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近日,清华大学张巍团队的最新研究成果「Generation and dynamic manipulation of frequency degenerate polarization entangled Bell states by a silicon quantum photonic circuit」发表于全球新锐综合性研究期刊Chip,第一作者为博士生刘东宁。该研究成果在硅光量子芯片上实现了偏振纠缠贝尔态的产生和操纵。
在这个量子光源芯片上,首先在四个长硅波导中利用自发的四波混频产生频率简并的关联双光子态。然后,这些双光子量子态分为两组,分别在两个片上分束器中相互干涉。通过调控这些量子干涉中的相位差,两个分束器输出的光子对将处于反聚束双光子态,即,处于这种量子态下的两个光子将分别从分束器的两个不同端口输出。由此,在两个分束器的输出端口处通过量子叠加实现了路径纠缠双光子态的产生。最后,成对的两个光子通过两个二维波导光栅耦合到两条光纤输出。在此过程中,芯片上的路径纠缠被转换为光纤中的偏振纠缠。输出的偏振纠缠双光子态可以通过芯片上的热移相器调控,由此这个量子光源芯片可以支持两个特定的偏振纠缠贝尔态输出, 和 。通过BSM实验验证了该芯片量子光源的输出量子态特性,表明基于线性光学的BSM可以成功分辨芯片输出的两个贝尔态。
「更重要的是,」张巍教授说,「输出的量子态可以动态操控,这将激发硅光量子芯片的新应用。」工作中利用BSM实验论证了芯片上热移相器对量子态动态调纵的瞬态过程。结果表明,输出量子态可以在 和 之间切换,调制速率达到10千赫兹。量子态动态操控的功能可以应用于基于贝尔态的量子信息编码,在量子通信和光量子信息处理中有重要前景。可以预见,量子态的片上动态操控将越来越受到关注,成为光量子芯片研究和应用的新切入点。
Generation and manipulation of polarization entangled Bell states are realized on a siliconphotonic chip
Quantum entanglement is an important resource for quantum information. Polarization entangled Bell states are the most widely used entangled biphoton states in quantum optics experiments. Photon pairs at these states can be generated by parametric nonlinear processes such as spontaneous parametric down-conversion and spontaneous four-wave mixing, manipulated by single-side polarization control and discriminated by Bell state measurement (BSM) based on linear optics. Hence, they are ideal carriers of quantum information and widely applied inquantum communications and photonic quantum information processing. Simple and reliable quantum light sources for polarization entangled Bell state generation are desired, especially at telecom band for quantum communications over optical fibers.
Quantum photonic circuits based on silicon photonics provide a promising way to realize quantum light sources for entanglement generation. Silicon waveguides are good nonlinear media at telecom band. By spontaneous four-wave mixing, high-quality biphoton states can be generated in silicon waveguides of several millimeters. Moreover, quantum state manipulation of these states can be realized by on-chip interferometers, which can be realized conveniently by silicon photonics based on SOI platform. In a new paper published on Chip, a team of researchers led by Professor Wei Zhang at Tsinghua University, China, proposed and demonstrated a clever silicon quantum photonic circuit for frequency-degenerate polarization entangled Bell states.
On the chip, frequency-degenerate biphoton states were generated in four long silicon waveguides by spontaneous four-wave mixing. Then, they interfered each other in two on-chip beam splitters. By properly adjusting the phase differences in these quantum interferences, photon pairs output from the two beam splitters would be at anti-bunched biphoton states, i.e., two photons in a pair at such a state would output from different ports of the beam splitter,respectively. As a result, a path-entangled biphoton state would be generated on the chip through quantum superposition. Finally, the two photons in a pair were coupled to two optical fibers through two two-dimensional waveguide gratings. In this process, path entanglement on the chip was converted to polarization entanglement in the optical fibers. The generated polarization entangled biphoton state could be controlled by on-chip thermal phase shifters, supporting the outputs of two specific polarization entangled Bell states, and .The experiment of BSM was carried to demonstrate the performance of this chip-based quantum light source, showing that its output Bell states could be discriminated by BSM successfully.
"More importantly", said Prof. Zhang, "its output state can be manipulated dynamically. It will inspire new applications of silicon photonic chips." The transient process of the dynamical manipulation by the on-chip thermal phase shifters was also demonstrated by the experiment of BSM. It showed that the output state of the chip could be switched between and , with a modulation rate on the order of ten kHz. This function could be used as quantum information encoding based on the Bell states, which has important applications in quantum communications and quantum information processing. It can be expected that on-chip dynamical manipulation of quantum states would attract more and more attention, as an important function of quantum photonic circuits based on silicon photonics, or other material platforms.
关于 Chip
Chip秉承创刊理念: All About Chip,旨在发表与芯片相关的各科研领域尖端突破,助力未来芯片科技发展。迄今为止,Chip已在其编委会汇集了来自12个国家的57名世界知名专家学者,其中包括多名中外院士及IEEE、ACM等知名国际协会终身会士(Fellow)。