
中级美国英语 第1课:one,which one和单字介词

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05

中级美国英语 第1课:one,which one和单字介词


在这课里我们要学习用 one o-n-e one "一个" 跟 which one "哪一个" 作句子.我们也要学用单字介词, 比方: on, in, under, at, 跟一个字以上, 比较长的介词, 比方: in front of "在什么什么前面", in back of "在什么什么后面" 作句子. 我们先学 the one 跟 which one. 现在请你听一段对话, 是说一对
夫妇亨利 Henry 跟凯特 Kate 到飞机场去接亨利的表妹苏珊 Susan. 现在请你注意听:

M: Kate, look! The passengers1 are coming from the plane, and there's Susan. 
F: Which one ? 
M: The tall one next to the window. 
F: The one with the suitcase2
M: No. The one with the package3 under her arm. 
F: Oh, yes! That's Susan ! 
M: Hello, Susan! How was4 the trip? 
F: Fine. It was a very good flight5.


M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan. 
F: Which one? 
M: The tall one next to the window. 
F: The one with the suitcase? 
M: No. The one with the package under her arm. 
F: Oh,yes! That's Susan! 
M: Hello, Susan! How was the trip? 
F: Fine. It was a very good flight.

现在我们把会话里有 the one 跟 which one 的句子挑出来, 用慢速度再念一遍,请你注意听.

F: Which one? 
M: The tall one next to the window. 
F: The one with the suitcase? 
M: The one with the package under her arm. 


二.Which one 和 one 练习 


老师先问 Which one? 

然后他再念一个词组, 请你用 the one 跟这个词组来回答问题, 最后请你注意听正确答案.

F: Which one? 
F: with the suitcase 
M: The one with the suitcase. 
F: Which one? 
F: with the red dress 
M: The one with the red dress. 
F: Which one? 
F: with the long hair 
M: The one with the long hair. 
F: Which one? 
F: with the package 
M: The one with the package. 
F: Which one? 
F: with the black shoes 
M: The one with the black shoes.

现在我们换一个方式作练习, 这组练习的内容是说 Henry 跟 Kate 要去赴一个宴 会,商量穿什么衣服,还揣测宴会是大是小. 练习的作法是老师先提出一个有选择的问句, 然后给你一个形容词, 请你用这个形容词跟 one 来回答问题. 我们先 举一个例子给你听.

F: Are you going6 to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt?

M: white

F: I'm going to wear the white one.

请你注意答案里的 one 这个字指的就是问句里的 shirt 那个字. 现在我们开始 练习. 在你回答之后, 请听正确答案.

F: Are you going to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt? 
F: white 
M: I'm going to wear the white one. 
F: Are you going to wear a long coat or a short coat? 
F: long 
M: I'm going to wear a long one. 
F: Is it going to be a big party or a small party? 
F: small 
M: It's going to be a small one.

请你注意: 凡是多数名词, 应该用 ones. 下面我们来练习:

F: Are you going to wear white shoes or black shoes? 
F: black 
M: I'm going to wear the black ones. 
F: Are you going to wear blue pants7 or brown pants? 
F: blue 
M: I'm going to wear the blue ones. 
F: Are you going to wear new gloves or old gloves? 
F: new 
M: I'm going to wear the new ones.


刚才我们练习了用 one 跟 which one 作句子, 现在让我们看一看怎么用单字介词 preposition8 作句子. 比如: on, o-n, on "上面", under, u-n-d-e-r, under "下面", in, i-n, in "里面", 等等都是介词. 
我们还要学一个字以上的介词, 比如: in front of "在什么什么前面", in back of "在什么什么后面"
之类的短语来作句子. 首先请你注意听一些有介词跟介词短语的句子, 内容是说 Susan 坐在那儿吃早点, 桌上有面包, 有一杯牛奶, 天花板上吊着一盏灯, 桌底下有只狗. 好, 现在 请你注意听, 每个句子我们念两遍.

M: Susan is at the table. 
F: Susan is at the table. 
M: The bread is on the table. 
F: The bread is on the table. 
M: The milk is in the glass. 
F: The milk is in the glass. 
M: The dog is under the table. 
F: The dog is under the table. 
M: The lamp is over the table. 
F: The lamp is over the table.

下面我们来做换字练习. 先由老师念一个句子, 接着老师提出一个介词短语, 请学生把这个介词短语换到
句子里. 首先给你举个例子:

M: The suitcase is under the seat9.
M: under the table
F: The suitcase is under the table.

好, 我们正式开始. 在你回答之后, 请你听正确答案.

M: The suitcase is under the seat. 
M: under the table 
F: The suitcase is under the table. 
M: under the chair 
F: The suitcase is under the chair. 
M: under the desk 
F: The suitcase is under the desk.


M: Susan is next to the window. 
M: next to the door 
F: Susan is next to the door. 
M: next to the table 
F: Susan is next to the table. 
M: next to her parents 
F: Susan is next to her parents.


M: Henry is in front of the door. 
M: in front of the window 
F: Henry is in front of the window. 
M: in front of the table 
F: Henry is in front of the table. 
M: in front of the seat 
F: Henry is in front of the seat.


M: Henry's house is near the airport. 
M: near the railroad10 station 
F: Henry's house is near the railroad station. 
M: near the park 
F: Henry's house is near the park. 
M: near the school 
F: Henry's house is near the school.


M: Kate lives far from the city. 
M: far from the office 
F: Kate lives far from the office. 
M: far from the store11 
F: Kate lives far from the store. 
M: far from the university12 
F: Kate lives far from the university.


好了, 现在让我们看一看怎么样把介词短语当作形容词来用. 比如有一句话: The suitcase is under the seat. "小提箱是在座位底下", 还有另外一句话: The suitcase is red. "小提箱是红颜色的", 把这两话句并成一句, 我们可以这样说: The suitcase under the seat is red. "座位底下的小提箱是红颜色的", 于是, 介词 短语 under the seat 是用来形容小提箱的.下面我们要练习这类句子. 首先由老师念两个句子,学生把两句并成一句, 听了合并的句子以后, 请你跟着重复. 现在我们开始.

M: The suitcase is under the seat. 
M: The suitcase is red. 
F: The suitcase under the seat is red. 
M: The woman is next to the children. 
M: The woman is Susan. 
F: The woman next to the children is Susan. 
M: The package is under her arm. 
M: The package is brown. 
F: The package under her arm is brown. 
M: The flag13 is over the airport. 
M: The flag is red and blue. 
F: The flag over the airport is red and blue. 
M: The milk is in the glass. 
M: The milk is cold. 
F: The milk in the glass is cold. 
M: The man is on top of the airport building. 
M: The man is Henry. 
F: The man on top of the airport building is Henry. 
M: The woman is in front of the door. 
M: The woman is Kate. 
F: The woman in front of the door is Kate.


现在我们要念一段文章给你听. 文章里包括今天学的一些介词和介词短语, 文章的内容是说 Susan 乘飞机到美国西部的西雅图市去看表哥 Henry, 表嫂 Kate 跟外甥.好了, 我们先用自然的速度念一遍给你听, 等一会儿还要请你回答三个问题.

Susan is very excited14 about her trip. She is going to Seattle to visit her cousins Henry, Kate, and their children. She is bringing them presents. She has sweaters for Henry and Kate; a brown one for him and a pink one for her. She is also bringing games, one for each of the children. The presents are in a package under the seat in front of Susan. She is sitting in a seat next to the window. Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some people on top of the airport building.

这段文章不知道你听懂了多少? 假如没有全听懂, 不要着急, 等一会儿我们还要用慢速度再念一遍. 现在请注意听我们今天要问的三个问题.

M: Where is Susan going?

M: Who is Susan visiting?

M: What is Susan bringing her cousins?

好了, 现在我们再把文章念一遍. 这次念得比较慢, 请你特别注意前面三个问题的答案:

Susan is very excited about her trip. She is going to Seattle to visit her cousins Henry, Kate, and their children. She is bringing them presents. She has sweaters for Henry and Kate; a brown one for him and a pink one for her. She is also bringing games, one for each of the children. The presents are in a package under the seat in front of Susan. She is sitting in a seat next to the window. Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some people on top of the airport building.

现在请你回答问题. 回答之后请听正确答案.

M: Where is Susan going? 
F: Susan is going to Seattle.

M: Who is Susan visiting? 
F: Susan is visiting her cousins Henry,Kate,and their children.

M: What is Susan bringing her cousins? 
F: She has sweaters for them; a brown one for Henry and a pink one for Kate.

1 passengers   
n.乘客( passenger的名词复数 );旅客;白吃饭的人;闲散人员


  • None of the passengers and crew were injured. 没有一个乘客和机组人员受伤。

  • Passengers on long-haul flights are being warned about the risks of deep vein thrombosis. 长途航班上的乘客须注意可能出现深静脉血栓。

2 suitcase   


  • I bought a light suitcase.我买了一只轻便手提箱。

  • Your suitcase is five kilograms overweight.你的衣箱超重五公斤。

3 package   


  • He brought me a large package.他给我送来一个大包裹。

  • He mailed the package to me.他给我邮寄了一个包裹。

4 was   


  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。

  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。

5 flight   


  • I want to change my flight.我想变更飞行班次。

  • I lost my flight ticket.我的飞机票丢了。

6 going   
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的


  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。

  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。

7 pants   


  • This is a pair of pants.这是一条裤子。

  • What color are his pants?他的裤子是什么颜色?

8 preposition   


  • You should cancel this preposition in the sentence.你应该删去句子中的这个介词。

  • We use different preposition to talk about time,days,months and seasons.我们用不动的介词来谈论时间,日,月和季节等。

9 seat   


  • Go back to your seat.回到你的坐位去。

  • Which seat do you prefer?你更喜欢哪个位置?

10 railroad 


  • The railroad connects two cities,namely,New York and Chicago.这条铁路连接两个城市,即纽约与芝加哥。

  • My brother is working on the railroad.我兄弟在铁路系统工作。

11 store   


  • The shoe store is across from the bank.鞋店在银行对面。

  • Some food won't store.有些食物不能贮存。

12 university   


  • She teaches English at the University of Wales.她在威尔士大学教英语。

  • I'm going to enter a university.我要上大学。

13 flag   


  • The flag is red and yellow.这旗子红黄相间。

  • The flag is waving in the wind.旗号正在风中飘荡。

14 excited   


  • He was so excited that he could not speak.他太兴奋,连话都说不出来了。

  • The excited children forgot to take the presents to the party.孩子们兴奋得忘了把礼物带到聚会上了。




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