Should seniors receive booster shots? GD CDC: YES!
Guangdong’s COVID-19 situation has mostly stabilized since Guangzhou’s recent outbreak was primarily brought under control, with all cities in the province now classified as “low-risk.”
However, as the situation improves locally, the perceived necessity of receiving booster vaccination shots among certain demographics may diminish.
In anticipation of this, the Guangdong CDC recently emphasized the importance of seniors receiving booster shots, citing studies that show a booster shot can be almost 100% effective in preventing severe illness or death in those aged 60 and above.
Meanwhile, according to the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, 81.03%, or 213.938 million, of those aged 60 and above had received two shots of a vaccine as of April 18, while 154.874 million had received a booster shot, indicating vaccination rates need to rise for this group.
With some seniors still not yet vaccinated and many not having received a third shot, Guangdong’s CDC has stated that it is “necessary” for those above 60 to get vaccinated or receive boosters while pointing to a study recently published by the University of Hong Kong.
The study shows that during the SAR’s fifth pandemic wave, two Sinovac shots provided 70% protection against severe illness or death, while among those that had received booster shots, that statistic rose to close to 100%.
According to the Guangdong CDC, booster shots are especially important for the elderly, as efficacy rates wane faster among seniors. In addition, it was noted that it is safe for seniors with well-managed chronic illnesses to receive inactivated vaccines, including booster shots.
However, the Guangdong CDC did reiterate that vaccinations are carried out on a voluntary basis and that senior residents are encouraged to consult regular physicians or medical staff at vaccination sites prior to receiving shots regarding their medical history and current health status.
Written by Hazza Harding
Posted by Zhang Xiaomeng
Producer: Michelle Luo Liting
Executive Producer: Lin Weiqing
Images via 羊城晚报