
外研版(一起点)五年级英语下册全册课课练 | 含答案 | 可下载

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2023-01-02






I. 选择填空。

  1. My father__________football every week.

A.played                B. plays                C. playing

  2. I played basketballin the playground __________ weekend.

A.last                    B. next                  C. this

  3. My grandparents__________ in the evenings.

    A. watches               B. watch TV          C. watched TV

  4. Did Rose __________ last Sunday?

    A. wentswimming    B. read a book        C. taking pictures

  5. Tom  __________very happy last night.

    A. looks                  B. is                       C. was

  6. Three days __________, I will be back to Shunde.

    A. before                B. later                    C.soon

  7. __________ the secondday , I rowed a boat in the river.

A.In                      B. On                      C. At

  8. __________ was yourlast trip?  Last weekend.

A.When                 B. Where               C. How

  9. What  __________you __________ for the last day of the holiday?

A.do, do                B. did, do              C. do, did

  10. It was a long holiday.They_____ Shanghai on Mar. 2nd and _______ to Harbin on the 3rd.

A. leave, got             B.left , get              C. left,  got

  11. She  __________homework last night.

    A. doesn’t ,do          B. don’t ,did            C. didn’t ,do

  12. He has nothing todo. He is  __________.

A.tired                   B. angry                C. bored

  13. What did youdo  __________ your holiday ?

A.in                      B. on                       C. at

  14. He  __________in the river last week.

A.swam                 B. swims               C. swum

  15. --Canyou  __________?  -- Yes, I __________ last night.

A.dance, danced       B. dances, dance    C. danced ,danced


II. 请用正确动词形式填空。

1. I _________ have anexciting party last weekend.

2. _________ she _________practice herguitar yesterday? No, she _________.

3. What ________ Tom often________ do on Saturday evening?

He________watch TV and __________read aninteresting book.

4.They all _________go to the mountains yesterdaymorning.

5.She _________not visit her aunt last weekend. She ________ stay athome and _________do some cleaning.

6.When ______ you ________write this song? I __________write itlast year.

7.My friend, Carol, __________study forthe math test and _________practiceEnglish last night.

8.________ Mr. Li _______do the project on Mondaymorning?Yes, he _________.

9.How _________be Jim\'s weekend? It _________be notbad.

10.________ be your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she _________



(    )1.A. class             B. mask                 C.wash      

(    )2.A. telephone       B. seven                 C.evening

(    )3.A. animal           B. skate                 C. happy

(    )4.A. clean             B. each                 C. bread

(    )5.A. mouth            B.clothes              C. with 



A. 按要求写单词。

1.he(宾格)_______                         2.I(宾格)_______

3.he(物主格)_______                      4.I(物主格)_______         

5.family(复数)_______                   6.story(复数)_______   

7.write(现在分词)_______                8.have(现在分词)_______ 

9.run(现在分词)_______                 10.big(近义词)_______     

B. 英汉词组互译。

1.喜欢游泳_______                          2.在教室附近_______          

3.坐在椅子上_______                      4.站在窗户旁_______

5.睡在床上_______                          6.在操场上跑步_______

7.扫地_______                                8.打扫卧室_______

9.洗手_______                             10.做家务_______

11.have an English lesson_______    12.How about this morning_______

C. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.A: What are you doing, Nancy?    B: I             (do) my homework.

2.Look! Tom and Wang Bing             (play)table tennis.

3.Listen, the children             (sing)in the music room.

4.A: Where’s Mike?      B: He             (sleep)in his bedroom now.

5.A: Do you like            (jump)?    B: Yes, I do.

6.Let’s            (wash)clothes now.

7.Don’t            (run)in the classroom.

8.I           (watch) TV now. My father          (read) English.

My mother              (clean)the kitchen.  We are very busy now.



(    )1.What         doing?          makingpuppets.

        A. arethere; There are     B. are they; Theyare     C. they are; They are

(    )2.          ?  There is a toymonkey.

        A. Where isit            B. Whatcolour is it      C. What’s in the box

(    )3.The telephone is            .Let me answer it.

        A.ring              B.ringing       C.rings 

(    )4.Su Hai and Su Yang           at home . Look, they           their study.

        A. are, arecleaning     B. is ,clean      C.are, is sweeping

(    )5.Su Yang can           . She            anEnglish song now.

        A. sing,sings          B. singing, is singing   C. sing, is singing

(    )6.Are you watching TV now? No, I’m            music.

        A.listen                B.listening              C. listening to

(    )7.I’m free this afternoon. How           you?

A.are                 B.about                 C. do

(    )8.A: Hello, is that Yang Ling?  B: Yes,            .

A. I am YangLing       B. this is YangLing       C. that is Yang Ling

(    )9.Shall we go and play basketball? Sorry.            .

A. I’m notfree         B. I’mfree now         C. I’m athome

(    )10.I like           . I can            .I’m            now.

        A. skiing,ski, skiing    B. ski, skiing, skiing     C. skiing, skiing, skiing



1.doing , we , housework , are , home , at  (  .)

英:                                    中:                        

2.she , cleaning , is , windows , now , the  (  .)

英:                                    中:                        

3.please , and , me , can , you , come , help ( ? )

英:                                    中:                        



   1.你想告诉别人你正在唱歌,应说:    A.What is Nancy doing?

   2.你想问是谁的姐姐在跳舞,应说:    B.How about this evening?

   3.问别人是否喜欢打篮球,应说:      C.I’m singing.

   4.问别人现在是否有空,应说:        D.Are you free now?

   5.问别人会不会唱这首歌,应说:      E.Let’s go to the playground.

   6.请别人来帮助自己学语文,应说:    F.Can you sing the song?

   7.问别人今天晚上行不行,应说:      G.See you this afternoon.

   8.请别人和自己一起去操场,应说:    H.Do you like playing basketball?

   9.和别人约好今天下午见,应说:  I.Can you come and help me with my Chinese?

   10.你想知道南茜正在干什么,应说:   J.Whose sister is dancing?



   1.It’s four thirty. There are playing football there.

                                 A              B           C

   2.There are anapple and some oranges on the plate.

               A                  B                      C

   3.Listen! Thebirds in the tree are sing.

             A         B                  C

   4.Not read booksin the sun(太阳).

             A        B          C

   5.They like swimming, and I don’t.

                              A       B    C


 I. 判断下列各组单词中划线部分的读音有几种(A. 一种B. 两种C. 三种D. 四种):

  1. name class what bag

  2. bread tea great head

  3. snow flower show now

  4. day Monday play Sunday

  5. that this there father

  II. 用“有”的适当形式填空:

  1. _______ forty-two students in our class.

  2. I _______ two little sisters.

  3. _______ some milk in the glass.

  4. He _______ a round face.

  5. _______ four bananas on the table.

  6. _______ (not) a bag on the bed.

  7. Tom _______ three pens and four pencils.

  8. They _______ five chairs.

  III. 看图,判断下列句子正(T)误(F):

  1. There’re somebirds in the tree. ( )

  2. There’re somehouses near the tree. ( )

  3. There’re two boatson the river. ( )

  4. There’s a boy inthe boat. ( )

  5. There isn’t a dogunder the tree. ( )










