
译林版七年级下册 Unit5(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


amazing adj. 令人吃惊的,惊人的
same adj. 同一的,相同的
birth n.出生,诞生
times n. [复](用于比较)倍
earth n. 地球,大地
bone n. 骨头
back n.后部;背部
fat n. 脂肪
fact n. 事实
as adv. 和……一样
usual adj. 通常的,平常的
as usual 照例,像往常一样
sit down 坐下
suddenly adv. 突然
whisper n.低语,耳语
bush n. 灌木丛
turn around 转身;(使)翻转
anybody pron. 任何人
nobody pron.(=no one) 没有人,无人
reply vi. 答复,回答,
strange adj. 奇怪的;陌生的
leave vt. 离开
quickly adv. 迅速地,飞快地
happen vi. 发生
everything pron. 每件事,每样事物,一切
wonder vi. & vt. 琢磨,想知道;感到诧异
carefully adv. 仔细地,认真地,小心地
search vt.&vi.搜查,搜寻,搜索
himself pron. 他自己
say to oneself 自言自语
weak adj. 虚弱的,无力的
miaow vi.(猫叫声)喵
pick vt.拾起
pick up 拿起,举起
surprised adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的
later adv. 随后,后来
run away 逃离,跑开
somebody pron. 某人, 有人
ago adv. 以前
the day before yesterday 前天
centimetre n. (=cm)<英>厘米,公分 =<美>centimeter
dodo n. 渡渡鸟
snake n. 蛇
camel n. 骆驼
ant n. 蚂蚁
little pron.&det.不多的,少数的
dry adj. 干的;干燥的
without prep.没有
be afraid of 害怕
not any more 再也不,不再
hear of 听说,知道
the other day 那天, 前几天
at the same time 同时
chalk n. 粉笔
sandwich n. 三明治
all over the world 遍及全世界
by prep. 不迟于,在……之前
use n. 使用,利用;用途
per prep. 每,每一
at least 至少
inch n. 英寸
ask for 请求;要
stop doing something 停止做某事
on someone’s way 在……路上
on the way 在……路上

Comic Strip
– Hey, Hobo. Look at that.
– What is it?
– It’s a UFO, Hobo.
– Come on, Eddie. It’s just a plane. I saw one yesterday.
– No. It’s a UFO. Look at its bright light.
– They’re only the light on the plane.
– It’s not a plane. Look, it’s so small.
Welcome to the unit
Kitty: Do you know any fun facts about the world,Amy?
Amy: Yes.The sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth.
Kitty: That’s interesting! What about fish,Amy?
Amy: Fish sleep with their eyes open.
Kitty: Oh,really?
Amy: Yes. Isn’t that amazing?
ReadingThe ghost in the park
公园里的鬼One Sunday morning, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park.As usual, they sat under a big tree.
周日的早上,米莉和艾米去阳光公园。她们像平常一样坐在一棵大树下面。Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.They turned around but saw nothing.’Is anybody there?’ Millie asked. Nobody replied.”That’s strange,” the two girls were very afraid. They left the park quickly.On their way home, they met Andy.
突然,她们听到低语声从大树后面的灌木丛传出来。她们转过头但是没有什么东西。“有人在那儿吗?”米莉问道。没有人回答。“很奇怪,”这两个女孩很害怕。她们快速离开了公园。路上,她们遇见了安迪。‘What happened?’ Andy asked.
“发生什么事了?”安迪问。“There’s a ghost in the park!” Millie said.Then she told Andy everything.”What is it?” Andy wondered.He went to the park, stood beside the tree and listened carefully.Then he heard the whisper!He scarched the bushes.
“公园里有鬼!”米莉说。然后她把一切都告诉了安迪。“它是什么?”安迪感到诧异。他去了公园,站在树后面仔细地听。然后他听到了低语声。他把灌木丛搜查了一番。“Here it is,” Andy said to himself.He found a little cat in the bushes. It was very weak.When it miaowed, it sounded like a whisper.
“它在这儿。”安迪自言自语地说。他在灌木丛里找到一只小猫。它很虚弱。当它喵喵叫的时候,听起来有点像低语。Andy picked up the little cat and went to find Millie and Amy.
安迪捡起这只小猫,去找米莉和艾米。“This is the ghost in the park,” Andy said.Millie and Amy were surprised — it was a little cat! Later that day, they took the little cat to the animal centre.

Integrated skills
A Talking about animals
Mr Wu: Suzy, I want to show you some pictures of animals. Look, this is a giraffe.
Suzy: Oh, its neck is so long.
Mr Wu: Yes, it’s also quite tall. And…here’s another one. It’s very small. Do you know what it is?
Suzy: Of course. It’s an ant. Ants are very hard-working. What about the next one? What’s that animal called in English?
Mr Wu: It’s a snake. Snakes live on the ground, in trees or in water.
Suzy: Really? I know what this animal is. It’s a camel.
Mr Wu: Yes, it is. Camels usually live in very dry places.
Mu Wu: How much do you know about animals, Suzy?
Suzy: Not much, Mr Wu. I’m afraid of animals. I never go near them, not even small animals.
Mr Wu: I don’t think you should be afraid of all animals, Suzy. Some animals are really interesting. Look at the giraffe. It has a very long neck, but there are only seven bones in it, just like ours.
Suzy: Oh, that’s interesting!
Mr Wu: And look at the snake. It eats little or nothing for months in cold winter. It sleeps all the time till the weather gets warmer.
Suzy: That’s amazing! Can you tell me something about camels?
Mr Wu: Sure! Camels live in very dry places, and they can live without water for a long time.
Suzy: That’s really amazing! And what about these ants?
Mr Wu: Do you know that they can smell things well?
Suzy: Really? I think I should keep my house very clean then. I don’t want any ants there.
Speaking up: That’s really amazing!
– Do you know about any amazing things, Simon?
– Yes. I heard of a young man.He traveled around over 80 countries by bicycle.
– That’s cool! What amazing things do you know, Millie?
– I read about a man the other day.He can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.
– That’s really amazing! What about you, Peter? Do you know any amazing things?
– I learnt about an artist. He can draw 3-D pictures with chalk.
– That’s really great!
We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things.
Many people like sandwiches, but do you know anything about this kind of food?
Sandwich got its name from a man called John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich.
The man loved playing cards with his friends very much.
He did not want to stop for meals, so he put meat between two pieces of bread.
Soon others wanted to eat the same food, so they asked for a “sandwich”.
Later the food became popular all over the world.
Isn’t that amazing?



