
译林版八年级下册 Unit7(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


especially     [ɪs peʃəli]    特别,尤其

basic     [ beɪsɪk]     基础的,基本的

education    [ˌedjʊkeɪʃn]     教育

equal     [ˈiːkw(ə)l]     平等的

right     [raɪt]     权利

spread    [spred]    扩散;分布;展开

interviewer    [ ɪntəvjuːə]    来访者

blindness     失明

mostly   [ məʊstli]     主要地,大部分地

case     [keɪs]     病例;案列

cure    [kjʊə]    治愈

medical    [ˈmedɪk(ə)l]     医学的,医疗的

treatment    [ˈtriːtmənt]   治疗

patient     [ peɪʃənt]    病人

afford    [ə fɔːd]     买得起;能做

go to hospital    去看病

on board     在飞机(船、火车)上

operate    [ˈɒpəreɪt]    做手术

proud    [praʊd]    骄傲的,自豪的

reader    [ riːdə]     读者

medicine    [ medɪsɪn]     医学;

develop    [dɪ veləp]    发展;加强

treat    [triːt]     治疗;处理

carry on     [ˈkærɪɒn]     继续开展,继续下去

leaflet    [ liːflɪt]    传单;散页印刷品

hand out     分发;提出

hold     [həʊld]    容纳 v.拿住,握住,保留

set    [set]     设置;放置,安置

set up    建起,设立

including     包括,包含

war    [wɔː]     战争

organize    [ˈɔːgənaɪz]   组织

pale    [peɪl]    苍白的

matter   [ mætə]    事情,问题,物质,素材

check    [tʃek]    检查

secretary    [ˈsekrətri]     秘书

make up one s mind     决定

India    [ ɪndɪə]    印度

officer   [ˈɒfɪsə]     官员

Comic strip– Eddie, more money is needed for charity. You have some pocket money left. Let’s go and donate it.
– Now? It’s time for lunch.
– Don’t worry. We can have a big lunch after that.
– Hobo, let me have lunch first. I’m too weak to walk any further.
– Come on, Eddie. We only have five kilometres left.
Welcome to the unit– Do you know about any international charities, class?
– Yes. I know about a charity called UNICEF.
– How does UNICEF help people?
– It helps build a better world for everyone, especially children all over the world.
– It provides basic education for children in poor areas.
– It works for the equal rights of girls and women too.
– It also works to prevent the spread of some serious diseases, like AIDS, among young people.
– Perfect! You’ve done a good job.
ReadingInterviewer: Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness.
Dr Ma: About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor areas, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.However, many people don’t have money for medical treatment.
Interviewer: How does ORBIS help?
Dr Ma: ORBIS uses its Flying Eye Hospital to visit poor areas.On the plane, volunteer doctors do operations. The plane is also used as a training centre.
Interviewer: Why don’t you work in a hospital?
Dr Ma: Many of our patients can’t afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them.Also, local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations.We can teach them new skills. By training them, we hope to help more people.
Interviewer: How many operations do you do during a visit?
Dr Ma: During my last visit, I50 patients were operated on.
Interviewer: You’re doing a really important job.
Dr Ma: Thank you. I’m proud to help people see again and improve their lives.
Interviewer: Is there anything else you’d like to say to our readers?
Dr Ma: Yes. Modern medicine is developing quickly and now most eye problems and diseases can be treated and cured.But more money is needed to carry on with our work. We hope more people will support us.
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time, Dr Ma.
Integrated skillsA2
Host: UNICEF works all over the world. It helps make the world a better place for children.
UNICEF wants all children to be healthy, so it provides them with clean water and food, and tries to prevent children from getting illnesses.
When they’re sick, UNICEF pays for them to go to hospital.
UNICEF also believes that it’s important for children to receive basic education. In many countries, families are very poor. Their children have to work to support them. UNICEF helps these children go to school.
UNICEF raises money by selling Christmas cards and organizing other activities.
There are many ways you can support UNICEF. You can donate money or work as a volunteer.
Daniel: UNICEF is part of the United Nations. It was set up in Europe in 1946, after World War Ⅱ. At that time, many children’s lives were changed because of the war, and UNICEF wanted to help them.
Now UNICEF works in over 190 countries and areas. It helps governments, communities and families make the world a better place for children.
UNICEF wants all children to be healthy, so it provides them with clean water and food, and tries to prevent them from getting illnesses. UNICEF also believes that it’s important for children to receive basic education, so it helps them go to school.
UNICEF raises money by selling Christmas cards and organizing other activities. People can support it by donating money or working as volunteers.
Speak up– You look pale. What’s the matter?
– I don’t feel well. I’ve got toothache. It hurts.
– How long have you felt like this?
– For about two days.
– OK. Open your mouth and let me have a check …. Well, it’s nothing serious. Take this medicine after meals three times a day. You’ll be all right in a few days.
– OK. Thanks.
TaskDiana was once a secretary of a big company. She lived in a comfortable flat and drove to work She travelled to many places,but she seldom took the plane. She was afraid of flying.
黛安娜曾经是一家大公司的秘书。她住在一座舒适的公寓里,而且开车去上班。她去过许多地方旅游,但是她很少坐飞机。她害怕飞行。One day,Diana saw a TV programme about ORBIS. She learnt about the Flying Eye Hospital. She wanted to help poor people with eye problems see again,so she made up her mind to train as a nurse and attended courses after work.
一天,黛安娜看到一个关于奥比斯的电视节目。她了解到关于这介飞行眼科医院的事情。她想帮助有眼痰的穷人重见光明,因此她决定接受护士培训,并在下班后去上课。Diana is working for ORBIS now. She has to travel over 300 days a year. She is getting used to travelling by plane.
现在黛安娜在为奥比斯工作。她一年里必须旅行300多天。她习惯于乘飞机往来各地。Diana enjoys her work She is glad to be able to help people see again. She does not have as much money as before,but she thinks her life is more meaningful.



