
[th]【学3个词 325-327】325 rake in 326 picket 327 unveil

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05



325 rake in 

今天我们要学的词是rake in。Rake in, 是大笔捞钱的意思。"He raked in three million dollars from the stock market," 他去年从股市赚了三百万美元。

最新调查报告显示,"The casual games market is raking in $2.25 billion per year in revenue," 休闲游戏市场现在平均每年赢利额高达22.5亿美元。福布斯公布的过世名人收入大排名显示,"Elvis Presley ranked number one, raking in $49 million in the past 12 months," 猫王收入最多,在过去一年的时间里赚了4千9百万美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是rake in...


326 picket

今天我们要学的词是picket。Picket, 是抗议示威的意思。美国编剧协会跟电影电视制作人联盟的谈判失败,决定举行抗议示威, "Writers in Los Angeles plan to picket outside of 14 studios until a new deal is reached." 在洛杉矶,剧作家们计划在14个制片公司外面抗议,直到达成新协议为止。

"The teachers picketed outside of the school building to express their frustration over low wages," 教师们在校舍外示威,对低工资表示不满。"The pilots continue to picket because of benefit cuts," 飞机驾驶员们继续为抗议削减福利举行示威。好的,今天我们学习的词是picket...


327 unveil

今天我们要学的词是unveil。Unveil, 是揭去面纱的意思。埃及著名法老图坦卡门的面容上星期天首度公诸于众, "King Tut's face was unveiled Sunday for the first time in public."

欧盟司法官员将公布一项新的反恐提案。"The EU justice officials will unveil an anti-terror proposal to collect personal data from airline passengers and store them for 13 years," 提案要求收集飞机乘客的个人信息,并储存13年。加拿大政府上星期公布了秋季经济状况报告, "The Canadian government unveiled its fall economic statement last week." 好的,今天我们学习的词是unveil...

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