
译林版八年级下册 Unit5(含中文翻译)

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manners    【复数】 礼貌,礼仪

eh    嗯,什么,啊

cut in  (on sb/sth)    打断(谈话),插嘴

politely    [pə laɪtli]    礼貌地

litter    [ lɪtə]     垃圾,杂物

tap    [tæp]    水龙头;旋塞

run    [rʌn]     流动;v. 奔跑,跑步

pick    [pɪk]     采,摘;v. 挑选,精选

obey    [əʊˈbeɪ]    遵守,顺从

queue   [kjuː]   (人、车等)排队等候

turn     [tɜːn]     轮流,旋转v.使旋转,翻过来

proper    [ˈprɒpə] adj.    符合习惯的;正确的

greet    [griːt]     问候,打招呼

shake sb s hand     与某人握手

kiss    [kɪs]     亲吻

close    [kləʊz]     亲密的;严密的

conversation    [ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən]    (非正式)交谈,谈话

avoid    [əˈvɒɪd]    避免

subject    [ sʌbdʒɪkt]    话题,主题

behave    [bɪˈheɪv]    表现

public    [ pʌblɪk]   民众,群体

in public    公开地,在别人面前

push    [pʊʃ]     推,挤

push in     (英)插队,加塞,(美)

bump   [bʌmp]    撞,碰

in one s way     挡住某人的路

touch    [tʌtʃ]     触摸,碰

excuse    [ɪks kjuːz]     原谅,宽恕

excuse me   劳驾

till   [tɪl]   到…时,直到…为止

as well (as)    也,还有

loudly    [ laʊdli]    大声地

as   [æz]     正如,如同

saying    [ˈseɪɪŋ]     谚语,格言

Roman     罗马人

by accident     偶然,意外地

discussion     [dɪ skʌʃən]    讨论

express     [ɪks pres]     表达

public    [ pʌblɪk]   民众,群体

explain    [ɪks pleɪn]    解释

keep sb from sth    保护,使免受

warn    [wɔːn]    警告,告诫

parking   [ pɑːkɪŋ]    停车

litter    [ lɪtə]     垃圾,杂物

successful    [səkˈsesfʊl]    成功的

sometimes    [ sʌmtaɪmz]  (some time)    在某时

soon after    不久以后

risk    [rɪsk]     冒险做

worm     [wɜːm]    软体虫,蠕虫

pain    [peɪn]    痛,疼痛

gain    [ɡeɪn]    收获

indeed    [ɪnˈdiːd]    真正地

practice    [ præktɪs]    练习;训练;实践

candle    [ kændl]     蜡烛

purpose     [ˈpɜːpəs]     目的

content    [kənˈtent]    内容;目录

conclusion    [kənˈkluːʒ(ə)n]    总结,归纳

guest    [ɡest]     客人,宾客

host    [həʊst]    主人,主持

above all     尤其是,首先

impolite    [ˌɪmpə laɪt]    不礼貌的

Comic stripYou're old enough to learn about manners now, Hobo.霍波,你现在大了,应该要学习礼仪了。Eh? What do you mean?嗯?你是什么意思?First, always share your things with others.首先,要常常同别人分享你的东西。Second, ...第二,……Hey! That's my cake!嘿!那是我的蛋糕!Second, don't cut in on others. Always wait politely.第二,不要打断别人的话。要礼貌的等着。You should learn about manners too. You're never too old to learn.你也应该学学礼仪。活到老,学到老。
Welcome to the unitCan we chat in the library?我们在图书馆能聊天吗?I'm afraid not. We should keep quiet.不能。我们应该保持安静。Anything else?还有别的吗?Don't drop litter everywhere. Always keep the library clean.不能随地扔垃圾。时刻让图书馆保持干净。I see. Can we eat in the library?我知道了。我们在图书馆能吃东西吗?No, we can't eat there.不行,我们不能在那儿吃东西。Can we write in the books?我们可以在书上写字吗?No, we shouldn't write in the books, and we should put them back after reading.不行,我们不能在书上写字,我们看完书之后,应该把书放回原处。
ReadingHi, everyone. Today we've invited Jenny to talk about manners in the UK.嗨,大家好。今天我们邀请珍妮来说说英国的礼仪。What's the proper way to greet people there, Jenny?珍妮,在英国,适当的打招呼的方式是什么?Well, British people say "hello" or "nice to meet you" and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time.呃,英国人第一次见到你时,他们说“你好”或“见到你很高兴”,并握手。Do they greet people with a kiss?他们用亲吻这种方式打招呼吗?No. British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.不会。英国人只和亲戚或亲密的朋友用亲吻打招呼。How do people start a conversation?人们是如何开始交谈的?They talk about the weather, holidays, music, books or something else. But please avoid subjects like age,weight or money.他们谈论天气、假期、音乐、书籍或其他一些事情。但是请避免像年龄、体重或金钱类的话题。Do people there behave politely in public?人们在公共场合表现得礼貌吗?Yes, they do. They always queue. They think it's rude to push in before others. Also, if they bump into someome in the street, they'll say "sorry".是的,他们很礼貌。他们总是排队等候。他们认为在别人面前插队是粗鲁无礼的。同样的,如果他们在大街上撞着别人,他们会说“对不起”。Anything else?还有别的吗?If you're in their way, they won't touch you or push past you. They'll say "excuse me" and be polite enough to wait till you move.如果你挡着别人了,他们不会碰你或从你身边挤过去。他们会说“打扰了”,然后非常礼貌的等着你移动。British people are very polite at home as well, aren't they?英国人在家里也很礼貌,是吗?Yes. They say "please" and "thank you" all the time!是的。他们每时每刻都在说“请”和“谢谢”!Any other tips for us if we're going to the UK?如果我们要去英国,还有别的什么提示吗?Let me see. Oh, keep your voice down in public. British people don't like to shout or laugh loudly.我想想。哦,在公共场合要小声说话。英国人不喜欢大喊或大笑。OK. Thanks, Jenny. Now we've learnt more about manners in the UK. I'm sure they're helpful to us.好的。谢谢你,珍妮。现在我们更多的了解了英国的礼仪。我确信这些对我们很有用。I hope so. Just as the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do.我希望如此。就像习语说的:“入乡随俗。”
Integrated skillsA1Amy: When you go out, you should pay attention to different public signs.Shirley: What are public signs?Amy: Public signs are signs used in public places. They’re often bright in colours and have pictures on them.Shirley: What are they used for?Amy: They help explain things and give us useful information. They help us find our way, tell us about the places around us and keep us safe from danger. Some signs also warn us not to do something.A2Shirley: Can you give me some examples, Amy?Amy: A sign with a red line across it usually warns us not to do something. Look at this one. There’s a cigarette with a red line across it. It means“No smoking”. You can find it in places like hospitals. And in that one, there’s a camera with a red line across it. It means “No photos”. We often see that sign in places like museums.Shirley: I see. What about this one, Amy? There’s a letter “P” with a red line across it.Amy: It means“No parking”. We can see it in the street.Shirley: In this sign, a person is throwing litter on the ground. There’s a red line across it too. It must mean“No littering”.Amy: Yes, you’re right. It warns people not to throw rubbish around. We can see it in public places like parks.
Speak upLook at this famous painting by Picasso.看看这幅毕加索的名画。Wow! It's excellent! Let me take a photo of it.哇!太棒了!我们给它照张相吧。Please don't take photos, Amy.埃米,请不要拍照。Why not? Look at the sign. It says"No photos".为什么不呢?看那标识牌,上面说“禁止拍照”。We should't take photos here.我们不应该在这拍照。Sorry, I didn't notice that sign just now.对不起,我刚刚没有注意到这个标识。Come and see, Amy! I've seen this painting before.埃米,到这儿来!我一起看见过这幅画。OK. I'm coming, but we shouldn't shout in the museum, Shirley.好的。我来了,但是雪莉,我们不应该在博物馆叫喊。



