
一日译练 | 英国王室都有哪些权力?

阿助本人 TheOneInterpreting口译圈 2022-04-23

一日一练  必成大大



说到王室,世界上最出名的王室莫过于英国王室。英国是一个君主立宪制的国家,在现代社会里王室依然存在,我们公众号曾经就有一篇练习探讨过现代的君主制,可以点开链接一日译练 | 君主制是过去式吗?复习一下~




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royal assent 御准(英国国王或女王对议会法案成为法例的批准)






While Queen Elizabeth is the head of state in her country and many others, she and the monarchy are not running the U.K.'s government. Because the U.K. functions under a constitutional monarchy, that job belongs to the Prime Minister, currently Boris Johnston, and Parliament. But that's not to say that the Queen has no political power.

Publicly, the Queen, as with the rest of the royal family, is expected to remain neutral when it comes to politics. With that, the Queen does not vote, but she does have roles that are considered more ceremonial, like opening Parliament every year in May. Some of her powers are weightier, though. For example, the sovereign has the formal duty of providing royal assent before any bill becomes an act of Parliament, meaning that before it comes into effect, they have to approve the law, which they almost always do. 

Another major power the Queen is tasked with is appointing a Prime Minister. But that power isn't used to just appoint whoever the Queen feels like appointing. As Parliament points out, the Prime Minister is to be appointed after a general election. And it's a tradition for the monarch to appoint the leader of the political party that wins the majority seats in Parliament. And in the case where there is no majority, which happened 10 years ago, the Queen appointed the leader of the party with the most seats.

The Queen also has weekly meetings with the Prime Minister, and because of this a lot of people believe that some of the Queen's influence and power exists in very subtle ways. She has also met with countless leaders and heads of state from other countries, meaning she has had her ear in conversations with some of the most powerful people globally for a long time. So, her knowledge could lead to influence and advice that may exist behind closed doors.



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