
译林版八年级下册 Unit2(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


travelling    <英>旅行=<美>    traveling

hey   [heɪ]    嘿,喂

miss    [mɪs]    想念,思念

fantastic   [fæn tæstɪk]     极好的,美妙的

indoor    (在)室内的

roller coaster     (游乐场的)过山车,环滑车

speed    [spiːd]     速度

ride    [raɪd]    乘坐(游乐设施)

cartoon    [kɑːˈtuːn]    卡通片,动画片

character    [ˈkærɪktə]    人物

such    [sʌtʃ]    这样的(人或物)

such as    例如

parade   (庆祝)游行

magic    [ˈmædʒɪk]     魔法

pie   [paɪ]    派,馅饼

feel    [fiːl]    感觉到,意识到

couple   [ˈkʌp(ə)l]    两人,两件事,几人,几件事

a couple of     一对;一双,两三个

at the end of     在…末尾

castle    [ˈkɑːs(ə)l]    城堡

sand    [sænd]   沙;沙滩

countryside    [ kʌntrɪ saɪd]    农村,乡下

over    [ əʊvə]    结束

marry    [ mæri]    结婚,嫁,娶

dead    [ded]    死的

beauty   [ˈbjuːti]   美丽;美人

seaside   [ˈsiːsaɪd]     海边的

theme park     主题公园

sailing   [ˈseɪlɪŋ]    帆船运动,航行

except   [ɪk sept]    除了…以外

view    [vjuː]     景色,风景

mountain     [ maʊntɪn]     高山

business    [ bɪznɪs]     公事;商业;生意

on business     出差

direct    [dɪˈrektˌdaɪˈrekt]    直达的,直接的

flight    [flaɪt]    航班;航行

point    [pɔɪnt]    要点

detail     [ˈdiːteɪl]     细节

delicious    [dɪ lɪʃəs]    美味的,可口的

seafood    [ sɪfuːd]     海鲜

airport    [ eəpɔːt]    机场

relative   [ relətɪv]     亲戚


Comic strip

– Hey, Eddie. Where are you going?
– I’m going to South Hill for my holiday.
– Really? I’ve been there before.Can I join you?
– OK. Get ready!
– What are you doing, Hobo?
– I’m getting all my things.I’m so excited!
– Take the bag, Eddie. Let’s go.
– I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.

Welcome to the unit

– What’s this, Millie?

– It’s the Little Mermaid.
– Where is it?
– It’s in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
– What’s special about it?
– It comes from the story by Plans Christian Andersen.
– Have you ever been there?
– No, I haven’t.

Hi Millie,

How are you? We haven’t seen each other since last week.I miss you so much!My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for two days.We’re having a fantastic time here.Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland.
你好吗?上周开始我们就没有见面了。我很想你!我和爸爸妈妈已经来香港两天了。我们在这儿度过了一段奇妙的时光。今天我们花了一整天的时间呆在迪斯尼里。We got to the park by underground.First, we had fun on Space Mountain—an indoor roller coaster in the dark.It moved at high speed and was really exciting! We were screaming and laughing through the ride.
我们乘坐地铁去的迪斯尼乐园。首先,我们去了太空山——一个黑暗的室内过山车。它移动的速度很快,确实非常刺激!整个过程我们都在尖叫和大笑。Next, we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal.On the way, we met some Disney cartoon characters,such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse.They were so cute.
接着,我们去了饭店吃了快餐。在路上,我遇见了一些迪斯尼卡通人物,例如白雪公主和米老鼠。他们太可爱了。Everybody got excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon.It was the best part of the day.I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.After the parade, we watched a 4-D film. It was like magic.We could even smell the apple pie and feel the wind.
当傍晚迪斯尼人物开始游行的时候,每个人都很兴奋。这是一天中最棒的环节。我跟在它们后面跑,不停的拍照。在游行过后,我又看了一场4D电影。它像魔术一般。我甚至能够闻到苹果派的味道,还能感觉到风在吹。Then we did some shopping, I bought a couple of key rings for classmates.I’m sure you’ll love them.
然后我们开始购物。我给同学们买了一些钥匙圈。我确定你们会喜欢它们的。At the end of the day, we watched the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle.The castle looked bright and beautiful under the fireworks.
在一天快结束的时候,我们在睡美人城堡前面观看了烟花。城堡在烟花的映照下显得明亮而美丽。I know you’ve gone to Hainan.Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself there! See you soon.
我知道你去了海南。希望你在那儿玩得开心!再见。Yours, Kitty
Integrated skills


Millie: Kitty, what kind of places do you like best?
Kitty: I like theme parks best. How about you, Simon?
Simon: I’m interested in seaside cities because I love water sports, such as sailing. What about you, Sandy?
Sandy: Um, I like to visit places of natural beauty. And you, Daniel?
Daniel: Well, I love Chinese gardens. They’re beautiful and quiet. What about you, Millie?
Millie: I like to visit museums. They’re really fantastic.
Host: There are a lot of places to visit in China. If you like Chinese gardens, you can visit Suzhou or Yangzhou. The best time to go there is in spring or autumn. There may be some rain, but the weather is usually nice at that time of year. If you like museums, you can go to Beijing or Xi’an. You can visit museums in any season. If you like places of natural beauty, you should go to Mount Huang or Jiuzhaigou. You can go there in any season except winter. The views there in winter may be wonderful, but it’s dangerous to climb the mountains or hills on cold and snowy days. In summer, it’s a good idea to visit a seaside city like Dalian or Qingdao. You can do some water sports, such as sailing. It’s great fun. Some of you may like to visit theme parks, such as the Window of the World in Shenzhen or Hong Kong Disneyland. You can go to these places all year round.
Speak up– Do you have any plans for the May Day holiday, Amy?
– Yes. I’m going to visit Chengdu with my mum.
– That’s great. My dad has been to Chengdu on business twice.How will you get there?
– We’re going to take a direct flight to Chengdu.
– How long are you staying there?
– About three days. By the way, how long does it take to fly to Chengdu?
– About three hours, I think. I can check it for you with my dad.
– Thanks very much.



