I don’t feel good. ( )

四、 听句子,把所缺单词补充完整( 15 分,每空 1 分)

1. Your ruler is _____________ longer than ______________.

2. There are two classrooms here. One is _______________. The other is ______________.

3. ________ Mr. White and Miss Green are ________________ Canada.

4. What ________ do the children speak? They speak English and French.

5. My parents have a _________ job than ____________.

6. This is my bedroom. Is it clean and __________?

7. I study hard to do __________ in class.

8. ___________ _________ are the biggest animals in the _________.

9. A cheetah can run more than 95 __________ an hour.五、按要求写出以下单词的各种形式( 16 分,每空 1 分)


library____________ mouse ____________ fish____________ monkey___________


big_______________ short_____________ late____________ old ___________


Easy _______________ _______________ thin __________________ _________________

Good ______________ ________________ beautiful __________________ _________________

六、单项选择( 13 分,每题 1 分)

( )1. How many ________ are there in your school?

A. girl B. pupils C. classroom

( )2. The hotel is very near. You __________ go there by bus.

A. should B. need C. needn’t

( )3. You __________ take some exercise every day.

A. better B. had better C. best

( )4. My eyes are bigger than ___________.

A. you B. your C. yours

( )5. We often help ______________.

A. me B. our C. each other

( )6. Ben is ________ than Mike.

A. thin B. thinner C. fat

( )7. Janet is the __________ pupil in her class.

A. best B. better C. good

( )8. My book is __________ than theirs.

A. new B. newer C. newest

( )9. David ______ from South America.

A. come B. is C. lives

( )10. My mother often plays _____ piano and my father often plays ______ basketball.

A. the, the B. the, / C. /./

( )11.I think my mother is ________________ beautiful than his.

A. much B. more much C. much more

( )12, Tomorrow will be ______________ colder than today.

A. more B. much C. most D. many

( )13, The two buildings are ___. But building A is ________ than building B.

A. tall, tall B. tall, taller C. taller, tallest

七、根据中文提示,把句子补充完整( 15 分,每空 1 分)

1. 我姐姐的英文说得比我好。

My sister __________ English ___________ than me.

2. 我比他高很多。

I’m __________ ____________ than _________.

3. 谁更早到学校,小明还是小华?

Who _________ to school ___________, Xiaoming _________ Xiaohua?4. 我的头发比我妈妈的长

My hair is __________ ___________ my mother ’s.

5. 她很漂亮, Lily 比她漂亮; Carmen 是三个当中最漂亮的。

She is beautiful, Lily is _______ __________ than ______; Carmen is the ________ ___________ of three

八、阅读理解,判断句子是否符合文章内容,如符合请写 T;否则写 F( 5 分,每题 1 分)

Ben: What’s your favourite animal, Jack?

Jack: Rabbits. What about you, Ben?

Ben: Horses. Horses can run faster than rabbits.

Jack: Yes. But rabbits can run faster than turtles. There is a rabbit in my new house.

Ben: Really? Is your new house much bigger than the old one?

Jack: Yes, it’s bigger. And m new house is nearer than the old one. There are more rooms in the new house.

Ben: How many rooms are there in your new house?

Jack: Ten rooms.

Ben: Wow!

Jack: Would you like to visit my new house tomorrow?

Ben: Yes, I’d love to!

1. Ben likes rabbits best. ( )

2. Jack’s old house is smaller than the new one. ( )

3. There are only 9 rooms in the new house. ( )

4. Horses can run faster than rabbits and turtles. ( )

5. The new house has more rooms than the old one. ( )

九、按实际情况回答问题( 5 分,每题 1 分)

1. Are you taller than your father?


2. How often do you play basketball?


3. Is a monkey fatter than a pig?


4. Is your school big or small?


5.Which is the biggest, a mouse, a chicken or a dog?


十、用不少于 30 个单词描述一个你喜欢的动物 (7 分)





1. Yonxian, do you still study at Guangzhou International School?

2. The Tianhe Gym is much bigger than the old one.

3. There are two thousand and eighty pupils this term.

4. --What language do you usually speak at school, Tom? --English and Chinese

5. Our classrooms are bright, clean and tidy.

6. What time do your classes begin in the morning? At a quarter to eight.

7. Elephants are the biggest animals on land.

8. A blue whale eats four tons of food each day.

9. I think all teachers are hard working.

10. Our classmates are from more than eleven countries.

二,对比 tom 的学校,填表

My name is Tom. It ’s the new school year. We are moving to the new school. The new school has more

buildings and classrooms. Look, the buildings are much taller than the old one. The swimming pool is much

larger and nearer to my classroom. The library is brighter than the old one. The clinic is bigger than the old

one. The school toilets are cleaner and bigger. And the playground is larger than the old one too. Oh, my

classroom is much cleaner bigger and brighter!


A. What ’s the matter?

B. Do you do morning exercises and eye exercises every day?

C. How would you like to travel?

D. Where are you going tomorrow?

E. Which subject do you like better, Chinese or English?

F. What time do you finish school?

G. How many pupils are there in your class?

H. What are the biggest animal on land?


1. Your ruler is much longer than ours.

2. There are two classrooms here. One is newer. The other is old.

3. Both Mr. White and Miss Green are from Canada.

4. What languages do the children speak? They speak English and French.

5. My parents have a harder job than me.

6. This is my bedroom. Is it clean and tidy?

7. I study hard to do better in class.

8. Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world.

9. A cheetah can run more than 95 kilometres an hour.五年级(下)英语第二单元测试卷答案


1、 B 2、 B 3、 A 4、 B 5、 A

6、 C 7、 A 8、 B 9、 A 10、 C


T he new school cleaner taller bigger larger brighter nearer

Buildings √

Swimming pool √ √

Library √

Clinic √

toilet √ √

Playground √

classroom √ √ √


1. ( H ) 2. ( D ) 3. ( C ) 4. ( B )

5. ( G ) 6. ( E ) 7. ( F ) 8. ( A)

四、 听句子,把所缺单词补充完整

1. much ours 2. newer old. 3. Both from

4. languages 5. harder me 6. tidy

7. better 8. Blue whales world. 9. kilometres

五、按要求写出以下单词的各种形式( 16 分,每空 1 分)


libraries mouse mouse s (鼠标 ) mice (老鼠 ) fishes monkeys


bigger shorter later older


Easy—easier —easiest thin —thinner-- thinnest

Good—better--best beautiful — more beautiful-- beautiful


1、 B 2、 C 3、 B 4、 C 5、 C 6、 B 7、 A

8、 B 9、 B 10、 C 11、 C 12、 B 13、 B


1、 speakes, better 2、 much, taller, him 3、 gets ,earlier, or 4、 C 5、 longer than

6、 more beautiful, her, most beautiful


1、 F 2T 3、 F 4、 F 5、 T










