
UMass Amherst 吴年强教授课题组诚聘博士后 | 载药或生物成像、电催化或光电催化

化学与材料科学 化学与材料科学 2022-06-13


1. 载药或生物成像方向博士后


A Postdoctor Position Open in Drug Delivery or Bio-imaging
A postdoctoral fellow position in biomedical engineering is opened at University of Massachusetts at Amherst (UMass Amherst), USA.  
The candidate must have hands-on experience and strong background in therapeutics or bio-imaging, especially in at least one of areas: synthesis of drug carriers or therapeutic agents, handling of in vitro cell lines, or experience in in vivo models. It would be an asset but not necessary if the candidate has expertise in one of the following areas: photodynamic therapy, photothermal therapy, targeted drug delivery, theranostics, molecular bio-imaging, near-infrared fluorescence imaging, surface-enhanced Raman scattering imaging, biomaterials.
2. 电催化或光电催化方向博士后


A postdoctoral fellow position in electrocatalysis or photoelectrocatalysis is opened at University of Massachusetts at Amherst (UMass Amherst), USA.  
The candidate is expected to have expertise and skills in one or more areas: electrocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis or photocatalysis. It would be an asset but not necessary if the candidate has expertise in one of the following areas:  electrochemistry, heterocatalysts, metal-organic framework (MOF), polymers, semiconductors, photoelectrochemical cells, photoelectrochemistry or surface plasmon resonance.
Details of Dr. Wu’s research can be seen on his homepage (https://people.umass.edu/nianqiangwu/).
Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. If interest, please write a research statement/proposal. Applicants should send the research statement, a cover letter describing the qualifications, curriculum vitae, and names, email addresses and telephone numbers of three references through email (ms_univ@yahoo.com).


UMass Amherst 吴年强教授Chem. Soc. Rev.综述:基于荧光与表面增强拉曼散射的即时检测器件和生物成像平台

厦大唐卫华教授课题组招聘博士后 | 有机光电材料与器件、有机/钙钛矿太阳能电池、能源存储等研究领域

北航常凌乾教授课题组博士后招聘 | 生物芯片、生物传感和微流控技术、细胞电穿孔、基因治疗



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