

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-10





Unit 1 Winter holidays
一、 黑体词所在句子。
1.How were your winter holidays ( 假期,休假日 )?
2.Was it fun? Yes, but a littledifficult ( 困难的,不易的 ).
3.It’s a beautifulplace (地方,场所 ).
4.Where did you takethem (他们,她们,它们 )?
5.So (这么,那么 ) many beautiful dogs (狗)!
6.I also (而且,还 ) went ice fishing on the lake (湖).
7.He actedlike ( 像,相似 ) the Monkey King.
1. is (过去式 ) was 2. are (过去式 ) were 3. learn (过去式 ) learned
4. do (过去式 ) did 5. go (过去式 ) went 6. have (过去式 ) had
7. visit (过去式 ) visited 8. take (过去式 ) took 9. play (过去式 ) played
10. get (过去式 ) got 11. join (过去式 ) joined 12. act (过去式 ) acted
13. watch (过去式 ) watched 14. guess ( 过去式 ) guessed 15. holiday (复数 ) holidays
16. didn’t (完全形式 ) did not 17. sled (ing形式) sledding
1. 名词
holiday 假期,休假日 Beijing Opera 京剧 place 地方,场所 ice hockey 冰球运动
dog 狗 dog sledding 狗拉雪橇运动 ice fishing 冰钓运动 lake 湖 lantern 灯笼
parade 游行,列队表演 riddle 谜;谜语 prize 奖品,奖赏
2. 动词
went (go 的过去式 )去 enjoy 喜欢;享受。。。的乐趣 ski 滑雪
got (get 的过去式 )收到;得到 act 举动,表现;表演
3. 其他词
形容词:difficult 困难的,不易的 代词:them 他们,她们,它们
介词:like 像,相似 副词:so 这么,那么 also 而且,还
4. 短语
winter holidays 寒假 learn Beijing Opera 学京剧 a little difficult 一点困难
in the holidays 在假期里 a beautiful place 一个漂亮的地方 swim in the sea 在海里游泳
have a good time 过得愉快 enjoy your holidays 享受你的假期 go back to Canada回加拿大

visit my friends 看望我的朋友take pictures 照相have a look 看一看
in an art school 在一所戏曲学校play ice hockey 打冰球 go dog sledding 去坐狗拉雪橇
go ice fishing 去冰钓the Lantern Festival 元宵节watch a parade观看游行
join the parade 加入游行act like the Monkey King 扮演美猴王in the evening 在傍晚
watch the beautiful lanterns 赏花灯guess a riddle 猜谜语get a prize 得到奖品

四、 重点句子
1. ---How were your winter holidays? --- Wonderful!
2. ---Was it fun? --- Yes, but a little difficult.
3. ---What did you do in the holidays?
--- I learned Beijing Opera. / I went to Hainan. / I went back to Canada. / I visited my friends and
took many pictures.
4. --- Did you swim in the sea? --- Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.
5. --- Did you enjoy your holidays? --- Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
6. ---Can I have a look? --- Sure.
7. --- Where did you take them? --- I took them in Ottawa.
8. --- What sport is this? --- It ’s ice hockey.
9. I didn’t ski. I took pictures for them. 10. So many beautiful dogs.
11. I went dog sledding with my dad. 12. I also went ice fishing on the lake.
13. I didn’t go ice fishing, but I got a fish, too. 14.I went ice fishing in the holidays.
15. Li Ming visited his grandparents with Jenny and Danny.
16. They had yuanxiao for breakfast. 17. They went to watch a parade.
18. Jenny learned the yangge dance from grandma.
19. What did Danny do? He joined the parade. He acted like the Monkey King.
20. In the evening, they watched the beautiful lanterns.
21. Danny guessed a riddle and got a prize.
22. Everyone was happy that day. 23. Did you learn it in an art school?
24. What did Li Ming do at the Lantern Festival?
25. ---Where are you in the picture? ---I ’m here, behind the tall boy.
Unit 2 Good Behaviour
一、 黑体词所在句子。
1. Look before you cross thestreet (大街,街道 ).
2. The light is red now. Let’s stop (停止,停下来 ) and wait.
3. Don’t put (放) your bag on the seat.
4. Is the zoofar ( 远的)?No, it’s near (近的).
5. Don’t walk ( 走) on thegrass (草).
6. Li Mei wants to give (给予) it an apple.
7. I’m your dear (亲爱的人 ), but I’m not a deer.
8. They all (全部 ) laugh.
二、 写出下列单词的适当形式。
1. deer (同音异义词 ) dear 2. far (反义词 ) near 3. get on (反义词组 ) get off
4. I’ll ( 完全形式 ) I will 5. let’s (完全形式 ) let us 6. don’t (完全形式 ) do not
7. come (第三人称单数 ) comes 8. want (第三人称单数 ) wants
9. give (第三人称单数 ) gives 10. say (第三人称单数 ) says
三、 词汇分类
street 大街,街道 seat 座位 grass 草 deer 鹿 dear 亲爱的人
cross 横穿 stop 停止 push 挤 shout 大声说
put 放 walk 走 give 给予 feed 喂养
far 远的,遥远的 near 近的,接近的
all 全部
get on the bus 上车 get off the bus 下车 wait in line 排队等候
too much 太多 all right 好的 want to do 想做某事
cross the street横穿马路 take this seat坐这个座位 at the next stop在下一站
be happy to do 很高兴干某事 take a picture 照相 give it an apple 给它一个苹果
give them some grass给它们一些草
四、 重点句子
1.五个 Let’s 句 (Let’s 后加动词原形 )
Let’s stop and wait. Let’s get on the bus. Let’s wait in line.
Let’s cross the street. Let’s take a picture with them.
Let’s 开头的句子用 OK./ Great./ Good idea./ All right.来回答。
2.七个 Don’t 句 ( Don’t 后加动词原形)
Don’t push. Don’t shout. Don’t put your bag on the seat. Don’t run on the bus.
Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t feed it. Don’t feed them too much.
Don’t 开头的句子用 OK/ All right/ Oh, I ’m sorry.来回答。
3.—What do you want to do today?
---I want to go to the zoo. I want to see the pandas.(注意:want 加 to 再加动词原形)
4. Look before you cross the street. ( 易考连词成句 )
5. The light is red now. Let’s stop and wait. (red stop 对应课本图片 )
6. The light is green now. Let’s cross the street. (green cross 对应课本图片 )
7. Here comes the bus. (倒装句, come用的是第三人称单数 comes, 因为后面的 bus 是单数 )
8. ---Please sit here./ Please take my seat.
---Thank you.
----You’re welcome. (让座用语)
9. ---Is the zoo far? --- No, it ’s near. / Yes, it ’s far. (两种不同的答语,到底是 Yes 还是 No )
10. We’ll get off at the next stop. (易考连词成句)
11. There are three pandas in the zoo. (There are + 复数 + 地点)
12. Li Mei is happy to see them. ( be happy to +动词原形 干某事很高兴 )
13. A panda comes to them. ( panda是单数,用第三人称单数 comes; 此处他们用宾格 them)
14. Li Mei wants to give it an apple. (第三人称单数 wants; want to 加动词原形 give)
15. Li Mei gives them some grass. ( 第三人称单数 gives; give + 人 + 东西 给某人东西 )
16. I’m your dear, but I’m not a deer.(同音异义词,哪个在前,哪个在后,分清楚)
17. They all laugh. ( 注意 all 的位置 )
18. Who wants to take a picture with the pandas? (Who开头的句子,后面动词用第三人称单数 )
Unit 3 Health
一、 黑体词所在句子。
1. I don’t feel well. I feel (感受到,觉得 ) cold.
2. What’s wrong ( 不正常的,不好的 ) with you?
3. I have a verybad (严重的,厉害的 ) headache.
4. I’m worried about my lessons (课,课程 ).
5. We should do sportsevery (每个,所有的 ) day.
6. We should have enoughsleep (睡眠 )。
7. It makes ushealthy ( 健康的 ) and strong.
1. worry (形容词 ) worried 2. you’ll (完全形式 ) you will 3. go (ing 形式 ) going
4. feel (ing 形式 ) feeling 5. keep (第三人称单数 ) keeps 6. make (第三人称单数 ) makes
7. health (形容词 ) healthy 8. shouldn’t (完全形式 ) should not
fever 发烧,发热 headache头痛 cold 感冒,伤风 medicine 药,药物
rest 休息 lesson 课,课程 sleep 睡眠 health 健康(状况)
2. 动词
feel 感受到,觉得 cough 咳嗽
3. 情态动词
should 应当,应该 shouldn’t 不应该 (加动词原形)
4. 形容词
wrong 不正常的,不好的 bad 严重的,厉害的 better (健康状况 )好转的
every 每个,所有的 enough 充分的,足够的 healthy 健康的 fat 肥胖的
5. 副词
much 。。。得多 soon 不久,即刻,很快
6. 短语
feel cold 感觉冷 have a fever 发烧 see the doctor看医生 have a headache头疼
have a bad cold重感冒 take some medicine吃药 on time 按时
drink some water 喝水 much better 好多了 take a good rest好好休息
get well soon 很快康复 be worried about… 担心 keep away (使)远离
every day 每天 junk food 缺乏营养的劣等食物
四、 重点句子
---What’s wrong with you?(医生询问 )
---I don’t feel well. / I cough and feel cold. / I have a fever. / I have a very bad headache. 病人自述
---You have a bad cold. Don’t worry. Take some medicine. You’ll be all right. (医生诊断并建议)
---How are you feeling today? -- Much better. Thank you.
--- Are you feeling better?--- Yes. Thank you.
Take the medicine on time.按时吃药 Drink some water. 喝些水
Take a good rest.好好休息 Have some fruit.吃些水果
3. How can we keep healthy?我们怎样才能保持健康?
We should do sports every day.
We should have enough sleep.
We should eat fruit and vegetables every day.
We shouldn’t play computer games for too long.
We shouldn’t eat too much junk food.
Let’s go and see the doctor.
Do you have a headache? Yes, I do./ No, I don ’t.

Let me have a look.
I’m going to work.
I’m worried about my lessons.
Here’s an apple for you.
You’ll get well soon.
It’s time to get up.
How was school today?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

It makes us healthy and strong.
s bad for our eyes.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Junk food is not good for our health.
It makes us fat.

Unit 4 Neighbourhood
一、 黑体词所在句子
1.Good idea (主意,想法 ).
2. What are themen (man 的复数,成年男子 ) doing in the garden?
3. I think ( 认为,以为 ) so.
4. There is asupermarket ( 超级市场,超市 ) beside (在…… 旁边) it.
5. There are manypeople (人,人们 ) in the park.
6. Somewomen (woman 的复数,成年女子 ) are singing Beijing Opera under the tree.
1. live (第三人称单数 ) lives 2. live (过去式 ) lived 3. neighbour (复数) neighbours
4. man (复数 ) men 5. women (单数 ) woman 6. they (反身代词 ) themselves
7. try (第三人称单数 ) tries 8. say (第三人称单数 ) says 9. follow (-ing 形式) following
1. 名词
neighbour 邻居 stay 停留,逗留,暂住 neighbourhood 社区,住宅小区
idea 主意,想法 men (man 的复数 )成年男子 garden 宅旁花园,菜园 chess 象棋
bookshop 书店 supermarket 超级市场,超市 centre (商业或其他活动的)中心
people 人,人们 women (woman 的复数 ) 成年女子
2. 动词
show 带领,指引 think 认为,以为 follow 仿效
3. 其他词性
副词:around 到处,四处;在周围 介词:beside 在…… 旁边/近旁
4. 短语
next to 紧挨着,紧靠着 show … around 带领 …… 参观 good idea 好主意
Chinese chess中国象棋 be different from 与…… 不同 come on 快点儿,加油
come over 过来 lots of 大量的,许多的 do kung fu 练武术
enjoy themselves 过得愉快,感到快乐 sports centre体育中心 near the lake 在湖边
1. He lives next to me.



