
译林版八年级下册 Unit1(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


past    [pɑːst]    过去

present    [ preznt]     现在,目前

just    [dʒʌst]    刚才

used to    (过去持续或常发生)曾经

since   [sɪns]    自…以来

ever    [ evə]    曾经,永远,这以前

northern    [ nɔːðən]    北方的,北部的

married    [ˈmærɪd]    已婚的,结婚的

wife    [waɪf]    (妻子

block    [blɒk]     街区

since    [sɪns]    自…以来

over    [ əʊvə]    在…期间

turn ... Into ...     把…变成…

pollution    [pəˈluːʃ(ə)n]    污染;污染物

factory    [ fæktəri]    工厂

waste    [weɪst]    废料;废品

realize   [ rɪəlaɪz]    意识到;实现

improve     [ɪm pruːv]    改进,改善

situation    [sɪtjʊˈeɪʃ(ə)n]    形势,情况

in some ways     在某种程度上

however    [haʊ evə]    然而

impossible   [ɪmˈpɒsəbl]    不可能的

before   [bɪ fɔː]    以前,过去,已经

lonely    [ ləʊnli]    孤独的,寂寞的

from time to time     [frɒm//taɪm//tuː//taɪm]   不时,有时,偶尔

anyway   [ˈenɪweɪ]    尽管,即使这样

husband    [ hʌzbənd]   丈夫

interview    [ˈɪntəvjuː]    采访;会见

all one s life     一生

yet   [jet]     还,仍

recently   [ riːsntli]    近来,最近

past    [pɑːst]    过去

environment    [ɪn vaɪrənmənt]     环境

transport    [trænsˈpɔːt]    交通车辆,运输工具

condition    [kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n]    环境,条件,状况

return    [rɪ tɜːn]    返回

last   [lɑːst]    最近,上一次;最后

abroad    [ə brɔːd]    到(在)国外

primary    [ˈpraɪməri]   小学教育的;初级的

keep in touch    保持联系

communicate     [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt]     交流,交际

communication    [kəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]    交流,交际

exactly   [ɪg zæktli]   (答语)正是,没错

be/get used to     习惯于,适应于

narrow   [ˈnærəʊ]    狭窄的

open space     开阔的空地

Comic strip1. 0h,where’s my food? It was in the bowl an hour ago.
2. – Eddie,have you seen my food?
– Yes.I’ve just eaten it.
3. – What? You’ve eaten my food? Why?
– Because I was very hungry.
4. – You’ve changed,Eddie.You used to share food with me!
– You’ve changed too. You used to be so kind to me!

Welcome to the unitMillie:How did you go to school when you were a student,Dad?
Dad:I used to go to school by bike.
Millie:Why didn’t you take a bus?
Dad:Well,there were always too many people on the bus,and it took a long time to wait for the next one.
Millie:Really?I go to school by bus. Now it’s easy and fast.
ReadingMillie:Do you know Sunshine Town very well,Mr Chen?
Mr Chen: Sure. I’ve lived here since I was born.
Millie: Have you ever moved house?
Mr Chen: Yes. I first lived in the northern part of town with my parents. When I got married in 1965,my wife and I moved two blocks away and we’ve lived in this area since then.
Millie:Has the town changed a lot over the years?
米莉:近几年 这个城镇变化大吗?
Mr Chen:Yes! We only had some small restaurants and shops years ago. And we had a post office and a cinema in the town centre. Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park. We have a new theatre and a large shopping mall too.
Millie: Was pollution a problem then?
Mr Chen:Yes,it was. There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River. They often put the waste into the river. Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation. Now the river is much cleaner.
Millie:Do you think life is better now?
Mr Chen: Well, in some ways it is. It’s really nice to have a beautiful modern town. However, most of my old friends have moved away. It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before. We used to play cards and Chinese chess together. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time.Anyway,it’s good to see the amazing changes in the town.

Integrated skillsA1
Daniel: Kitty, have you found any information for our history project?
Kitty: Yes. I’ve just borrowed this book from the school library. It’s about Starlight Town’s past and present.
Daniel: Let me see. Oh, Starlight Town was beautiful in the past. There were green hills all around. This book also says that the air was very clean and fresh then.
Kitty: That’s true. My family and I visited Starlight Town about ten years ago. I saw some wild birds near the lake.
Daniel: How did you get to Starlight Town?
Kitty: We went there by bus. Local people also travelled around by bicycle.
Daniel: Did people live in flats?
Kitty: No. There were no flats then. Many people lived in old houses in the town.
Kitty: What does the book say about the changes in Starlight Town over the years?
Daniel: It says that the lake is getting smaller.
Kitty: What a pity! I like the lake.
Daniel: Starlight Town has become a modern town. There’s a new railway station now. You can also see many tall buildings in the town.
Kitty: Are there any new roads?
Daniel: Sure. People can now travel by bus, taxi or train.
Kitty: Look! It also says that many people have moved into new flats.Daniel: Right. I think we’ve got a lot of useful information for our project.
Speak upMillie:I met my old friend Becky last week. She’s just returned from the USA.
Sandy:Really? When did you last see each other?
Millie: About five years ago. She went abroad with her parents.We haven’t seen each other since then.
Sandy: Oh, you were still at primary school then. So how do you keep in touch with each other?
Millie:We mainly communicate by email.The Internet makes communication much easier.



