
Dance to the Sound of Autumn at PKU

PKU PekingUniversity 2020-08-18

With sunlight passing through colorful foliage, autumn days are here at Peking University, one of the most beautiful universities in China. It's a good time to relax, recharge, and ruminate on the academic year ahead.

Dusk-touched willows

A dusting of frost

The sound of autumn

Clear as a bell

Graceful as a poem

The rhythm of strings

A divine dance

A bustling campus

Teeming with life

A constant rustle of leaves

A sea of red, orange and gold

Dancing with the wind

Singing with nature

Zhang Jiayuan

PKU School of Journalism and Communication

Undergraduate Class of 2020

Member of the Peking University Student Dance Troupe

Zeng Wei

PKU School of Economics

Graduate Class of 2021

First Chair Violin for the Peking University Student Symphony Orchestra

This ode to autumn signals the start of a new chapter for the PKU campus. Ginkgo trees frame students on their way to class, while the mandarin ducks float leisurely in the cool water of Weiming Lake. Let's celebrate this splendid season!

Our campus is turning into a bright palette — blue skies, green water, and yellow and red leaves. See! The red maples gleam in the sunlight as if kissed by fire.

Don't stop be-leafing! Autumn is the season of harvest and hope. What is your most unforgettable memory of autumn at PKU?

Autumn is putting on quite the show here at Peking University. Students, remember to keep warm and persevere. In this season of vibrant colors and bountiful harvests, may the spectacular scenery bring you peace of mind and the motivation to succeed!

Finally, we would like to offer our special thanks to

PKU School of Arts

PKU Student Dance Troupe

PKU Student Symphony Orchestra

Director Yu Yanbin

for all their efforts during the production of this video.

Dance to the Sound of Autumn at PKU

Writer: Pu Hairui, Xu Haolun

Editor: Amanda Hu, Trevor

Photos: Yang Ziya, Liu An, Michael Gritzbach, Wang Weihao

Designer: Pu Hairui

Video: PKU Office of Global Communications

