

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2023-01-02








1.I_________(be) ataxi driver before.2.My mother_________(work)in a shop now.

3. Myfather_________(work) in a school before.4.What________(do) you do before?

5.What didyou_________(do)?6.Where did your grandma_________(work)?


1. Where did he work?                       A. I was a driver.

2. What did you dobefore?                 B. He worked in ahospital.

3. What does shedo now?                   C. I am ateacher.

4. What do you donow?                            D. Tom wasa farmer.

5. What did Tom dobefore?                E. She is a doctor.


() 1. He workinahospital before.


() 2. Whereareyour parents workbefore?


() 3. Whatdoyou do before?


() 4. Tim worksin a office now.


() 5. Whatdidyou doing before?


五.判断正误(√)   (×).


()1. Where did yourgrandpa ______ last year?

A. work B. worked    C. working

()2. Lingling’sgrandpa ______ in a hospital before.

A. worked B.working    C. work

()3. She works______ a farm.

A. in B. onC. at

()4. What ______ you______ now? I am a teacher now.

A. do; did B.does; do C. do; do

()5. He ______ ataxi ten yeas ago, but he works in a ______ now.

A. drove; farm B. drove;factory    C. drives; factory

()6. Look! Mygrandpa is ______.

A. fish B. fished.    C. fishing

()7. —What ______he ______ before? —He was a firefighter.

A. did; doB. do; do    C. does; do

()8. Lily is ______the flute.

A. played B.playing C. plays

()9. My mother is asales assistant and she works in a ______.

A. hospital    B. farm   C. shop

()10. Amy can play______ flute and Lingling can play ______ chess.

A. /; the    B. the; /   C. the; the


1. Lingling’sgrandpa can ______ (play) the flute.

2. My father______ (work) in a hospital before.

3. What music______ (do) you play before?

4. Langlang is awonderful piano (钢琴) ______ (play).

5. My grandma isa ______ (farm) and she works on the farm every day.


A. Who’s this  man?

B. Who are  they?

C. Is this your  mother?

D. Can I see  them?

E. He’s a  firefighter.

A: I have got some interesting photos.B: 1.___________

A: Of course.B:2. ___________

A: He is my father.B: What does your father do?

A: 3. ___________B:4.___________

A: Yes, she is. She is a doctor.B: 5. ___________

A: They are my grandparents.B: They look young.




Many years ago, Weifang was a small city without (没有)many beautiful parks or tall buildings. But now Weifang is a big andbeautiful city. There is a long river and many beautiful parks around it. Thereare lots of new and tall buildings. There are some green plants and beautifulflowers on the two sides of the roads. I like the city very much and I love tolive here with my family.

()1. Many years ago, Weifangwas a small city with many beautiful parks.

()2. Weifang is a big andbeautiful city now.

()3. There were lots of newand tall buildings before.

()4. The writer (作者)likes the city very much.

()5. There was a long riverand many beautiful parks before.



Hello, I’m Lisa. There are six people in my family. They are my grandpagrandmafather, mother,little sister and me. My grandpa was a taxi driver before. He drove a taxi tenyears ago. My grandma was a nurse before. She worked in a hospital. Sometimesshe got home from work very late. It was about ten o’clock in the evening. Myfather is a Chinese teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. She teaches music atschool. I’m a pupil. And my little sister is only two. She is very cute.

1. How many people are therein Lisa’s family?________________________________

2. What did Lisa’s grandpado ten years ago?____________________________

3. What did Lisa’s grandmado before?___________________________________

4. What subject (科目) does Lisa’sfather teach?________________________________________

5. Is Lisa a pupil?________________________________________



before now

I’m Lingling. This is my grandpa. He was a doctor before. He worked in ahospital. But now he is old and he doesn’t work. He is learning English now.





A. I usuallyhave bread for breakfast.

B. She usuallyhas noodles for breakfast.

C. He usuallyhas sandwiches for breakfast.

D. Linglinghad fish and chips yesterday.

E. Daming hada hamburger for breakfast yesterday.

Read and choose.选择正确的单词

(    )1.饥饿的            A. thirsty               B. hungry                     C. sleepy

(    ) 2. 面条             A. noodle                     B.bread                       C. rice

(    ) 3. 香肠             A. meat                 B.chip                         C. sausage

(    ) 4. 三明治          A. hamburger        B. sandwich                  C. chicken

(    ) 5. 早餐             A. breakfast           B.lunch                       C. dinner

三.Readand write.填上合适的单词

1.我在周日吃汉堡包。On________, I have________.


________is usuallyat_________________seven.


Wehave__________________________for lunch.





. Read and answer thequestions.根据短文回答问题

Tim is fromLondon. He is twelve years old. He is studying in Beijing with his father. Hisfather teaches English in a school. He often eats hamburgers. He also likesChinese food very much.

He usually hasrice or noodles for dinner. On Sundays, he usually goes to KFC with his father.They eat hamburgers there.

1. Where is Timnow?____________________________

2. How old is Tim?_____________________________

3. What does Tim'sfather do?____________________

4. When does Timusually have rice or noodles?_______________________________

5. What does Timusually have on Sundays?___________________________________


 1. did, what,  lunch,  she, for,  have(?)


2. sausages,  she, and,  had,  eggs(.)




3. a,   dish,  it,  is, traditional,  English(.)




()1. A. water    B. juice   C. sandwiches

()2. A.traditional    B. dish    C. delicious

()3. A.usually    B. often    C. late

()4. A. bread    B. drink   C. meat

()5. A. want    B. thirsty    C. hungry


A. egg B. bread C. hamburgerD. pearE. meat F. rice G.noodlesH. juiceI. cola J. chipsK. milkL. appleM. fishN. sausagesO. water


Drink: ____________________________________________________

Fruit: _____________________________________________________


()1. What ______you ______ for dinner?

A. did; have    B. do; had    C. do; has

()2. This letter isabout Chinese food. It ______ it’s delicious.

A. say    B. said   C. says

()3. _______ Linglinglike ______ food?

A. Does;American    B. Did; America    C. Do; American

()4. When do you______ dinner?

A. had    B. have   C. has

()5. He had ______for breakfast at about ten past seven.

A. eggs andbread    B. egg and bread    C. eggs and breads

()6. I’m very thirsty.I want some ______.

A. bread    B. noodles    C. juice

()7. —What ______does he have dinner? —______ 19:00.

A. time; At    B. time; For    C. o’clock; At

    ) 8. Look! Sam is eating some ______.

A. milk    B. juice   C. sandwiches

()9. Lingling’sfavouritefood is ______.

A. fish andchip    B. fishes and chips    C. fish and chips

()10. Sandwichesand vegetables are very good ______ you.

A. in    B. for   C. of


1. for breakfast does havehe what (?)


2. Darning timewhat doesdinner have (?)


3. hungry wewe are and somewant bread (.)


4. fruit vegetables good youfor and are (.)


5. usually familiestogetherhave dinner (.)



In the UK, people usually have breakfast at 7 o’clock. Lunch is usuallyat half past twelve. Dinner is usually at half past six. Sundays are special inthe UK. Families eat lunch together. They eat chicken, potatoes and othervegetables.

In the USA, people usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock because their workoften star6ts at 9 o’clock. Then they have a quick and simple lunch. But in theevening, they have a big dinner. On Sundays, many people have “brunch (早午饭)” because they get up very late and “breakfast” and “lunch” become thesame one.

In the USA

In the UK

About breakfast

Breakfast is usually at 7  o’clock.

Breakfast is usually at 1.  __________.

About lunch

Lunch is usually at 2.  __________.

People have a 3.  __________and simple lunch.

About dinner

Dinner is usually at half  past six.

People have a big dinner.

About Sundays

Families have 4.  __________together.

Many people have 5.  “__________”.




提示词语breakfast, lunch,dinner, sausage, hamburger, egg, noodles, milk, juice, vegetables, bread, fish,fish and chips, 8:00, 12:306:00










