
[th]【学3个词 346-348】346 gesture 347 contender 348 downgrade

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05



346 gesture 

今天我们要学的词是gesture。Gesture, 是手势、姿态的意思。"A rude gesture," 是粗鲁的手势。"A gesture of sympathy," 是以示同情。"Israel freed 429 Palestinian prisoners as a goodwill gesture to Abbas," 以色列释放了429名巴勒斯坦犯人,对阿巴斯表示善意。

印度主动提出,愿意帮助遭受龙卷风破坏的孟加拉国进行重建。"A Bangladesh government adviser said they are very touched by the friendly gesture," 孟加拉国的一名政府顾问说,这一友好姿态让他们十分感动。好的,今天我们学习的词是gesture...


347 contender

今天我们要学的词是contender。Contender, 是竞争者的意思。"A strong contender," 是强有力的竞争者。"He is a gold medal contender in the Olympics," 他是一个很有可能在奥运会上夺取金牌的选手。

再过一个月,美国爱奥华州就要进行2008年总统大选的初选了。"The leading contenders for both the Democratic and Republican nominations are running neck-and-neck in the state," 民主、共和两党总统人选提名的主要参选人在爱奥华州的选民支持率不相上下。好的,今天我们学习的词是contender...


348 downgrade

今天我们要学的词是downgrade。Downgrade, 是降级的意思。"A U.S. intelligence report downgraded Iran as a nuclear threat," 美国的一份情报报告降低了伊朗作为核威胁的评估级别。"Goldman Sachs downgraded XM stock from 'neutral' to 'sell,'" 高盛集团公司将美国的卫星数字音频广播XM公司的股票评级从“中性”降低为“卖出”。

医院科系的裁减往往会受到民众的抵制, "Plans to downgrade hospital services always face strong opposition from the public." 好的,今天我们学习的词是downgrade...

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