
珠峰四期 | 2组:有关2016年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖——细胞自噬机制背后的研究

京师生命 2020-08-29

The following article is from SKY学长计划 Author SKY学长计划







Autophagy: Research Behind the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine(有关2016年诺贝尔奖生理学或医学奖——细胞自噬机制背后的研究).


东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology)简称东工大。是专攻工程技术与自然科学的日本顶尖、世界一流的理工科大学 。该校是日本超级国际化大学计划的A类顶尖校之一,也是日本八大学工学系联合会、学术研究恳谈会(RU11)、东亚研究型大学协会等学术组织的重要成员。



Yoshinori Ohsumi’s research story begins with what was an overlooked organelle, the vacuole, before his interests moved towards autophagy and intracellular degradation.

About 30 years ago, he used a simple light microscope to observe yeast cells under starvation, discovering the delivery of own components to the vacuole before they were degraded. He realized that this phenomenon depended on the same mechanism as autophagy, which was already known in mammalian cells but it was poorly understood.

Using this approach, we were able to identify many of the genes responsible for autophagy in yeast. The identification of these genes allowed autophagy research in mammalian cells to rapidly progress, which was until then held back by a lack of mechanistic understanding.

Now, autophagy is a major area of research in the biological sciences. Many researchers around the world are assessing autophagy in a range of organisms, uncovering mechanistic details which discovering more and more roles for autophagy.

Research is now aimed at developing new treatments for diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration, in which autophagy is known to play a role. He never planned or anticipated that my research would eventually be linked to our understanding and treatment of diseases in humans.

His work is an excellent example of the importance of basic research in science.

Life depends on a delicate balance between synthesis and degradation, and it follows that the regulation of degradation is controlled by as many genes as for synthesis.

As one of the most fundamental processes in the cell, many more functions of autophagy remain to be uncovered.

In this course, Associate Professor Hitoshi Nakatogawa and Alex May, will guide you through the basics of autophagy.



In week 1 and week 2, we learned the basics of autophagy and looked at the Nobel Prize-winning work of Dr. Ohsumi, which triggered the explosive development of the autophagy research field. And in week3, we were introduce with several important works, each of which made seminal contributions to our understanding of the roles of autophagy in life and its relationship with human diseases.

It’s a 4 weeks long short time. But I had learn a lot of autophagy. Autophagy is one of the most important processes in eukaryotes, which is evolutionarily conserved for the turnover of intracellular materials. In this process, some damaged proteins or organelles are wrapped by the autophagic vesicles of double membrane structure, and then sent to lysosomes (animals) or vacuoles (yeast and plants) for degradation and recycling. This progress can degenerate temporarily unavailable or aging organelles. Thus the cell can have relatively adequate animo acid to survive through starvation.

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