
Grab CEO发信:将裁员超过1000人!


6月20日下午,彭博社爆料东南亚最大互联网公司之一的Grab将会在近期宣布裁员。 而Grab也在新加坡时间同日晚发出全员信,宣布裁员的消息。

我们先分享下CEO陈炳耀6月20日晚上九点多发出的全员信中文翻译 - 之后再评论。另外,Grab在今天举办一场全体员工会议 - 有兴趣的大家也可以关注下。

  • 对于每完成6个月的服务,提供半个月的遣散费,或者根据当地的法定指南,取其中较高的金额。
  • 由Grab决定的一笔善意补偿金,用于补偿未得到的目标奖金和股权;
  • 兑现未使用的积累年假和未使用的GrabFlex积分;
  • 在可能的情况下,延长到今年年底的医疗保险覆盖范围,具体视当地保险条款而定;
  • 对于即将成为父母的女性Grab员工和其配偶,根据最后工作日计算,兑现产假和陪产假;
  • 对于需要提供过渡支持的人员,提供完成任务奖金;
  • 以一年免费的LinkedIn Premium订阅和LinkedIn Learning,以及与专业教练的会话形式,提供职业过渡和发展支持;
  • 通过Grabber援助计划,在今年年底前提供福利支持;
  • 对于持有工作签证的Grab员工提供遣返支持;和
  • 保留Grab员工预先分配的笔记本电脑的选项。
陈炳耀 (Anthony Tan)
Dear Grabbers,
I have difficult news to share today. We are letting over 1,000 Grabbers go.
We are informing you after office hours for as many of our locations as possible, so you have the space and time to process the news privately.
I know that a decision like this is a difficult one, and I want to be accountable and explain why and how we got here.
The need to be fit for the future
I want to be clear that we are not doing this as a shortcut to profitability. Over the past couple of years we’ve been consistent in managing costs tightly in all areas of our operations and on improving platform efficiency. As a result, our bottom line has improved every quarter since Q1 2022. With or without this exercise, we’re on track to hit Group Adjusted EBITDA breakeven this year.
While important, our profitability milestone is only a step in a longer journey. Our focus is on what comes after.
We must adapt to the environment in which we operate. Change has never been this fast. Technology such as Generative AI is evolving at breakneck speed. The cost of capital has gone up, directly impacting the competitive landscape.
Today, thanks to each of you, we have grown to a sizable scale and are well-positioned to seize substantial new growth opportunities. To most effectively leverage these opportunities, we must combine our scale with nimble execution and cost leadership, so that we can sustainably offer even more affordable services and deepen our penetration of the masses, and also serve our driver- and merchant-partners better.
This is why we had streamlined some focus areas in the past year. Now, we believe fundamental step-changes in our operating model and cost structure are needed to build our competitive moat for the longer-term. The primary goal of this exercise is to strategically reorganise ourselves, so that we can move faster, work smarter, and rebalance our resources across our portfolio in line with our longer term strategies.
Restructuring thus emerged as a painful but necessary step, to set Grab on the correct trajectory towards our longer-term future.
Support for impacted Grabbers
I know that none of this context will diminish the emotions you feel upon receiving this news.
We have tried our best to cushion the impact this will have on Grabbers who are leaving us, by providing financial, professional and medical support that includes:
  • Severance payment of half a month for every 6 months of completed service, or based on local statutory guidelines, whichever is higher.
  • Goodwill payment of an ex-gratia amount determined by Grab for forgone target bonus and equity;
  • Encashment of unused accrued annual leave and unused GrabFlex credits;
  • Extended medical insurance coverage until the end of this year, where possible, subject to local insurance terms;
  • Maternity and paternity leave encashment for female Grabbers who are expecting and male Grabbers whose wife is expecting, as of the last date of employment.
  • Completion bonus for those who are required to provide transition support;
  • Career transition and development support in the form of free 1-year access to LinkedIn Premium subscription and LinkedIn Learning, and access to sessions with a professional coach;
  • Well-being support via the Grabber Assistance Programme until the end of this year;
  • Repatriation support (for Grabbers on work passes); and
  • Option to keep Grabber’s pre-assigned laptop.
How do we move forward?
We recognise that change can be incredibly challenging, and the decisions made have been weighed with great care and consideration with all our leaders. Our priority is to support impacted Grabbers throughout this transition, and as per above, we are committed to providing resources and assistance to help ease the process.
While I know this is what we must do, that knowledge hasn’t removed the sadness from having to do it.
To those who are leaving, we thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us, and for all the impact you’ve made towards our mission. We will always be grateful for your contributions, and cherish the memories we’ve forged together as teammates.
With deepest sincerity,


(文章原载于微信公众号 墨腾创投)

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