
【学3个词 22-24】22:orchestrate 23:extra pounds 24:risky business

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05



今天要学的一个词是 orchestrate。Orchestrate来自orchestra,指管弦乐队。可是别想听音乐,报导说的是伊拉克前统治者萨达姆。文章说:"... prosecutors accused him of orchestrating the ...campaign against the Kurds...," 意思是:检察官指责他领导指挥了残杀库尔德人的运动。

原来orchestrate可以解释为指挥、领导。对,可以和音乐没有关系。比如说:A few people orchestrated the large-scale protest campaign against U.S. policy on illegal immigrants,某些人负责安排了抗议美国非法移民政策的大规模活动。The mother orchestrated all the arrangements for her daughter's wedding,母亲为她女儿的婚礼做了所有的安排。今天学的一个词是orchestrate...

23:extra pounds

今天要学的一个词组是extra pounds。Extra pounds说白了就是你身上多了几磅肉,别以为是多买几磅肉。最近的调查显示,不用说肥胖,就是体重超重几磅也会缩短一个人的寿命几年- Just a few extra pounds could mean fewer years.

许多美国人都为自己体重超重而担忧 - Americans are constantly worrying about extra pounds. 他们想尽办法来减肥--They try all means to shed their extra pounds。很多人通过跑步,锻炼来减肥 - try to get rid of their extra pounds by running and exercising.可是饱餐一顿往往会全功尽弃,甚至再加上一,两磅 - a big meal might add a couple of extra pounds! 今天学的一个词组是extra pounds...

24:risky business

今天要学的一个词组是risky business。Risky business危险的生意,或冒险的事。好莱坞制片公司Viacom和美国电影巨星Tom Cruise分手。报纸的标题说:Cruise Is Risky Business,意思是和Tom Cruise继续合作是危险的。Risky Business也是Tom Cruise 1983年拍的一部电影的名字。

Risky business在生活中到处都是。买股票是危险的投资 - Investing in stocks is a risky business. 借钱给你不信任的人是冒险的 - Loaning money to someone you don't trust is a risky business. 一个中学生说不得到他爸爸的同意就开他的车出去玩是危险的 - Driving my father's car without his consent is a risky business. 两个人在吵架,你想调解?Risky business!今天学的词组是risky business...

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