
【笛台头条】皇后乐队《Bohemian Rhapsody》,电影与歌都想说说!

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05





       因为最近花了只差2美分就到6美元看了电影《Bohemian Rhapsody》,所以深入研究了一下皇后乐队,再所以就写下了本文,哪怕是暴露了一个自称为漂泊者的个人修养也在所不惜。







先说电影《Bohemian Rhapsody》

今年的音乐题材类的电影不少,不知道是不是受了去年Lala land的影响,从2017年尾的The Greatest Showman,到Mamma Mia!Here We Go Again,再到上个月的Lady Gaga和Bradley Cooper惊艳的A Start Is Born,以及我们今天要说的Bohemian Rhapsody,可谓层出不穷。

Bohemian Rhapsody是作为其中唯一的传记类电影,虽然其中也有不少为了营造戏剧冲突的演绎成分,但是大部分还是遵循了皇后乐队从兴起到传奇的史实。从四位主演的造型就可以看出,除了Freddie的龅牙似乎比原型还要夸张以外(第一张为剧照),其相似度还是非常高的。 


      影片以主场Freddie为主角,讲述了乐队的建立,Bohemian Rhapsody的创作,Freddie的单飞,以及最后的高潮,Live Aid的重现。其中穿插了皇后在各地巡演的盛况,包括了欧洲,美国以及巴西的巡演,最让人印象深刻的莫过于1977 在Madison Square Garden里We will rock you的表演。

电影里的配乐几乎包含了皇后的所有经典歌曲,有意思的是,连21st Century Fox的开场音乐都变成的电音版的,其中夹杂电吉他的轰鸣。除了其中Doing All Right是Queen改名前Smile的作品,其余都是Queen的成名之作。连Show must go on这样的作品到最后的字幕部分才得以出场,全部的原声如下:


Somebody To Love (Doing All Right

Keep Yourself Alive (Live at The Rainbow)

Killer Queen 

Fat Bottomed Girls (Live in Paris)

Bohemian Rhapsody 

Now I'm Here (Live at The Hammersmith Odeon)

Crazy Little Thing Called Love 

Love Of My Life 

We Will Rock You (Movie Mix)

Another One Bites The Dust 

Under Pressure 

Who Wants To Live Forever

Bohemian Rhapsody (Live Aid)

Radio Ga Ga (Live Aid)

Ay-Oh (Live Aid)

Hammer To Fall (Live Aid)

We Are The Champions (Live Aid)

The Show Must Go On

不过成也萧何败也萧何,既然是传记类影片,那些为了让现实更加适合银幕的演绎部分注定会成为批评的主要目标,随后在Youtube上就出现了xxx Ways Bohemian Rhapsody IGNORED Queen's TRUE STORY, xxx Untold Truth Of Bohemian Rhapsody的各种视频。各路群众立刻变身考据学家,煞有介事开始说原本应该如何,比如Queen从未解散,Freddie单飞并不属实。但对于两个半小时的电影而言,这些其实并不重要,重要的是它讲述了一个完整而精彩的故事。不论是不是皇后的乐迷,甚至如果你由于种种原因,错过了电影的前两个小时,在最后20分钟才走进电影院,只看到了Live aid那部分,那么就已经赚回了电影票价。影片几乎如同1985年在场的摄像机,时空穿越般的带我们再次回到了现场,和Youtube上目前能看到的,最高720P画质,号称Best Version的85年现场相比,大银幕的感受只能用大快朵颐来形容。在涌动的人潮中,四位再次聚首的乐队成员,再次唱出Bohemian Rhapsody和We are the chompions,一切的一切已无需再言……

Roger Taylor: You're a legend, Fred. 

Freddie Mercury: We're all legends.  [pause] But you're right, I am a legend.


再说歌曲《Bohemian Rhapsody》


《Bohemian Rhapsody》波西米亚狂想曲是一首英国皇后乐队的歌曲。
他是佛莱迪•摩克瑞(Freddie Mercury,皇后乐队的主唱)在1975创作的。并收录在《A night at the opera》这张专辑里。
据说这首单曲在当时是制作成本最贵的,但是精确的制作成本还是不能被确定。当波西米亚幻想曲这支单曲发行后,它立即成为一个商业上的成功,并独占英国单曲周榜(UK Singles Chart)的top长达9周。
在加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、 爱尔兰、荷兰等市场上成为榜单鳌头。
1992年,当《反斗智多星》(Wayne's World)这部大受好评的电影上映后,因为这首歌成为它的曲子,所以重回榜单的第2名。
在2012年, Bohemian 在英国独立电视公司发起的“寻找过去60年里最受国人欢迎的歌曲”榜单中独占鳌头。

第一部分是关于他刚杀完人,自己受到了很大的冲击。可能是误杀。Is this the real life,is this just fantasy.但最不幸的是他被逮到了Caught in a landslide,No escape from reality.
第二部分是讲他向他妈妈交待罪行,Mama, just killed a man,这里只是省略了个 I,并不是他妈妈杀了人。这一点可以从下面的“pulled my triger”而不是put her triger 看得出来。这个可怜的小男孩虽然对他妈妈依依不舍,可是仍然鼓励他妈妈要继续努力活下去carry on, carry on
然后,他因为某些原因(有很多可能的原因,不细举了)自杀了。并且感到十分悔恨(I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all)。
第四部分,首先,这部分是用金属的手法来渲染的。表达了一种愤怒的情绪。他问恶魔“So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye”(你以为你可以用石头驱赶我,唾弃我的双眼?)他又问上帝“So you think you can love me and leave me to die(你以为你可以既爱我,又让我去死。) ”然后,他似乎向上帝要求再给他一次机会(纯属臆断),不过上帝似乎回绝了,因此,歌曲又回到了最开始那种悲伤而绝望的“nothing really matters”。


Is this the real life       Is this just fantasy   Caught in a landslide   No escape from reality  Open your eyes  Look up to the skies and see   I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy Because I'm easy come, easy go  A little high, little low,  Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me,  to me   Mama, just killed a man, Put a gun against his head,Pulled my trigger, now he's dead  Mama, life had just begun,But now I've gone and thrown it all away  Mama, ooo,  Didn't mean to make you cry If I'm not back again this time tomorrow   Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters   Too late, my time has come, Sends shivers down my spine,  Body's aching all the time,Goodbye everybody  I've got to go   Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth   Mama, ooo   I don't want to die  I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all  I see a little silhouetto of a man  Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango -  Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me -  Galileo, Galileo,  Galileo, Galileo Galileo figaro - Magnifico But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me   He's just a poor boy from a poor family   Spare him his life from this monstrosity 











Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Becomes Most-Streamed Song of 20th Century

December 11, 2018

Members of rock band Queen from left to right are John Deacon, Brian May, Roger Taylor and Freddie Mercury in 1989. The band's 1975 song "Bohemian Rhapsody" has become the most-streamed song from the 20th century.

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” is now the most-streamed song from the 20th century.

The 1975 song has been streamed over 1.6 billion times worldwide, the record company Universal Music Group said this week.


“Bohemian Rhapsody” is long, energetic and operatic, and one of Queen’s most famous songs.

The song's popularity has risen thanks to the new “Bohemian Rhapsody” movie. In the five weeks since its release, the film has already earned more than $600 million in ticket sales worldwide. It has also helped bring the music of the British rock band to a new generation.


The film stars Rami Malek as Queen's lead singer Freddie Mercury, who died in 1991. Malek was nominated for a Golden Globe last week for his performance and is widely expected to get an Oscar nomination in January.

Universal uses streams on services including Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer, as well as streams from official videos on YouTube to measure streaming numbers.

Just behind “Bohemian Rhapsody” is Nirvana’s 1991 hit “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” with 1.5 billion streams.


It is followed by two songs by Guns N’ Roses: “Sweet Child O’Mine” and “November Rain.”


“Take On Me,” the 1986 hit from a-ha, is fifth.


I’m Ashley Thompson.

The Reuters news agency reported this story. Ashley Thompson adapted it for Learning English. Hai Do was the editor.


Words in This Story

stream - v. to push continuous data from a server to a computer while it is being used or played

ticket - n. a piece of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an event, travel on a vehicle, etc.

operatic - adj. of or relating to a kind of performance in which actors sing all or most of the words of a play with music performed by an orchestra

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