
译林版七年级下册 Unit7(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


ability n. 能力
believe vt. 相信
believe it or not 信不信由你
look out 留神,当心
seat n. 座位
send vt. 发送;邮寄
even adv. 甚至
able adj. 能,能够
pay vi. &vt.付费
pay for 为……付款
notebook n. 笔记本
raise vt. 募集
brave adj. 勇敢的
save vt.救,救助
save from 从……中救出
smoke n. 烟,烟雾 vi. &vt. 吸(烟),抽(烟)
next door adv. 在隔壁
badly adv. 严重地,厉害地
hurt adj.受伤的 vt. &vi. 使受伤,伤害;疼
could modal v.(can的过去式)可以,能,会
pour vt. 倾倒
protect vt. 保护
rush vi.冲,奔
wet adj. 湿的;未干的;有雨的
blanket n. 毯子
fireman n. (pl.firemen)消防员
put out 扑灭
burn vt. &vi. 烧伤;烧
moment n. 时刻;片刻,瞬间
nod vi. &vt. 点头
careful adj. 仔细的,认真的;小心的
reporter n. 记者
news n. 新闻, 消息
newspaper n. 报纸
match n. 火柴
rubbish n. 垃圾,废弃物
bin n. 垃圾箱
by the way 顺便问一下,顺便说说
camera n. 照相机
no problem 没问题
X-ray n. X光,X射线
term n.学期
hard adv. 努力地;费力地
article n. 文章
careless adj. 粗心的
piano n. 钢琴
do well in ……做得好
better adv. (well的比较级)较好,更好
violin n. 小提琴
at the age of 在……岁时
show vt. 教;演示;展示
sir n. 先生
madam n. 女士;夫人
recommend vt. 推荐
award n.奖;奖品;奖金
part n. 部分
take part in 参加
need n. (食物、钱等的)短缺,缺乏
lose vt. 迷失;丢失
before conj.到……为止;在……之前
hear from 收到……的来信
do someone’s best 尽某人最大努力
try someone’s best 尽某人最大努力
lose someone’s way 迷路
Yours faithfully (用于书信结尾签名前)你忠实的

Comic strip– I’m Superdog, Hobo!
– How cool!
– I can fly!
– You?
– Believe it or not!
– Look out, Eddie!
– See. You can’t fly, Eddie.
Welcome to the unit
Daniel: What can we do for the children in poor areas?
Millie: They need clothes and shoes most. We can send some to them.
Simon: Some families are not even able to pay for pens and notebooks.
Amy: Yes. We can raise some money for them to buy these things.
Kitty: We can also collect some books for the children.
Daniel: Good ideas.
ReadingWhat a brave young man!
多勇敢的一个年轻人!Lin Tao is 20 years old.He was brave enough to save this neighbour from a fire.
林涛二十岁。他足够勇敢把他的邻居从大火里救了出来。On 10 May, Lin Tao was at home alone.Suddenly, he heard someone shouting ‘Fire! Fire!Help! ‘ He ran outside and saw a lot of smoke from next door.He went in and found his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs. Sun, in the kitchen.Her left leg was badly hurt and she could not get out.
5月10日,林涛自己在家。突然,他听到外面大喊“着火了!着火了!救命呀!” 他跑了出去,看到隔壁冒出很多烟。他进去,发现他的邻居,79岁的孙女士在厨房里。她的左腿伤得很严重,她出不来。Lin Tao quickly ran to Mrs Sun’s bathroom.He poured water over his clothes to protect himself.Then he rushed into the kitchen.There was heavy smoke and the fire was very hot.He put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun and helped her out.Later some firemen came and put out the fire.
林涛快速跑进孙奶奶的浴室。往他的衣服上倒上水,保护自己。然后他冲进厨房。烟雾很重,火非常热。他用一条湿毛毯盖住孙奶奶,帮助她逃了出来。后来一些消防员赶来扑灭了火。The fire burnt Lin Tao’s arms, neck and face. He was in hospital for two weeks.Many people visited him and gave him flowers and presents.”How brave you are!” they said.”Were you afraid at that moment?”
大火烧伤了林涛的胳膊、脖子和脸。他在医院住了2个月。很多人来探望他并买来鲜花和礼物送给他。“你好勇敢!!”他们说。“那时候你害怕吗?“Yes, a little.” Lin Tao nodded, “but I didn’t have time to think about it. Mrs Sun needed my help.”
“是的,有一点,”林涛点头道,“但是我没有时间考虑这个。孙奶奶需要我的帮助。”“Fire is very dangerous. We should be careful with it,” he also said.
Integrated skills
A Meeting parents
Suzy does well in Chinese. She’s good at writing. Her Maths is good, but sometimes she’s careless. I hope she can be more careful next term. Her English is good this term, but she needs to read more and speak English more if she wants to be better at it. Suzy loves History. She works hard on the subject. She knows a lot about Chinese and Western history. However, Suzy doesn’t do her best in Geography this term.
Suzy likes music. She’s a member of the Music Club. She can play the piano well. She often plays the piano at school shows.She also likes sports, and she plays volleyball well. She practises hard every Monday and Wednesday after school. I think she’ll get into the school team next term.Suzy is nice and friendly. All her teachers and her classmates like her very much.
Speak up: Can you play the violin?
– Daniel, can you play the violin?
– Yes, I can. I started to play the violin at the age of six.
– Can you show me how to play it?
– Sure. Listen to this.
– What nice music!
– Thanks. I know you can play the piano well.
– Yes. I love music. I started to play the piano when I was five.
– That’s great!
Dear Sir/Madam,
亲爱的先生/女士:I would like to recommend Daniel for this year’s Youth Star Award.Daniel is a clever boy. He learns things quickly.He can use the computers well.When he is free, he often helps at the Helping Hands Club and does most of the computer work for the club.
我想推荐丹尼尔获得今年的青年奖。丹尼尔是一个聪明的男孩。他学东西十分快。他计算机用的很好。当他有空的时候,他经常在“援助之手”俱乐部帮忙,俱乐部的大部分电脑工作都是他做的。Daniel always thinks carefully when he works.He plans everything well.He is a member of our Project Hope group and often takes part in activities like collecting clothes and books for children in need.
丹尼尔工作时考虑的非常仔细。他细心计划每件事情。他是我们“希望工程”小组的成员,经常参加为需要帮助的孩子募捐衣服和书籍的活动。Daniel is really kind. Last week, a 5-year-old boy lost his way and cried in the street.Daniel saw him and took him to the police station.He stayed with the boy and played with him for two hours before the boy’s parents came.
丹尼尔真的很善良。上周,一名五岁的男孩迷了路,在街道上哭。丹尼尔看见他,把他带到了警察局。在男孩的父母到来之前,丹尼尔和男孩儿一起等、一起玩了两个小时。All the members at the Helping Hands Club think that Daniel should get the award.We look forward to hearing from you soon.
“援助之手”俱乐部的所有成员都认为丹尼尔应该获得这个奖项。我们盼望尽快收到你的来信。Yours faithfully,
Wu Bing.



