

零壹Lab 2022-10-08

Digital Scholarship Resources for East Asian Studies and Beyond 


Biographic Databases

  • China Biographical Database (Harvard):  https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cbdb/home

  • Buddhist Studies Authority Database (Dharma Drum):http://authority.dila.edu.tw/

  • Taiwan Biographical Database (National Taiwan Normal University)

  • FamilySearch (Utah Genealogical Society): https://www.familysearch.org/

  • Ming Qing Women's Writings (McGill University):http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/mingqing/

  • Chronology of Tang and Song Literature (Zhongnan minzu University):https://sou-yun.com/poetlifemap.html

  • Shanghai Library Author Authority Database (Shanghai Library):http://names.library.sh.cn/mrgf/home/index

  • National Library Press (National Library Press): www.nlcpress.com

  • Name Authority Database (Academia Sinica):http://archive.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/ttsweb/html_name/

  • The Chung Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies - Biographical Database of Chinese Buddhism in Sung, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties:http://www.chibs.edu.tw/ch_html/HanBiography/HanBiography.html?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0

Geographic Databases

  • Cyberinfrastructure for GeoHumanities (Academia Sinica):http://gis.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/

  • Chinese Academic Mapping Platform (Zhejiang University/Harvard)

  • Local Gazeteers (Max Planck Institute) LoGaRT :https://www.mpiwgberlin.mpg.de/research/projects/departmentSchaefer_SPC_MS_LocalGazetteers

  • China Historical Geographic Information System (Fudan):http:// yugong.fudan.edu.cn

  • Digital Archives of Chinese Buddhist Temple Gazetteers (Dharmadrum):http://dev.ddbc.edu.tw/fosizhi/

  • Digital Humanities Project on 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake:http://www.stevengbraun.com/dev/sonotoki/

    Digital Humanities Project by Steven Geofrey Brown using Japanese morphological analysis and visualization.

  • A World Gazetteer (U Pittsburg): http://worlddhistory.pitt.edu/world-historical-gazetteer

Bibliographic Databases

  • Buddhist Studies Author Authority Database (National Taiwan University):http://buddhism.lib.ntu.edu.tw/DLMBS/en/index.jsp

  • Japanese Taiso Tripitaka ( The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee, Japan):http://21dzk.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/SAT/ddb-sat2.php

  • Digital Silk Road:http://dsr.nii.ac.jp/index.html.en

    Digital Archives of Cultural Heritage by National Institute of Informatics, Japan

  • Digital Database of Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogs (Dharmdrum):http://ddc.shengyen.org/pc.htm

  • Collection of Master Shengyan from Dharmadrum (Dharmadrum Foundation, Taiwan):http://jinglu.cbeta.org/index_e.htm


  • Dictionaries for the Study of Buddhist and East Asian Language and Thought (Charles Muller, University of Tokyo): www.buddhism-dict.net

Digital Platforms

  • Chinese Text Project (Harvard):https://ctext.org/

  • MARKUS (Communication and Empire: Chinese Empires in Comparative Perspective) by Leiden University:http://chinese-empires.eu/

  • Ancient Books Digital Humanities Research Platform (Chengchi University)

  • MADSpace (Mapping Advertising Space):http://madspace.org/

    the digital companion to a PhD project devoted to the spatial history of advertising in modern Shanghai (1905-1949)

  • Jiu Ge--Classic Poetry Creative Project (Tsinghua University):http://jiuge.thunlp.org

  • The Ten Thousand Rooms Project (Yale):https://tenthousandrooms.yale.edu

  • Hoji Shinbun Digital Collection:https://hojishinbun.hoover.org/

  • Mirador@Stanford:https://mirador.stanford.edu/

  • Japan Disasters Digital Archive (Harvard):http://jdarchive.org

  • Virtual Shanghai platform (Christian Henriot):http://www.virtualshanghai.net/

    a platform on the history of Shanghai from the mid-19th century to nowadays: 

Digital Infrastructure and Framework

  • IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework):

    enabling richer access to the world’s images: community focused; defined APIs and plug ‘n’ play software

  • DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities):

    an ERIC, a pan-European infrastructure for arts and humanities scholars working with computational methods. It supports digital research as well as the teaching of digital research methods.

  • CLARIN (European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology):makes digital language resources available to scholars, researchers, students and citizen-scientists from all disciplines, especially in the humanities and social sciences, through single sign-on access. CLARIN supports scholars who want to engage in cutting edge data-driven research, contributing to a truly multilingual European Research Area.

DH Tools

  • DocuSKY

    a DH tool to compile and analyze digitized text corpuses and to enable you to share, track, analyze and protect your confidential content in the cloud

  • Tools for Linguistic Analysis (National Taiwan University Library)

  • Buddhist Studies--Marcus Bingenheimer’s index tools: http://mbingenheimer.net/tools/indexTools.html

  • Bamboo DiRT

    a tool, service, and collection registry of digital research tools for scholarly use

  • Bibliopedia

    will perform advanced data-mining and cross-referencing of scholarly literature to create a humanities-centered collaborator

  • Omeka

    a free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Its “five-minute setup” makes launching an online exhibition as easy as launching a blog.

  • Drupal

    an open source content management system for supporting resources like blogs and web sites.

  • TAPoR

    a gateway to free online tools for sophisticated text analysis and retrieval, along with representative texts for experimentation

  • Voyant

    a web-based text-analysis tool (visualization tool)

  • WorldMap

    build your own maps

  • MapStory

    a mapping tool

  • Time Mapper

    quickly create a timeline from a spreadsheet.

  • Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java

  • Computer Aided Textual Markup and Analysis

    a tool for literary scholars, students and other parties with an interest in text analysis and literary research.

  • From the Page


  • MIT Libguides on DH Tools

Library Resources

  • Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists, 2015 (American Library Association)

  • IFLA Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group


  • LC controlled vocabularies:

    LC Subject Headings

    LC Name Authority File

    LC Classification

    LC Children's Subject Headings

    LC Genre/Form Terms

        Moving image genre-form guide

        Radio form/genre terms guide

    LC Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music

    LC Demographic Group Terms

    Thesaurus for Graphic Materials

    AFS Ethnographic Thesaurus

    CRS Legislative Subject Terms

    Cultural Heritage Organizations

  • VIAF

    Virtual International Authority File

  • MeSH

    Medical Subject Headings

  • FAST

    Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST subject headings) by OCLC

  • AAT

    Art & Architecture Thesaurus (Getty)

  • RBMS

    for rare books and special collections


主编 / 徐力恒

责编 / 陈静 顾佳蕙

美编 / 张家伟





