
微信号 Epiview 功能介绍 表观遗传学最新进展,表观遗传学最新技术展示,表观遗传学研究相关产品应用,表观遗传学相关会议以及表观遗传学领域的风云人物介绍 今年 9 月27日~29日,第五届谈家桢国际遗传学论坛暨第二届国际表观基因组学研讨会(The Fifth International Symposium of Genetics and The 2nd International Epigenomics Conference, Shanghai)将于复旦大学召开。会议报名请点击文末【阅读原文】。 在此次会议召开前期,我们特整理了去年 8 月于复旦大学召开的表观基因组学暑期国际讲习班的课程视频,供感兴趣的同仁学习。系列视频将在本平台(Epiview)陆续发布,敬请持续关注。  第6讲 表观基因组学与胚胎发育 主讲人:香港科技大学 Danny Leung 助理教授 Prof. Danny Leung received his BSc. in human genetics from University College London and MSc. in human molecular genetics from Imperial College London. He then conducted his PhD research under the supervision of Prof. Matthew Lorincz in the Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia. His research was focused on the epigenetic regulation of repetitive elements in mouse embryonic stem cells. He then went on to carry out his postdoctoral fellowship research under the supervision of Prof. Bing Ren at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. He was also a fellow of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. During this time, he was the project manager of the San Diego branch of the NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Project. He has since taken up the position of assistant professor at the Division of Life Sciences, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Prof. Leung was the 2017 recipient of the Croucher Innovation award. His laboratory’s research focuses on the interplay between epigenetic pathways in the regulation of non-coding DNA. His work has been published in various journals including Nature, PNAS, etc. ▲ 核心内容 ▲ 表观基因组学与胚胎发育(2h 37min) 【声明:本系列视频版权归复旦大学表观基因组学暑期国际讲习班组委会所有,不得用于任何商业用途。】     彩蛋    直接在后台回复【DL】,即可获得本讲的PPT哦! 今年 9 月的表观基因组学国际会议 Danny Leung将做大会报告 想一睹Danny Leung的风采 千万不要错过 9 月的国际盛会哦! 系列视频: 视频1 | UCSD 任兵教授:3D基因组及其应用(附PPT) 视频2 | UCSD 任兵教授:表观基因组学及其方法学(附PPT) 视频3 | 北大伊成器:表观基因组动态调控与机制(附PPT) 视频4 | 北大肿瘤医院 邓大君:表观基因组学与肿瘤发生发展及转移 视频5 | 清华颉伟:表观遗传的遗传与重编程(附PPT) 赞赏 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 微信扫一扫关注该公众号

