
译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 5 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


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(    ) 1.Mo Yan’s winning of the Nobel Prize is _______ encouragement for ’s literature and _______ nation’s young writers.
A. the; an     B. an; the      C. a; the     D. the; a
(    ) 2.Hawaii is __________ beautiful beaches.
 A. famous to its      B. famous for its     
C. famous to it’s    D. famous for it’s
(    ) 3. All my teachers ___________ me for helping the lost boy to find his mother.
 A. praised         B. encouraged         
C. spoke         D. created
(    ) 4. After running a 1000-metre race, he was________.
A. out of breathe   B. breathed heavily   
C. took a deep breath   D. out of breath
(    ) 5._______ everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting.
 A. Unless   B. Since   C. Although   D. When
(    ) 6. I hate travelling by air_______ you should have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.
A. because   B. though   C. until    D. unless
(    ) 7. — Did you get to school on time yesterday morning?
       — No. ________ traffic made me go to school late.
A. Much too     B. Too much       
C. So many      D. Too many
(    ) 8. I think _____ necessary to accept his advice because it’s of great ______ to me,
A. it’s, valuable        B. that; value      
C. this; valuable        D. it; value
(    ) 9. You’ll ________ to join the party if your homework ________.
A. ask, do      B. be asked, is done     
C. asked, did    D. be asked, will be done
(    )10. The opera lasted for_________. We all got bored because it was really boring.
A. two and a half hour      B. two hours and a half
C. two hours and an half     D. two and an half hours
(    )11. — Shall we meet at the station at .m.?
— In fact we ________. The train _______ until .m..
A. mustn’t; doesn’t leave      B. mustn’t; leaves  
C. needn’t; won’t leave      D. needn’t; will leave
(    )12. ________, you need much more practice.
A. Get more marks in English
B. To join the National Pingpong Team
C. Winning the match       
D. To give up English
(    ) 13. In the , a woman usually doesn’t like to be asked how much _________.
A. she is weighed     B. is she weighed       C. she weighs     D. does she weigh
(    )14.Now many Chinese ________ buy things made in , they ________ things made in .
A. would rather, prefer      B. prefer to, would rather    
C. prefer not to, prefer      D. prefer not to, prefer to
(    )15.—I seem to be lost. Could you tell me _____?
—Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.
A. where is the nearest hospital      
B. how long it will take me to the airport
C. how far is my trip to the Olympic Village  
D. how I can get to the  
(    )16. Why not look up the new word in a dictionary ______ you don’t know it?
A. that     B. if    C. though    D. whether
(    )17. _______ it was raining, we went there as we had planned.
A. Through    B. Because        C. Since        D. Though
(    )18---.           will the snowstorm last?
---About two hours.
A. How soon    B. How long  
C. How often   D. How far
(    )19.That famous musician can       music in a short time.
A. make into         B. make of  
C. make up         D make for
(    )20. He will not take part in Tom’s birthday party__________he is invited.
 A.after     B.unless     C.because        D.if

Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped silently to watch them. I really envied them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could 21   play basketball.
   I like playing basketball though I'm not good at it. I've had a basketball 22 I was a child. When I was just a kid , I could play freely. But as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball. At school, it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes. The girls were 23      allowed to play volleyball or badminton.
My parents did not 24   me play basketball at home. "Basketball is not 25  for girls," they said.  
I was feeling down and had lost hope of playing basketball. Unexpectedly, something 26 the first day of my high school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They encouraged me to get 27  on the court. One of them told me with a smile, "Go your own  28   , let others talk." This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about  29    with me almost every day.
Confidence and passion 30 to my heart. I am ready to stand up and play as well as I can, and for me, even the sky is boundless (无垠的). Basketball has become an important part of my 31   . I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day. Through basketball, I not only feel happy and confident, but also_32   a lot.
I've heard one sentence: "Nothing is impossible." ,which is from an advertisement on TV. I have come to 33   that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an 34   . After that, just be confident and 35   going. Never give up and you'll make it sooner or later.
(    )21. A. ever                 B. often                 
            C. never             D. always
(    )22. A. when             B. before             
            C. after                 D. since
(    )23. A. only                 B. almost             
            C. hardly             D. not
(    )24. A. like                 B. agree                 
            C. let                 D. tell
(    )25. A. fit                 B. ready               
             C. good                 D. famous
(    )26. A. happened         B. helped             
            C. changed             D. turned
(    )27. A. back                 B. over                 
            C. off                D. together
(    )28. A. effort             B. way                 
            C. business             D. direction
(    )29. A. basketball         B. sports             
            C. interests             D. dreams
(    )30. A. came             B. hid                 
            C. turned             D. returned
(    )31. A. wish B. life 
            C. work             D. study
(    )32. A. experience         B. grow              
            C. learn                     D. play
(    )33. A. realize         B. get               
            C. understand        D. know
(    )34. A. idea             B. aim 
            C. opinion D. effort
(    )35. A. insist         B. enjoy             
            C. keep              D. last

36. Kate and I are going to the____________(音乐会) this weekend.
37. The man at the door is one of the ________ of the game. Look, he is presented with a medal.
38. People think ___________ of Tan Dun because of his amazing music works.
39. He is a clever boy, with a ___________ ( talent ) of playing the guitar very well.
40. The Autumn Festival is one of the most ______________(传统) festivals in China..
41. He's given up            (摄影)now, and he is crazy about modern music.
42. They crossed the country           (边界)successfully at midnight.
43. My parents always ____________ (support) me to work hard at my lessons when I was in junior high.
please   west    music    succeed    breath
44. After hundreds of experiments, Edison_____________ invented the light bulb.
45. Last Sunday I saw an (a) ____________thing in the park---rubbish lay everywhere.
46. Tan Dun is one of the most famous ____________ in the world..
47. It is good for your health to ____________deeply.
48. This film is about the life in the __________ part of the .
control    be    watch    build     play
49 Tan Dun is a composer. By music he __________ a bridge between the East and the West.
50. In the picture you can see some children ____________ games.
51. — _________ there ________ a charity show next month?
  — Yes, there will be.
52. His cancer can only ______________, not cured.
53. While you _______________ TV, you should be two metres away from the TV set.

54. Amy likes art, but she likes music more. (保持句意基本不变)
  Millie ________music________ art.
55. When he was very young, Yao Ming showed an interest in basketball. (改为同义句)
   _________ a boy, Yao Ming ________ _________ ________ basketball.
56. When he finished his homework, it was very late. ( 同义句转换 )
He _________ finish his homework _________ it was very late.
57. We won the first place because we kept practising every day. ( 对划线部分提问 )
   _________ _________ you win the first place?
58. Our English teacher will show us the exam result this Friday. (改为被动语态)
  The exam result will _________ _________ by our English teacher this Friday.

Knowing about yourself means not only that you find out what you're good at and what you like,it also means that you d   1  what you're not good at and what you don't like. Both help you to see your aim in life.  A   2    most students will be unhappy if they get l   3   marks in a very difficult physics exam,they have in fact learned a lot about themselves. They know that they can not become engineers or physical scientists. So failing can help a student to live a much h  4   life if he or she learns something from the failing. They may then decide on their aim and c  5 the kind of work they would be fit for and they would like to do.
It is impossible to decide whether or not you like something u   6  you have tried it. If you decide that you would like to play the piano, you need to take more than one lesson before you can know whether you are really i  7 in it or you are able to do well. It is not enough to want to be a great pianist. You a  8_ have to like the hard practice and long training before you become one. If you would r   9   be a great pianist but hate the work,forget it.
It's a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are still young. And then you will be a   10 to find out what your true interests are and come to a wise decision.
1.____________ 2. _____________ 3._____________4._____________ 5. ___________
6.____________7. ______________8.____________ 9._____________  10.___________

concert   winners   highly  gift  traditional  photography  boundary  encouraged
successfully   unpleasant   musicians breathe   western
has built   playing   Will, be   be controlled  are watching
prefers, to ;As, was interested in ;didn’t, until ;Why did ;be shown
discover      Although   low   happier    choose  
until         interested    also   rather    able



