
译林版九年级下册 Unit3(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


robot  /'rbt / 机器人

post  /pst / 邮寄(英)

explore   /k'spl / *探索;探讨

outer space   /'at spes /  *太空

mail   /mel / 邮寄(美)

brain  /bren / 大脑

whatever   /wt'ev / 任何,一切事物

order   /'d / 订购

suit  /sut / *套装

smoothly  /'smuðl / 平整地;顺利地

iron  /'an / *熨烫

in general   /n 'den()r()l /  总的来说;大体上

satify   /'sætsfa / 满足,使……满意

need   /nid / 需要的事物;欲望

virus  /'vars / *病毒

no longer   /n 'lɡ /  不再

properly  /'prp()l / 正确地,适当地

complete  /km'plit / 完全的,彻底的

mess  /mes / 乱七八糟

lay  /le / 放,搁

store   /st / 储藏,存储

coin   /kn / 硬币

bill   /bl / 账单

private  /'pravt / 私人的

paper   /'pep / 文件,证明

spread     /spred / (使)散开;扩散

wheel   /wil / 轮子,车轮

pill   /pl / *药片;药丸

unsure   /n' / 不确定,没把握

forgetful  /f'getfl / *健忘的

stair  /ste / *楼梯

battery  /'bæt()r / *电池

customer   /'kstm / 消费者,顾客

hold   /hld / (打电话时)等待,不挂断

through   /θru / (电话)接通

put through   /pt θru /  给……接通(电话)

satified   /'sætsfad / 满意的,满足的

be satisfied with   /bi 'sætsfad wð /  对……感到满意

first of all   /fst v l /  首先

quality   /'kwlt / *质量

up to standard   /p tu 'stændd /  达到标准

completely   /km'plitl / 完全地

regret   /r'gret / 后悔;遗憾

product  /'prdkt / 产品,成果

Comic stripl. -What are you doing,Eddie?你正在做什么,埃迪?-I'm writing a letter.我在写信。2. -You're too lazy. I'm complaining about you to the robot shop.你太懒了。我在向机器人商店投诉你。-Oh dear!I can explain!哦,天啊!我可以解释!3. -No, Hobo. It's too late. Post this for me.不,霍波,太晚了。给我把这封信寄出去。-All right,Eddie.好吧,埃迪。4. Eddie,I don't know when I'll post the letter for you.埃迪,我不知道什么时候会把这封信给你寄出去。
Welcome to the unit
Amy is asking Daniel how robots could help us in our daily lives. Work in pairs and talk about your ideas. Use the conversation below as a model.

埃米正在询问丹尼尔机器人在日常生活中能怎么帮助我们。结对练习并谈论你的想法。用下面的对话作范例。Amy:Would robots have brains in the future,Daniel?埃米:丹尼尔,将来机器人会有大脑吗?Daniel:Yes,they would. So they could do whatever they're asked to.丹尼尔:是的,它们会有。因此它们能做被要求做的一切事。Amy:That sounds useful.How could robots help us?埃米:那听起来很有用。机器人能怎么帮助我们?Daniel:They could do dangerous jobs like putting out fires or working on high buildings.丹尼尔:它们能做危险的工作,像灭火或者在高褛上工作。Amy:That's great! Could robots help you and me in any way?埃米:那太棒了!机器人能以任何方式帮助我和你吗?Daniel:Of course. They could help us with our homework.丹尼尔:当然了。它们能帮助我们故家庭作业。Amy:Wow! I'd like to have one!埃米:哇!我想要一个!
Living with a robotDaniel is very interested in robots. He found an interesting story in this month's Robot magazine. Here is the story.

丹尼尔对机器人很感兴趣。他在本月的《机器人》杂志上发现了一个有趣的故事。这是这个故事。The home robot

家庭机器人Mr Jiang is a manager of a big company in Sunshine Town He is always too busy to have any time to relax “I have to buy a robot so that I can have more free time” Mr Jiang thought. So he ordered one from a robot shop. The robot made Mr Jiang's life much easier. When he got up in the morning.breakfast was made,his business suit was smoothly ironed,and his lunch box was already prepared. That made him very happy.江先生是阳光镇一家大公司的经理。他总是太忙没有时间放松。“我必须买个机器人,这样我就能有更多的空闲时间了,”江先生想。因此他从机器人商店订购了一个机器人。那个机器人让江先生的生活轻松多了。当他早上起床时,早饭做好了。商务套装熨烫得很平整,午餐盒也已经准备好了。那让他很高兴。While Mr Jiang was at work,the robot would do all the housework. It would go shopping at the supermarket as well.当江先生在工作时,那个机器人会做所有的家务。它也会去超市购物。When Mr Jiang returned home from work,his flat would look as good as new,and a delicious dinner would be ready for him. After clinner,the robot would tidy up.That allowed Mr Jiang to do whatever he liked. He would watch TV or do some reading.当江先生下班回家时,他的公寓看起来会像新的一样好,并且美味的晚餐也会为他准备好。晚餐后,机器人会收拾干净。那使江先生可以做他喜欢做的一切事。他会看电视或者读书。It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang's needs.看来,这个机器人大体上满足了江先生的需求。After a few comfortable weeks,however,things star ted to go wrong.@ The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly,It began to make stupid mistakes.Sometimes it woke Mr Jiang up at four o'clock in the morning.When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess, food was laid on the bed;milk was stored in the rubbish bin;coins,bills and his private papers were spread all over the floor.Moreover,the robot moved too fast on its wheels and often knocked things over.Mr Jiang did not know what to do with it.然而,几周舒适的生活之后,情况开始不对了。机器人感染了病毒,不再正常地工作了。它开始犯愚蠢的错误。有时它在早上4点钟叫醒江先生。当江先生回到家,他会发现公寓里乱作一团:食物被放在床上,牛奶被储存在垃圾桶里,硬币、账单和他的私人文件撒得满地都是。此外,机器人的轮子移动得大快,经常撞翻东西。江先生不知道怎么处理它。In the end,Mr Jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop.Robots can help people a lot,but they can also be too much trouble!最后,江先生决定把机器人退回机器人商店。机器人能帮助人们很多,但是它们也有太多的麻烦!
Integrated skills
A2Host: Good morning, everybody. There’s going to be a robot show this week. Robots from China, Japan and South Korea will be displayed. The show will be held at the town hall. Here we have Lucy, a robot engineer, to tell us about her robot. Lucy, what’s special about your robot?Lucy: My robot is designed to help students with their homework.Host: I see. What can it do?Lucy: It can read a book in five minutes and tell you what it’s about in clear language.Host: That’s very nice. What else can you tell us about it?Lucy: It has a good memory. It can answer any questions that you have, and it never gets anything wrong.Host: Great! But will it get tired?Lucy: No. If the batteries are OK, it can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week for eight weeks. It’s always there to help you.Host: What do we need to do to take care of the robot?Lucy: You need to give it some oil every month and change the batteries every two months.Host: I see. Thank you very much, Lucy. I’m sure a lot of students and parents will like your robot very much.Lucy: I hope so. Thank you.
Speak up
My robot has caught a virus.Mr Jiang is calling the robot shop. Work in groups of three and make a phone call talking about what,kind of service you need. Use the conversation below as a model.

江先生正在给机器人商店打电话。三人一组练习。打电话谈论你需要哪种服务。用下面的对话作范例。Woman l:Hello! Can I help you?妇女1:你好!你有什么需要?Mr Jiang:Hello! I'd like to speak to the Customer Service Department.江先生:你好!我想和客户服务部通话。Woman 1:Please hold and I'll put you through.妇女1:请别挂断,我会给你接通电话。(5 seconds later)(5秒钟后)Woman 2:Hello! This is the Customer Service妇女2:你好!这里是客户服务部。Department. What can I do for you?你有什么需要?Mr Jiang:My robot has caught a virus and it has gone wrong.江先生:我的机器人感染了病毒,它由问题了。Woman 2:I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like.us to have it checked?妇女2:很抱歉听到这些。你想让我们找人检查一下它吗?Mr Jiang:Yes,please. Thanks.江先生:是的。谢谢。Woman 2:OK, Our robot engineer will contact you soon.妇女2:好的。我们的机器人工程师会很快和你联系。
The robot shop sent a reply to Daniel. Read the reply with Daniel.

机器人商店给丹尼尔发来答复(信)。和丹尼尔读该答复(信)。Dear Mr Chen,亲爱的陈先生:We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied听说你对你的机器人不满意,with your robot. We understand why you are so angry.We would like to send you a new robot.You will only need to put the batteries in to make it work.对此我们感到抱歉。我们理解你为什么如此生气。我们愿意发给你一个新的机器人。你只需要把电池放进去它就能工作。Of course,you can have your money back if you would riot accept our new product .However, we hope that you will give it a try. We are sure that you will like it. You are welcome to let us know whenever you are not satisfied with it.当然了,如果你不接受我们的新产品,你可以拿回你的钱。然而,我们希望你会试一下它。我们确信你会喜欢它的。无论什么时候你对它不满意,欢迎告知我们。Please tell us your decision. If the new robot is your choice,please let us know when we can send it to you.请告诉我们你的决定。如果这个新的机器人是你的选择,请让我们知道我们什么时候可以把它发给你。We look forward to hearing from you soon.我们盼望能很快收到你的来信。Yours sincerely,你真诚的,Lin Fang林芳Manager经理



