
译林版八年级下册 Unit3(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


online   [ˌɒnˈlaɪn]     联网的,在线的

programme   [ prəʊgræm]   <英>节目;计划;方案

remote control     遥控器

ah   (表惊奇、高兴等)啊

channel    [ tʃænl]    频道

keyboard    [ kiːbɔːd]    键盘

unit    [ˈjuːnɪt]    机件;单位;单元

main unit   (电脑)主机;主件

mouse   (pl.mice 或mouses)   鼠标

screen   [skriːn]    显示屏,屏幕

word processing    文字处理

receive    [rɪ siːv]    收到,接到

guide    [gaɪd]     导游,向导

icon    [ˈaɪkɒn]     图标

click    [klɪk]    点击

Asia    [ˈeɪʃə]    亚洲

Africa    [ æfrɪkə]    非洲

Europe    [ˈjʊərəp]    欧洲

America    [ə merɪkə]    美洲

word-famous     世界著名的,举世闻名的

trade    [treɪd]    贸易

southern    [ˈsʌð(ə)n]    南方的,南部的

international    [ɪntəˈnæʃən(ə)l]     国际的

gather    [ˈɡæðə]     聚集,集合

huge    [hjuːdʒ]    巨大的

darkness    [ˈdɑːknɪs]    黑暗

island    [ aɪlənd]    岛屿

several    [ sevərəl]    几个,数个

lawn    [lɔːn]     草坪

relax     [rɪ læks]     放松,休息

hard     [hɑːd]    辛苦的;艰难的

musical    [ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l]    音乐剧

so much for sth.     关于…就讲这么多

bottom   [ˈbɒtəm]     底,底部

pick    [pɪk]     挑选

play    [pleɪ]    戏剧,剧本

website    [websaɪt]     网站

dream    [driːm]    做梦,梦想

dream of/about    梦想;想像

passport     [ˈpɑːspɔːt]    护照

coast     [kəʊst]    海岸  

sail   [seɪl]    帆

Australian    [ɔːs treɪlɪən]    澳大利亚(人)的

opposite    [ˈɒpəzɪt]    对立的人(或物)

mind    [maɪnd]    介意

print    [prɪnt]    打印;印刷

pleasure     [ pleʒə]     高兴,乐意

my pleasure     不客气,很乐意效劳,很荣幸

book    [bʊk]    预订,订 n.书籍,本子

England    [ ɪŋglənd]  (英国)英格兰

queen   [kwiːn]    女王

ruler    [ ruːlə]     统治者;管理者

pound   [paʊnd]    英镑

be made up of     由…组成,用…制造(制成)

European     [jʊərəˈpiːən]    欧洲的

dollar    [ˈdɒlə]    美元

Comic stripHave you used this before, Eddie?埃迪,你用过这个吗?No, never!不,从没有!It looks like a TV.它看起来像电视机。I agree.我同意。Look, this programme began an hour ago. It's boring.看,这个节目一个小时前开始了。它很枯燥啊。Right. Where's the remote control?是的。遥控器在哪里?Ah, here it is. Let's change the channel.啊,在这里。我们来换个频道吧。
Welcome to the unitWhat do you usually use your computer for?你常常用电脑来做什么?I usually use it to search for information.我常常用来搜索资料。Why?为什么?Because it's fast and easy.因为它很方便快捷。How often do you use your computer for this?你多长时间用你的电脑来做这个?Almost every day.基本上每天。
ReadingWelcome to "Around the World in Eight Hours". I'm your tour guide, Robin.欢迎来到“八小时环游世界”。我是你的旅游向导罗宾。Have you noticed the "Tour" icon at the top of the page?你注意到网页最上方的“旅行”图标了吗?Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, Europe, America and more in only eight hours!只要点击一下,你可以在八小时内参观亚洲、非洲、欧洲、美洲以及更多的地方!YOU HAVE CHOSEN: NEW YORK. OK. Let's go!你已经选择了:纽约我们出发吧!Here we are in "the Big Apple"—New York, the biggest city in the USA.我们现在在“大苹果”——纽约,美国最大的城市。Wall Street, the world-famous trade centre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island.这儿是华尔街——世界著名的交易中心,位于曼哈顿岛的最南端。There are many big companies and international banks here.这儿有许多大公司以及国际银行。Further on is Times Square. Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Year's Eve.再往前走是时代广场。每年新年前夜,成千上万的人聚集在这儿。It's exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness!人们很兴奋去见证巨大的水晶球从黑暗中降落!In the centre of the island is Central Park.在岛的中央是中央公园。With several lakes, hills and a large green lawn, it's a good place to relax after a hard day's work.公园里有几个湖、几座山以及大片的绿地,在一天忙碌的工作之后,来这儿休闲和放松是个不错的选择。When you visit New York, don't miss Broadway. It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century.当你参观纽约,不要错过百老汇。从二十世纪初期起,它就因为剧院而闻名。Have you ever heard of the song "Memory"? It comes from the famous Broadway musical Cats.你听过歌曲《回忆》吗?它来自于著名的百老汇音乐剧《猫》。OK, so much for New York. There's a "Back" icon at the bottom of the page.好了,纽约就到这儿了。页面底部有一个“返回”图标。Click on it, pick another city and then start your new tour!点击它,选择另一个城市,然后开启你的新旅行!
Integrated skillsA1Daniel: Shall we take an online tour of Sydney, Australia?Peter: Sure.Daniel: Let’s use “Around the World in Eight Hours”. The website will take you to different places. Find the city Sydney in the menu at the top of the page and then click on it.Peter: Oh, I see it!Daniel: Click on the“Camera”icon to see some pictures of the city first.Peter: Great idea!Daniel: But wait… I don’t see anything about the history of the city.Peter: Let me have a look. Here it is! Further down at the bottom of the page, you can find other information about the city.Daniel: Great!A2Peter: Where’s Sydney, Daniel?Daniel: Sydney is on the south-east coast of Australia. It’s the largest city in the country. Click on the“Camera”icon.Peter: Wow, there are so many beautiful pictures!Daniel: Sydney is close to the sea, so visitors can see many beautiful beaches there.Peter: Look at that building, Daniel. It’s wonderful. It looks like a ship with many sails. What is it?Daniel: It’s the Sydney Opera House. It’s a theatre. Maybe we can see an opera there.Peter: Great idea. Have you noticed the bridge, Daniel?Daniel: Oh, it’s the famous Harbour Bridge. People can climb it. It takes about three hours.Peter: How cool! That would be a fantastic experience.Daniel: Sure. By the way, which season is it now in Australia?Peter: It’s spring.Daniel: No, you’re wrong, Peter. Australian seasons are the opposite of ours. In April, it’s autumn in Australia!
Speak upWould you mind showing me how to start this online tour?你介意向我展示如何开始这次在线旅行吗?Of course not. Just click on the "Tour" icon and it'll start.当然不介意。只要点击“旅行”图标,它就开始了。Oh, good! It's starting. I want to look at some pictures first.哦,真棒!开始了。我想先看一些图片。That's easy. If you click on the "Camera" icon, you can see many pictures of the city.那很简单。如果你点击了“照片”图标,你就可以看见这个城市的许多图片了。Great! These pictures are so clear.真棒!这些图片真清楚。Yes. Click on the "Print" icon when you want to print.是的。如果你想打印的话,点击打印图标。Thanks for your help, Millie.谢谢你的帮助,米莉。My pleasure.我很乐意为你效劳。
TaskThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also called the UK, is an island country.大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,也称为英国,是一个岛国。It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.它由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士以及北爱尔兰组成。London, the capital city, is big and modern. Like China, the UK has a long history.首都伦敦非常大而且现代。同中国一样,英国有着悠久的历史。Kings and queens were once its rulers.国王和女王一度统治着它。There are many palaces and castles in this old European country.在这个古老的欧洲国家,这儿有许多宫殿和城堡。Buckingham Palace is the most famous one. It has been the home of kings and queens for a long time.白金汉宫是最著名的一座。它很长一段时间是国王和女王的住所。The UK has always been famous for its museums. Among them is the British Museum.英国一直因为它的博物馆而闻名,其中一个就是英国国家博物馆。You can learn a lot about the world's culture there.你可以在那里了解到世界各地的文化。The UK also has many places of natural beauty, such as the Lake District.英国同时也有许多自然风光,例如湖区。You can see swans and other wild birds on the lakes there.你可以在那里的湖边看见天鹅以及其它野生鸟类。The best time to visit the UK is from May to September because its winter is wet and cold.参观英国最好的时间是从五月到九月,因为它的冬天非常潮湿及寒冷。The weather changes often there. It is sunny one minute, but rainy the next, so prepare for it before you go there.那儿的天气常常变化。一分钟前还是阳光明媚,下一刻就下雨了,所以当你去那儿的话,需要做好准备。Moreover, remember that people use pounds there, not RMB or dollars!另外,记住,那里的通用货币是英镑,不是人民币和美元!



