

零壹Lab 2022-10-08



Aix-Marseille University - ENP-China Project, Institute of Asian Studies

Postdoctoral position in modern Chinese history


The ERC ENP-China project (Institute of Asian Studies, Aix-Marseille, France) invites applications for a two-year Postdoctoral Associate position starting in Fall 2019. Applicants shall have completed the Ph.D. within the last three years with a specialization in modern Chinese history (the position is also opened to other areas of the social sciences: sociology and political science).

Experience working on digital humanities projects, as well as familiarity with the main DH trends, research tools and technologies, is welcome. Preferred fields of practice could be in geographic information systems, social network analysis, visualization, text-mining or other modes of computer or web-based work.

The appointee will carry out an independent research program within the ENP-China project "Elites, networks, and power in modern urban China" (1830-1949). Historical "big data in modern Chinese history" (C7052-18GF), funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant, under the advice of Prof. Christian Henriot 安克强. The appointee will be expected to interact with other postdoctoral fellows and with students, faculty and engineers affiliated with the ENP-China project. This is a full-time research position, but the appointee will be offered the opportunity to teach (for an extra salary).

Website: https://enepchina.hypotheses.org/


The fellowship will begin in October 2019. It carries a stipend of €53,000 [around 2,20 net/month], a competitive benefits package, and financial support for travel, equipment, software, or other research expenses. Scholars are required to spend the year (September– July) in residence with the ENP-China research team.

Application Procedure:

To apply, please submit the following materials:

• A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications)

• A single document containing a brief statement of past research accomplishments (1 page)

and a proposal of research to be conducted in the ENP-China project (2 pages)

• A copy of relevant degree(s)

• Three letters with contact details

Applications shall be submitted through the Academicjobsonline.org platform:



Please send your application documents (a motivation letter, CV, copy of your PhD certificate, a dissertation chapter or one published paper and, optionally, work samples where you used digital methods in one PDF document.

Deadline: Applications will be received until a suitable candidate is recruited, but the first round of application reviews will start on July 31.

If you have any further enquiries about the position, please contact Prof. Christian Henriot at christian.r.henriot@gmail.com

[This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 788476).]


主编 / 徐力恒

责编 / 顾佳蕙

美编 / 傅春妍

