
交换机 | 数字人文暑期学校——数字人文中的混合方法,强势来袭

零壹Lab 2022-10-08

 15 – 19 July 2019 

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

New deadline 30 January 2019 

The Summer School offers integrated lectures and workshops in the following four key areas:

  • Methodologies of Computational Humanities: Mixed Methods in the Making

  • Computational Humanities in the Social Sphere

  • Computational Humanities in the Cultural Sphere

  • Computational Literary Analysis

This five-day event will offer Ph.D. candidates cutting-edge research presentations and hands-on workshops on mixed-method approaches in Computational Humanities. A poster session gives young researchers the opportunity to present their own work and receive feedback from peers and experts in the field. 


For more information on the programme, please visit: https://hch19.cl.uniheidelberg.de/program/program.mhtml 


The Summer School is free to attend and accommodation (4 nights) for admitted doctoral candidates can be provided.

The extended deadline for applications is January 30, 2019. Applications should be written in English and submitted via the web form (see https://hch19.cl.uniheidelberg.de/cfp/applications.mhtml).


The Summer School is organized by Prof. Dr. Beatrix Busse (Chair of English Linguistics) and Prof. Dr. Anette Frank (Chair of Computational Linguistics). 


Please visit our website for more information on the programme and on the application process: http://hch19.cl.uni heidelberg.de 


In case of questions, please contact hch_local@cl.uni-heidelberg.de 


主编 / 陈静

责编 / 顾佳蕙

美编 / 张家伟

