
译林版九年级下册 Unit2(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


inventor   /n'vent / 发明者

invent   /n'vent / 发明

explore   /k'spl / *探险者;考察者

South African   /saθ 'æfrk()n /  南非人

fighter   /'fat / 斗士,战斗者;战斗机

invention   /n'ven()n / 发明物;创意

Italian   /'tæljn / *意大利人

European   /jr'pin / 欧洲人

Russian   /'r()n / 俄罗斯人

pilot   /'palt / 飞行员

licence   /'lasns / *执照,许可证(英)

license   /'lasns / *执照,许可证(美)

navy   /'nev / *海军

serve   /sv / 服役;服务,招待

test   /test / 测试;检验

aircraft   /'ekrɑft / *飞机,航空器

astronaut   /'æstrnt / *宇航员

spacecraft   /'speskrɑft / *(单复同)宇宙飞船,航天器

spin   /spn / *快速旋转

control   /kn'trl / 控制,支配

out of control   /at v kn'trl /  失去控制,无法管理

order   /'d / 命令,指挥,要求

cut ... short   /kt / . . . /t /  缩短

Pacific   /p'sfk / 太平洋的

ocean   /'()n / *海洋

land   /lænd / (使)着陆,(使)降落

step   /step / 一步(n.);走,跨步(vi)

giant   /'dant / *巨大的;伟大的

leap   /lip / *跳跃;跃升

mankind   /,mæn'kand / *人类

step   /step / 一步(n.);走,跨步(vi)

surface   /'sfs / 表面;表层

further   /'fð / 更多的,更进一步的

citizen   /'stz()n / *公民;市民

pride   /prad / 骄傲;可引以为豪的人(或物)

passage   /'pæsd / 章节,乐段

by hand   /ba hænd /  手工

mathematics   /mæθ()'mætks / 数学(=maths)

scientist   /'santst / 科学家

radium   /'redm / *镭

laboratory   /l'br,t()r / 实验室(=lab)

professor   /pr'fes / *教授

discovery   /d'skv()r / 发现;发现物

unknown   /n'nn / 未知的;不出名的

widely   /'wadl / 广泛地,普遍地

hybrid   /'habrd / *杂交的

title   /'tat()l / *标题;职位名称

agriculture   /'ægrklt / *农业

hunger   /'hg / *饥饿

happen to   /'hæp()n tu /  碰巧

advantage   /d'vɑntd / 优势,有利条件

at present   /æt'prez()nt /  现在,目前

contribution   /kntr'bju()n / *贡献

increase   /n'kris / 增加

production   /pr'dk()n / *生产;产量

development   /d'velpm()nt / 发展


Comic strip

1. Who do you think is the greatest person in history,Eddie?埃迪,你认为史上最伟大的人是谁?2. I think it’s Paul Yum.我认为是保罗•亚姆。3. Paul Yum? I’ve never heard of him.Who’s he?保罗•亚姆?我从没听说过他。他是谁?4. He’s an inventor.He invented my favourite food.他是一位发明家。他发明了我最喜爱的食物。
Welcome to the unit
ReadingThe first man to walk on the MoonNeil Armstrong(1930 – 2012)was the first man to walk on the Moon. Simon is now reading an article about the astronaut and his space travel. Here is the article.尼尔。阿姆斯特朗(1930-2012)是首位漫步月球的人。西蒙现在正在阅读一篇关于这位宇航员和他的太空旅行的文章。这是那篇文章。NEIL ARMSTRONG尼尔•阿姆斯特朗Neil Armstrong was born on 5 August 1930 in Ohio,the USA. He became interestedin flying when he took his first flight at the age of six, He received his student pilot’s licence when he was 16.尼尔•阿姆斯特朗于1930年8月5日出生于美国俄亥俄州。在他6岁参加第一次飞行时,他就开始对飞行感兴趣。他16岁获得了学生飞行员许可证。Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served as a pilot for three years.In1955,he became a rest test pilot. He flew over 1,100 hours and tested all types of aircraft.阿姆斯特朗在1949年加入海军并作为一名飞行员限役三年。在1955年,他成为一名试飞员。他飞行了1 100多个小时,而且测试了各种类型的航空器。In 1962,he was chosen to become an astronaut. In 1966,he went into space as command pilot of Genini8. He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space.However,on their way back to the Earth,the spacecraft began spinning out of control. Armstrong received the order to cut the flight short. He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean.在1962年,他被选拔成为一名宇航员。在1966年,他作为“双子座8号”宇宙飞船的飞行指挥进入太空。他和戴维•斯科特成功地将两个航天器在太空首次交会对接。但是,在他们返回地球的途中,宇宙飞船开始旋转,失去控制。阿姆斯特朗接到缩短航程的指令。他成功地使宇宙飞船落入西太平洋。On 20 July 1969,Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.Together with Buzz Aldrin , he landed the spacecraft Apollo 11 on the Moon.He said the famous words “one small step for (a) man,one giant leap,for mankind” as he stepped out onto the Moon’s surface .1969年7月20日,阿姆斯特朗成为第一个在月球上行走的人。他与巴兹。奥尔德林一起把“阿波罗11号”宇宙飞船降落到了月球上。当他踏上月球表面时,他说了句名言:“对于个人是一小步,对于人类是一个巨大的飞跃”。Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the Moon for about two and a half hours. They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further, research.When Apollo¨returned, the whole world was waiting to greet them They were heroes. Because of his excellent service, Neil Armstrong was presented the Medal of Freedom,the highest award that a US citizen can receive. He was the pride of the whole world.阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林在月球上行走了大约两个半小时。他们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一步研究。当“阿波罗1l号”返回时,全世界(人民)都在等着欢迎他们。他们是英雄。园为他的出色表现,尼尔•阿姆斯特朗被授予自由勋章——一个美国公民可获得的最高奖励。他是全世界的骄傲。
Integrated skillsA2Host: Marie Curie is one of the world’s greatest women and one of the most famous scientists in history, winning the Nobel Prize twice.Marie was born on 7 November 1867 in Warsaw, a city in Poland. She was the fifth and the youngest child of her family. Her father was a science professor and her mother was a music teacher.From an early age, Marie was interested in the work that her father did. She studied hard to become like her father, and finished her high school education at the age of 16.Marie worked as a teacher and saved money so she could continue her studies. In 1891, Marie left Poland and went to Paris to study at a university there. She studied Mathematics and Physics.While Marie was studying at university, she met Pierre Curie, a French scientist, and they got married in 1895. They worked and studied together.Three years after their marriage, Marie and Pierre became famous for discovering radium in their laboratory. This discovery won Marie and Pierre the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.Sadly, Pierre died in a traffic accident in 1906, two and a half years after they won the prize. However, this did not stop Marie from working hard, and in 1911, she won her second Nobel Prize, for Chemistry. Marie Curie died on 4 July 1934, at the age of 67.
Speak upWhy do you admire her?TIP提示You may use the information about different famous people in this unit. You can also search for more information on the Internet or in the library.你可以利用本单元中不同名人的信息。你也可以在互联网上或图书馆里搜寻更多的信息。Millie and Simon are talking about some famous people. Work in pairs and talk about the famous people you admire. Use the conversation below as a model.米莉和西蒙在谈论一些名人。两人一组练习并谈论你所敬佩的名人。使用下面的对话作为范例。Millie:Who do you think is the greatest person in history?米莉:你认为历史上最伟大的人是谁?Simon:Neil Armstrong!I admire him the most.西蒙:尼尔•阿姆斯特朗!我最敬佩他。Millie:Oh, he was the first man to walk on the Moon.米莉:噢,他是第一个在月球上行走的人。Simon:Yes. It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.What about you? Do you admire anybody?西蒙:是的。他能到一个当时人类未知的地方去是很勇敢的。你呢?你有敬佩的人吗?Millie:Yes.I admire Marie Curie.米莉:是的,我敬佩玛丽•居里。Simon:Why do you admire her?西蒙:你为什么敬佩她?Millie:Because she won the Nobel Prize twice. She also pushed for the use of X-ray machines,which are now widely used in hospitals.米莉:因为她两次获得诺贝尔奖。她(居里夫人)还推动了X光设备的使用,这种设备现已在医院广泛应用。



