

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-10





Unit 1(24个单词)



[''hɒlɪdeɪ; -dɪ] / n.假期,休假日

We had a wonderful holiday.(我们过了一个很棒的假日。)

·Beijing Opera

/ n.京剧

He assumed a posture and began to sing a part in a Beijing opera.(他拉开架子,唱起了京剧。)

·a little

/ 稍许,一点儿

I had grazed my knees a little.(我的膝盖擦破了一点皮。)


[ˈdɪfɪkəlt] / adj.困难的,不易的

It''s difficult to find on the calendar.(很难在日历上找到。)


[went] / v.(go的过去式)去

I went to Taiwan with my parents.(我和我的父母去了台湾。)


[pleɪs] / n.地方,场所

I really must start tidying the place up.(我真得开始收拾收拾这个地方了。)


[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] / v.喜欢;享受……的乐趣

The play was over before we would fully enjoy it.(这场戏我们还没有尽情欣赏就结束了。)


[ðem; ðəm] / pron.他们,她们,它们

Great! I like them.(太棒了!我喜欢它们。)


[səʊ] / adv.这么,那么

I hope you will pardon me for doing so.(我希望你原谅我这样做。)

·ice hockey

/ 冰球运动

Ice hockey is a rough contact sport.(冰上曲棍球是一项激烈的身体接触运动。)


[skiː] / n.滑雪

I want to go to ski.(我想去滑雪。)


[dɒg] / n.狗

It''s a dog.(这是一只狗。)

·dog sledding

/ 狗拉雪橇运动

I went dog sledding with my dad.(我和爸爸一起去玩雪橇。)


[''ɔːlsəʊ] / adv.而且,还

He''s also eating an apple.(他也正在吃苹果。)

·ice fishing

/ 冰钓运动

I know what ice fishing is!(我知道冰上钓鱼是什么啦!)


[leɪk] / n.湖

The lake is hidden among the mountains.(胡泊四周群山环绕。)


[ɡɒt] / v.(get的过去式)收到;得到

Because she got a good grade.(因为她取得了好成绩。)


[''læntən] / n.灯笼

I like the lantern.(我喜欢灯笼。)

·the Lantern Festival

/ n.元宵节

Happy The Lantern Festival to every one!(祝每一个人都元宵节快乐!)


[pə''reɪd] / n.游行;列队表演

A band ended the parade.(游行队伍的末尾是一个乐队。)


[ækt] / n.举动,表现;表演

The comedian''s act drew a large crowd.(那个喜剧演员的表演吸引了一大批观众。)


[laɪk] / prep.像,相似

These two girls like to sing.(这两个女孩喜欢唱歌。)


[''rɪd(ə)l] / n.谜;谜语

Can you answer this riddle?(你能猜出这个谜语吗?)


[praɪz] / n.奖品,奖赏

He got the first prize.(他中了头奖。)

Unit 2(22个单词)


[''ɑːntɪ] / n.伯母;婶母;姑母;姨母(aunt的非正式称呼)

Auntie and Uncle suggested she serve in the shop.(阿姨和叔叔建议她去商店工作。)


[krɒs] / v.横穿

Always use a crosswalk when you cross the road.(过马路的时候请走人行道。)


[striːt] / n.大街,街道

There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)


[stɒp] / v.停止,停下来;车站

The road worker held up his hand to stop the car.(修路工人举手让车停下来。)

·get on

/ 上(车)

A ticket inspector got on the train.(查票员上了火车。)


[pʊʃ] / v.挤,推挤

You push and I''ll pull.(你推我拉。)

·wait in line

/ 排队等候

My idea is to wait in line.(我的想法是排队等候。)


[ʃaʊt] / v.大声说,喊叫,呼喊

Don''t shout at me.(不要对我大喊大叫。)


[siːt] / n.座,座位

Is this seat taken?(这座位有人吗?)


[pʊt] / v.放,放置

Who put my little cat there?(是谁把我的小猫咪放那儿的?)

·You''re welcome.

/ 不用谢,别客气。

Thank you. You''re welcome.(谢谢。不用谢。)


[fɑː] / adj.远的,遥远的

Volunteers came from far and wide.(志愿者来自四面八方。)


[nɪə] / adj.近的,接近的

The ball rolled so near the hole,it almost fell in.(这个球滚到离洞很近的地方,差一点就进了。)

·get off

/ 下(车)

Get off the bus at the post office.(在邮局门口下车。)


[wɔːk] / v.走,行走

I went for an early morning walk with my dogs today.(今天早上,我带着我家的狗狗溜了一圈。)


[grɑːs] / n.草

Look!There are flowers in the grass.(看!草地上有花。)


[gɪv] / v.给予

Please give me a flower.(请给我一朵花。)


[fiːd] / v.喂养

I bought a bag of bird feed.(我买了一袋鸟食。)


[dɪə] / n.鹿

The people built a deer park.(人们建了一个鹿园。)

·too much

/ 太多

We shouldn''t eat too much candy.(我们不应该吃太多糖果。)


[dɪə] / n.亲爱的人

"I love you so much",the father said to his dear son.(“我非常爱你,”父亲对他亲爱的儿子说。)


[ɔːl] / n.全部

All hers answers were correct,so she got a 100.(她所有的答案都对了,所以她得了100分。)

Unit 3(25个单词)



[fiːl] / v.感受到,觉得

I am feeling very depressed.(我觉得非常沮丧。)


[''fiːvə] / n.发烧,发热

I feel as if I''m running a fever.(我好像有点儿发热。)


[rɒŋ] / adj.不正常的,不好的

Something is wrong with my bike.(我的自行车有毛病了。)

·What''s wrong?

/ 怎么啦?

What''s wrong with him?(他怎么了?)


[kɒf] / v.咳嗽

I couldn''t stop coughing.(我咳嗽不止。)


[''hedeɪk] / n.头痛

I had the beginnings of a headache.(我有了头痛的先兆。)


[bæd] / adj.严重的,厉害的

Smoking is bad for your health.(吸烟有害健康。)


[kəʊld] / n.感冒,伤风

I prefer the cold,snowy mountains over warm places.(比起温暖的地方,我更喜欢寒冷、白雪皑皑的山区。)


[ˈmedsn] / n.药,药物

This medicine tastes very bitter.(这药苦极了。)

·on time

/ 准时,按时

We can certainly have the job finished on time.(我们肯定能按时完成任务。)


[mʌtʃ] / adv.……得多

Look how much money I have!(看我多有钱!)


[''betə] / adj.(健康状况)好转的

Your toy is better.(你的玩具更好。)


[rest] / n.休息

It''s time for having a rest.(该休息一会儿了。)

·get well

/ 康复

I hope he''ll get well soon.(我希望他早日康复。)


[suːn] / adv.不久,即刻,很快

She was soon disillusioned.(她的梦想不久就幻灭了。)


[''les(ə)n] / n.课,课程

The teacher taught us an interesting lesson.(老师给我们上了一堂有趣的课。)

·keep away

/ (使)远离

Keep away from the doors while the train is moving.(列车运行过程中要远离车门。)


[ʃəd; strong form ʃʊd] / aux.应当,应该

When you are working,you should sit up straight.(工作时,你应该挺身坐直。)


[''evrɪ] / adj.每个,所有的

We were made to attend meetings every day.(我们每天都得参加会议。)


[ɪ''nʌf] / adj.充分的,足够的

I think I have said enough.(我想我已经说得够多了。)


[sliːp] / n.睡眠

Try and get some sleep.(试着睡一会儿。)


[''helθɪ] / adj.健康的

Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.(猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。)

·junk food

/ 缺乏营养的劣等食物

I eat almost no junk food.(我几乎不吃垃圾食品。)


[helθ] / n.健康(状况)

Caffeine is bad for your health.(咖啡因对人体健康有害。)


[fæt] / adj.肥胖的

You''ll become fat if you eat too much junk food.(如果你吃很多垃圾食品的话,会长胖的。)

Unit 4(23个单词)


·next to

/ 紧挨着,紧靠着

Canada is next to the United States.(加拿大与美国接壤。)


[''neɪbə] / n.邻居

I got chatting with my neighbour in the garden.(我在花园里和邻居聊了一会。)


[steɪ] / v.停留,逗留,暂住

They stayed at home for the holiday.(他们在家过节。)


[ˈneɪbəhʊd] / n.社区,住宅小区

I live in a friendly neighbourhood where everyone knows each other.(我住在一个友好的社区里,那里每个人都互相认识。)


[ʃəʊ] / v.带领,指引

Show me which one you like and I''ll buy it for you.(指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。)


[ə''raʊnd] / adv.到处,四处;在周围

You can fly around the world.(你可以绕着世界飞一圈。)


[aɪ''dɪə] / n.主意,想法

Whose idea is it?(这是谁的主意?)


[men] / n.(man的复数)成年男子

The men left in a rush.(男人们匆匆离开了。)


[''gɑːd(ə)n] / n.宅旁花园,菜园

Let''s go to the garden.(我们去花园吧。)


[tʃes] / n.棋

Chess has long been regarded as a measure of intellect.(国际象棋长久以来被认为是智慧的体现。)

·Chinese chess

/ n.中国象棋

I can''t beat him at Chinese chess.(我象棋下不赢他。)


[θɪŋk] / v.认为;以为

I think so.(我想是如此。)


[''bʊkʃɒp] / n.书店

He is at the bookshop.(他在书店里。)


[''suːpəmɑːkɪt; ''sjuː-] / n.超级市场,超市

We''re going to the supermarket!(我们要去超市!)


[bɪ''saɪd] / prep.在……旁边,在……近旁

The loyal dog is lying beside her master.(这只忠诚的狗狗正趴在主人旁边。)


[''sentə] / n.(商业或其他活动的)中心

There is a flagstaff in the centre of the field.(草场中心有一根旗杆。)


[''piːp(ə)l] / n.人,人们

There are many different people in the world.(世界上有许多不同的人。)


[ð(ə)m''selvz] / 他(她,它)们自己

They all seemed to be enjoying themselves.(他们好像玩得都很开心。)

·enjoy themselves

/ 过得愉快,感到快乐

My students enjoy themselves everyday.(我的学生每天都过得很愉快。)


[''wɪmɪn] / n.(woman的复数)成年女子

Women in our country enjoy equal rights with men.(在我国妇女享有同男子平等的权利。)


[''fɒləʊ] / v.仿效

We followed him up the steps into a large hall.(我们跟着他上楼来到一个很大的大厅。)

·come over

/ 过来

Come over here, quick!(快过来!)

·lots of

/ 大量的,许多的

Lots of people got the questions wrong.(很多人把问题理解错了。)

Unit 5(20个单词)



[''vɪlɪdʒ] / n.村庄,乡村

When I was a child I lived in a country village.(我小时候生活在一个小乡村里。)


[bɜːd] / n.鸟

It''s a bird.(这是一只鸟。)


[''hæpɪlɪ] / adv.高兴地,快乐地

We are living very happily now.(现在我们正在幸福地生活着。)


[''rɪvə] / n.江,河

This is a long river.(这条河很长。)


[''enɪ] / adv.一点,一些,少许

Ask me if you have any question.(如果你有问题就问我。)


[dʌk] / n.鸭子

I hava a duck.(我有一只鸭子。)


[kætʃ] / v.捕捉

The cat is happy to catch the mouse.(抓到了杰瑞,汤姆很开心。)


[jɑːd] / n.后院

The wind drifted the leaves across our yard.(树叶随风飘过我们的院子。)


[''beɪbɪ] / n.婴儿;幼兽;雏鸟

The baby was rocked to sleep in a cradle.(婴儿在摇篮里被摇得睡着了。)


[ʃiːp] / n.绵羊

Sheep are raised to produce wool.(人们养羊是为了产羊毛。)


[gəʊt] / n.山羊

A goat is difficult from a sheep.(山羊和绵羊不同。)


[''kjuːkʌmbə] / n.黄瓜

This cucumber plant is climbing.(这棵黄瓜爬蔓了。)


[plɑːnt] / n.植物;秧苗

We often plant trees.(我们经常种树。)


[sɔɪl] / n.土壤,土地,泥土

Scientists study the composition of the soil.(科学家研究土壤的构成。)


[greɪd] / n.年级

I''m in class two,grade three.(我在三年级二班。)


[fiːld] / n.田地;田野

People were working in the fields.(人们在田间劳动。)


[kaʊ] / n.奶牛

A mature cow has horns.(成年奶牛有犄角。)


[''ɔːtʃəd] / n.果园

My uncle has an apple orchard.(我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。)


[pɪk] / v.采,摘

Pick all the apples off the tree.(把树上的苹果都摘下来。)


[''tʃerɪ] / n.樱桃

Cherry juice is good for your skin.(樱桃汁对你的皮肤有好处。)

Unit 6(25个单词)



[plæn] / v.计划;打算

This plan was a great success.(这项计划非常成功。)


[''stɔːrɪbʊk] / n.故事书

Look, I have a new storybook.(看,我有一本新的故事书。)


[''peɪntɪŋ] / n.画,绘画作品

He shows a great aptitude for painting.(他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。)


[saʊnd] / v.听起来

The sound coming from the speakers was very clear.(喇叭里传出的声音很清晰。)


[kæmp] / n.活动营地,度假营地

we should camp here for the night.(我们今晚要在这里露营了)


[mʌst] / aux.一定,肯定

I have to go, I really must, at once.(我得走了,我真的必须马上就走。)


[''træv(ə)l] / v.旅行

I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)


[''djʊərɪŋ] / prep.在……期间

The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut.(冰箱里的食物在停电期间化开了。)


[''wiːkdeɪ] / n.工作日(星期一至星期五某天)

Do not you go to the office on weekday?(难道你工作日不上班吗?)

·the British Museum

/ 大英博物馆

We went to the British Museum.(我们去了大英博物馆。)

·Hyde Park

/ 海德公园

Is Hyde Park included in the tour?(这趟旅行去海德公园吗?)

·the London Eye

/ 伦敦眼

I want to visit the London Eye.(我想去参观伦敦眼。)


[''kæm(ə)rə] / n.照相机,摄影机

This camera is too dear.(这架照相机太贵了。)


[mæp] / n.地图

All we had to do was follow the map.(我们所要做的就是按照地图走。)

·You''d better…

/ 你最好(还是)……

You''d better finish it today.(你最好今天把它搞完。)


[ʌm''brelə] / n.雨伞

Take this umbrella with you.(这把雨伞你把它带上。)


[''kʌntrɪ] / n.国家

You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)


[trɪp] / n.旅行,外出

How did you like the trip?(这趟旅行感觉如何?)

·get ready

/ 准备;做准备

Get ready. Let''s start training now.(准备了。开始训练了。)

·middle school

/ 中学

Welcome to Sunlight Middle School.(欢迎来到阳光中学。)


[laɪf] / n.经历,生活

We have a very active sex life.(我们的性生活非常活跃。)


[tɜːm] / n.学期

What are you teaching this term?(你这学期教什么课?)


[mɪs] / v.思念,想念

We''ll see what we can do, miss.(我们会尽量想办法,小姐。)


[mɔː] / adv.更,更多

It''s obvious that you need more time to think.(显然你需要更多时间来思考。)


[ɪk''saɪtɪŋ; ek-] / adj.令人兴奋的,使人激动的,刺激的

He was enthralled by the exciting story.(那激动人心的故事使他听得入神了。)



